Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

I Hate Everyone

Been thinking about this one for awhile. See, just had someone new start at work, and as we were getting to know each other, I gave her this heads up. Now, when I say it, I know it's not true. Cripes, quite like this new person, shocked that I actually enjoyed my time with her. However, I had to warn her, because...she didn't have to spend much time with me, to hear the words "ooohhh..I hate her", or "yuck, I hate him" when someone was mentioned, or the unfortunate soul happened to walk by.
  When did this happen? When did I get so damn picky about others, who thankfully I don't have to spend any amount of time with? I don't remember hating people when I was a kid. Oh, maybe I told my parents a time or two, I hated them. Perhaps (actually, no perhaps, for sure) there might have been a teacher that made me cringe, and the words flew out of my gob. However, hate, itself was not rampant back in the day.
  This hate is something that has evolved in the past decade. I realize, in my life, the dream is to get away..away from the public, away from hum drum, somewhere I only have to socialize with my honey, my family, and my pets. They are the only souls that have a "get out of jail free" card when it comes to the Hate issue. Cripes, there are even moments when I state I "Hate" them, but those moments dissolve quickly. With others, the moments just turn to cement. Whatever they have done, that pi$$ed me off for a glimpse in time, grows insanely large, and turns into what I perceive as hate.
  I expect if I headed over for some therapy, the Doctor would likely inform me what I feel is NOT hate, it is dislike. O.K. words, schmurds...I have labeled this hate. This word, in my world, means, I do not want anything to do with the individual. I don't want to see them, speak to them, hear them speak, be in the same room as them, even if we are separated by a 1/2 mile...They do not belong in my territory.
 I admit, in the back of my mind, I would like all of these people to disappear in a puff of smoke (see, I am not a witch, because if I was, there would be hundreds of smoking spots, all about town). I realize, just because I wish they would evaporate, there are larger groups that wish to keep them around, maybe children, spouses, and..those folks with low expectations who call them friends (my expectations only allow the best to become my friends,lol).
  This issue has become so massive, there is not a single day that I leave my house, and do not come upon one of these Hated people. Most of the time, I am alone when I run into this problem. It is easy enough to deal with, I simply mutter (like a ventriloquist) to myself, ignore them, if at all possible, and do what I have to do. Thing is, all of this takes a tiny bit of energy...do you think this is why I am tired all of the time? Do you think that I have, oh so many on my hate list, I am expending an incredible amount of energy throughout the day, dealing with the "hate/dislike thing? Hey, could very well be possible!
  Lord love us, what am I to do? I admit, I tried more than once to overcome my problem. I have been told "they are really nice, you just need to get to know them" a couple of times by those lucky enough to escape the hate label. Fine!!! I try, and....nope...doesn't work, just gets worse. I will admit, some people I have known for many years, and never actually sat down and chatted with, because I didn't feel we had anything in common, have recently become little bright spots in my life, and...now are new FB friends, after years of just acknowledgement. However, this person, I never used the Hate word with. I think I am open..I just either have unusually high standards for folks I chose to give my time to, or....and this is more likely...I have a low tolerance for idiots!
  My buddy will warn people when they say something about someone.."oops, watch out, she hates them". I don't candy coat a thing in my life, not going to argue the truth when she says that, just nod my head, or confirm. Those who are a part of my life, are well aware of everyone I hate. They try to convince me I am wrong..Hah!! I will pause and knock off the cement for a moment, to allow them to prove me wrong, but thankfully this cement is easily replaced, and hardens immediately. There have been a very few times the cement has been exchanged for some heavy mud, but..not often.
  Most of the time, those privy to hear of all my hates, are not a part of the collection..however, I really think, those who do spend time with me, against my better judgement, who are in the collection, either must be totally clueless, or perhaps the feeling is mutual, and this is their way to pi$$ me off, for their personal enjoyment?
  As I put this down, I sound like a horrible person, but, facts are, I am not!! I can't be all bad. I have the world's most incredible friends, my kids still claim me as their mother, my honey is still beside me, and I do laugh, and smile occasionally. I understand my limitations, when it comes to dealing with other human beings. I spent umpteen years working with the public, smiling and making nice, but, my take on this..people have just so much patience and tolerance (O.K. most have a tad more than I was handed out), and I apparently used all of mine up.
  So..if anyone hears that Costco has a bulk supply of patience for sale for Christmas, give me a shout. Otherwise, I will continue to throw a coat of cement on unsuspecting folks, when the urge hits me. Shutting those I cannot stand, out of my life, allows me to save the tiny little bit of patience for those who matter. I am proud that those who I spend my time with, are those I like and love, I think I am very lucky, that I only have to tolerate once in awhile, and...I know I do NOT do a good job when I attempt to tolerate..but, I can deal with that!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Sigh of Relief

 I have been gone, a very long time. Missed my time ranting away, but, life just sort of snowballed, and just today, I feel like I have given a sigh of relief, and I am slowly making my way back to "normal". This is a good sign, the urge to sit down and visit, and have my say, perhaps, it is what I have needed all along, the ability to let off steam, while blogging.
  Oh cripes, I have sooooo..much stuff festering away, not quite sure where to start, but, I need to start somewhere. Maybe I can focus on something I witnessed recently, that, perhaps made me look at myself a little more closely.
  I have admitted I managed to raise 3 babies to adulthood. All three of these individuals, at one time or another, had a hissy fit. Oh, it might have been in a store, when they got a "NO" to something they wanted, it might have been at home, when they were told they were being sent to bed for some mistake, it might have been out side when they were told play time was over, but..they all had them. As they grew older, they let off on the hissy fits, to start the "wall of silence", hey, I usually enjoyed that one, peace and quiet, all the while knowing they were stabbing me with their eyes. When they got old enough, they simply went off on their own, usually mumbling stuff, but, hey, I was young once too, and did exactly the same.
 However, they are all over 21 , now, and if they have hissy fits, I don't see them. Do I have hissy fits? Yep, I do, usually it is when I am trying to make a point, and I get louder and louder, when I feel no one is hearing me. I don't stomp my tiny little hooves, and I don't throw things, because, after 58 years, I have learned, stomping my feet, makes me look like a moron, and people will shake their heads and laugh, and throwing things, will only cause stuff to break, and....fixing or replacing broken stuff, costs money. Who the heck wants to have to pay money, because they had a moment of insanity? I also do NOT allow myself to display these fits outside of my own home...well, most of the time. When I feel the loss of control, I will find anyway possible to get away from others, so I do not make a total idiot out of myself.
 Sadly, not every adult feels the same sense of shame, losing their grown-up face around others. Some seem to do it on a steady basis. Some seem to think that the world still revolves around them. They do NOT feel the need to adapt, and perhaps use some of that limited CS (commonsense), in fact, I don't think they possess CS, because, somehow, they have managed to make their way through life, with others accepting their lack of such, and actually making excuses for this lack.
  When the whole world appears to have learned to accept the lack of proper decorum, and each time the same individual has a childish hissy fit, others are told to let it slide, it is expected. WTF???? No, it is only expected, because those who have condoned it for a whole adult life, have, in fact, made everyone who must experience this, suffer.
  It is one thing to have a 5 year old child have a hissy fit. An adult can simply pick them up, remove them from the public eye, and...send them to bed, or..scold them. They do get punished, because hissy fits, are frowned upon, and if they are within a household, they are stopped, because they affect the lives of other innocent folks. How do you deal with a grown adult, far too large to pick up and remove? How do you scold someone who is a peer? How do you stop something that has become common knowledge, something that other commiserate with, when told of the latest?
  My take, no stomping, but, definitely past time to put my little hooves down. I refuse to spend my time, dealing with stuff I did not accept from my 5 year old children. I will no longer turn my head, and spend hours walking on eggshells, so as not to set another hissy fit off. I have adapted to my relationship of 28 years, I have adapted to the changes of my 3 children over the past 34 years, however, this adaptation was a joint venture between all involved. Hissy fits, NOT accepted at this stage of life!!
  So, if I happen upon yet another of these displays of extreme childish behavior, I am not going to stay silent, any longer. I am going to do my best to pick the offender up...O.K. so I'm not going to actually lift them....however, they will be asked to remove themselves, until such time as they get a grip, learn the world is not revolving around them, and GROW UP!!!
BTW: Just a sidebar...If you think this is you, perhaps it is.....