Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Carbon Farce

People are much like sheep..Somehow their brains cease to function and they follow blindly along with the masses. Not a single one manages to open their own mind up and seek the facts. A group of those in positions of power, and wealth state they know the facts, and...suddenly, it is accepted as truth. Really? Is that how the world suddenly decided that humanity can control nature?
  One only has to read a tiny amount of history to realize, what we are being told today, is a big pile of horse sh*t. I admit I was not the world's greatest student, however, some of my studies interested me, and I do remember them. I remember socials class taught the "ages". Now this is beyond religion, this is indeed based on facts. You probably know some of these..thanks in part to Pixar..we know there was an "Ice age" that occurred a few moments before humanity, or for all I know some folks were about..but, think hard..whatever happened to the Dinosaurs? Not a lick of that has to do with people, be definitely carbon played a big part..
  See..there are these natural formations called Volcanos. I know everyone has heard of these things. Remember Pompeii? In fact, we don't have to go too far back in history to recall some pretty massive eruptions during our own lifetimes.
  A friend posted a while ago about the year without summer in 1816. Did you ever hear of that? A massive volcano erupted in Indonesia..it was a biggie! A result of all volcano eruptions is ash. Yes, the very stuff everyone is harping and combating and dishing out fist fulls of money over.Not only are they harping..those in positions of power are in fact profiting greatly by the sheep, that feed into this farce.
  Carbon tax..the newest form of government money grabbing. It has caused serious economic hardships in the countries that have been informed they are "bad" people. The countries that had regulations and rules to ensure factories and resource extracting companies did their utmost to limit emissions. Think back,,,remember the big "Ozone" crapola? Goodness, I gave up hairspray for that..stupid sheep! Lots of companies lost out, had huge expenses as a result of that farce, but lo and behold..we are O.K. now!! So, onto some other form of sh*t..lets bash carbon! Lets make one continent..O.K. maybe a couple follow insane strict guidelines, but...we will sit back quietly and let one of the biggest, just spew all they like, turning blind eyes to any and all regulations. In fact...hey..we are going to fund the folks doing this, at the expense of the economy of the rule abiding countries.
 Sorry, no matter how hard I try, I just cannot figure this plan out. I think that is because...it just doesn't make a lick of common sense. Go ahead tell me sending butt loads of money to countries who blatantly disregard carbon emissions, who have somehow managed to get almost all the manufacturing jobs in the world, at the cheapest possible price (no regulations) and spew massive amounts negating the rest of the worlds output, makes sense? Basically all we are doing is..paying these countries who don't follow the rules, money to make money, leaving us without money! But..lucky us, we can claim our emissions are diddly squat compared to those countries suddenly the money powers.
  I digress..I was speaking about volcanoes and 1816, right? Well when that volcano way off in nowhere land erupted, guess what happened? Whole parts of the world, suddenly had a massive climate change. The ash from this volcano caused darkness, and, along with the darkness, summer disappeared. Farmers were unable to grow crops, floods, monsoons, drought, occurred all over the planet.  Now a carbon emission like this is more than possible today. there are certainly volcanoes everywhere on the planet, and..one eruptions is all it would take to return us to the year of the missing summer.
  So,,,what exactly would our government imposed carbon tax do to protect us from this? F*CK ALL! This tax is nothing but a feel good government money grab! Climate change is NOT within our control!! In the timeline of an hour, our tax and regulations don't even amount to a minute! We sit back watching others spew massive amounts into the atmosphere, shaking their leaders hands, and giving them gifts of money to continue to disregard the strict rules we place on ourselves. What the H-ll is wrong with our leaders? If these money making countries won't follow the rules we impose on ourselves, destroying our own economy, why are we not just simply imposing embargoes? I think that might work, and ...cripes it makes total sense to me!! Then we can begin to make jobs and money producing our own stuff knowing full well it is done with far lower carbon footprints.
  But..again...all it will take is one big eruption in the right place, at the wrong time, and Mother Nature is NOT going to big forking out a dime for her emissions.
  Sorry folks, although we seem to think we are the top of the chain, we are simply animals living on a mass that lives by it's own rules. We are nothing more than dinosaurs, with no control over our future. The only difference between ourselves and those extinct, is, we have technology, but we have not invented anything capable of plugging volcanoes..so..just like the ice age, we are simply here to go along for the ride..and maybe we will be able to adapt and survive..or maybe not!! We simply cannot buy our way out of this!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Mom's Are People Too

  Here we go, a little food for thought!  Not long ago, a very dear friend lost his Mother. Now, he had no warning, it happened suddenly, and needless to say, he was devastated. His Dad passed some years back, so..now he is an orphan! Isn't that how it goes, you lose both parents and you are an orphan?
  Generally we think of orphans as children. How very sad, a young child, without their Mom and Dad. Well, surprise!! Orphans come in all ages. I became one in my late 40's, my friend was "licky" enough not to experience this until he turned 60. Does the age matter? I suppose in some respects. Of course children are not capable of making their way into adulthood without support, so we have that. But, in truth, becoming an orphan is painful no matter how old one is.
  As most of you know by now, I lost my Mom at the age of 26. I had a small child, and I was clueless. My Mom was my go-to person. O.K. granted many times she offered "suggestions" and many time I ignored them, but when incidents occurred, she was the one I called, and she was the one I would find comfort from, even if she didn't have the solution, I was no longer in something alone, I had my Mom there, and somehow everything was going to work out fine.
  As I have aged, along with my good buddy, who was blessed to have her Mom a phonecall away into her mature years, both of us have come to realize something others probably do not understand until it is too late. That woman who we saw as a Mother, was also a person. See, the older I get, as a Mom, the more time I have to think back, and regret. I regret that I never had the ability to allow her to show me the person. In truth, perhaps she tried, but, I was unable to look past the title she held from the moment I met her. She had a position I expected her to uphold forever, well, I suppose most Mom's do. She did an amazing job, but..I just didn't understand there was someone else behind the job.
  I am not sure if I am putting this in the correct context. I certainly do not wish for my children to think this is directed at them, because it is not. I actually think my kids have far more insight that I am someone beside their Mom, than I did with my Mother. Maybe because I scream and holler much more? Maybe because I complain so often? Maybe because they have seen me break down on more than one occasion?
  See, My Mom just didn't do those things. O.K. in time, and with memories, I can remember little tiny hints of the person beyond the title. She must have got fed up often. She worked far harder than I have, she kept a spotless home, cooked, baked, sewed (well buttons and rips). She broke my Dad's shoes in for him..Yep, I remember her wearing a couple of pairs of wool socks, and his new shoes, so he didn't have to risk a blister. She did the dishes every single night..because her kids never stepped up to the plate. When she was diagnosed with Cancer the first time, I remember her making meals and freezing them, so my Dad wouldn't have to worry when she was in the hospital.I do remember asking her why she was doing this, because in my mind she should have been thinking of herself, but she didn't. Even then, she considered her family.There had to be a selfish bone somewhere inside her, but I don't remember seeing it in the 26 years I knew her. I wonder, if she had not left so soon, would I indeed have become her friend? Would she have told me of her dreams, and regrets? I wish so much now, I had the foresight to even inquire.
  My friend was given the gift of becoming his Mom's friend. He knows who she was beyond the title Mom. I know he doesn't think he is lucky, I understand he is overwhelmed by loss, but, he will see, as time goes by and the pain lessens, he was given a chance many of us never had. He saw the woman, and was given a glimpse of the child she had been, and a lifetime with a Mom, who was able to simply be a friend without all the pressure of raising a family and supporting a working husband. She was able to be herself with him, a person with feelings, and dreams, and memories.
  Trust me, my kids hear my moans about the loss of dreams, and the complaints about the inability to be selfish, which basically is just being selfish.. I am certainly open with the fact that the person beyond Mom is screaming to be recognized. They have met my golden friends, so they know I was Me, long before I was Mom, and yes, I admit, there are times I miss Me, but not near as many times as I regret, not knowing the "Me" behind my Mother.I was selfish, it took me decades of living a split personality, to understand, behind every Mother, there is a Me, and I never knew the most important Me in my life!
  So, in case you are lucky enough to have the woman who has spent your lifetime as Mom, still with you, maybe ensure you take a moment or two, and remember, before you, she was a person. She had a life, she had dreams (goodness maybe her dream was simply to be a Mom?) and the moment she was given the title MOM that person did not disappear. Mom's are people too, just like you!!

Thursday, 6 October 2016


So, as some know, I am kind of living in "Limbo". Not really the greatest place to be, but..clearly my life is not one of simplicity, no matter how much I strive for it.
  I imagine there are those who wish for my problems, and I understand, there are those who have far greater issues than I, so for that, I am grateful! Yes, I am jealous of those who seem to flow flawlessly through life, or even those who experience the odd little bump along the way. Mine, well, life is a dirt road, filled with pot holes that cannot be missed. I must hit each and every one of them, and some are pretty damn deep.
  The past 5-6 years have been particularly bumpy, and as a result, I spent a great deal of time in what was lovingly referred to, as the Bat Cave. That was really, the basement of our home. It took a fair bit of adjustment, but it ultimately was my personal choice, and it has actually changed me.
  Our home is lovely! I have written in the past about the river view, and the windows and french doors that allow bright light to fill the home from early morning until dusk. Why would someone choose to go through the basement door, and spend all their days in semi darkness? Well, the first time was for financial well being. That one was kind of hard. The basement is unfinished, which means no ceiling (not the first time I have resided in a home without a ceiling). No ceiling means...spider friendly!! I am well known for my irrational fear of these insects, but when push came to shove, I managed to suck it up, and survive. Not only did I survive, I actually learned to love the Bat Cave.
  It was simple! Just enough furnishing to provide comfort, a bed, a love seat, a coffee table, TV and a spot for my computer. Guess what folks....I came to realize, that is all one needs! It actually made  life simple. The second time I headed down there, it was my desire. I left the bright sunny, enormous living area, and hauled my chunky a$$ down into the bat cave, breathing a sigh of relief. Back to simplicity. Back to the place that did not require a huge amount of upkeep, taking up tons of my time, back to the simple basics.
  See, I like the basics. Anything beyond, requires work, and ultimately, I am lazy! Small area, less work! Sure, maybe sometimes it looks a little unkempt, but..hey, who am I trying to impress? Personal space, is no different than personal friends. You don't need a sh*t load of either. What you need are the basics.
  Right now, I am not at home in the Bat Cave, instead I am back in our hovel, that we left 12 years ago. It has a bit more space than the Bat Cave, and...it does now have a ceiling! It is basic, old, in need of refreshing, but basic. Everything one needs is here...maybe a wee bit more light than the bat cave. I am also pretty much alone 5 days out of the week. That may sound harsh, but previously, I was alone 7 days a week, so big bonus!
  I am also away from the place that was home for 12 years, returning to one that my friends all left, at almost the same time as we did. That means, I have no social life. Ooops..now don't feel sorry for me! Heading into my Bat Cave was pretty much the beginning of the end of the need for people. I adjusted to the cave, as I imagine a Hermit adjusts to his place away from the world. The need for others has diminished, almost to the point I prefer alone.
  I have had visits from those I deem important, all folks and family from elsewhere. I see my honey and son 2 days a week (sort of), and in truth, besides family, and of course all my "St. Olaf friends" and my dear MC, there is one single person that I wish was here. Funny that! We call, and chat, and truthfully, even when I was in the Bat Cave, this was often how life was, even though she was just up the road.
  12 years! And it all boils down to missing one person! I don't miss my house, I don't miss my Bat Cave, I don't miss my surroundings, I just miss that simple pleasure of the ability to jump in my car when the urge hits and spend venting time with one particular person. 12 years! That tells me how very important a good friend is. Oh, I touch base with some others, folks who touched my life, over this period..mostly work related..because for many of those years, my job WAS my life, but, I don't miss it at all!! Makes one wonder, a whole decade and some, and simple as air to just erase..no regrets, a chapter done, the book closed.
  I think what I learned was to embrace the basics. To forget all of the trappings and do what is necessary to have that which is important in life. Simplicity is what I strive for. I want that which makes me happy, and to have that which causes stress, and struggle gone. Guess what? It's not that easy to get to this point. In fact, right now I am simply going with the flow, knowing that very soon, reality will kick in, and I may end up back in the Bat Cave, all alone. Not something I want, in fact I dread it, because it will be for the long, very dark, cold winter. Sort of got a great big pot hole that is difficult to climb out of. The simple life is not an easy destination. It is out there, very close, but..likely requiring yet another payment. I don't want to pay anymore, this debt hangs heavy, because it is something I have to do all by myself. Much as I enjoy my personal space, I also look forwards to having my honey with me, something that has become very difficult with the economics of our time. Life in the Bat Cave does not allow for time together, especially in the winter, so...it seems I may be making many trips up the road, to the one person who matters in that world!
  Funny, a great part of my life was spent trying to grab the brass ring, to have a lovely home, and things..things that don't really matter diddly (O.K. do really miss our travel trailer). Now I find all I want to do is get rid of all of that. Is it because our children are all grown? Maybe..maybe that is a part of it. But, mostly I think it is because I know this sh*t is not what life is about, at least my life. Simple, quiet, comfort, those 3 words are what I wish to strive for..and..again..not easy to acquire, but I think they might be possible. Just one more payment!

Monday, 3 October 2016

Pied Piper Politics

  Wow! As someone who has been around for a wee bit, I am absolutely flabbergasted at the citizens of the so called "free-world". WTF is wrong with everyone?
  I am blown away by the Americans but they are just following in our own footsteps when it comes to electing a leader of their country. How can two countries be filled with such idiots? How did the majority of the populations become so set on either drama or drama teachers? How did a whole continent become so accepting of blatant lies, appearance, narcissism, and wealth?
  Sure there is a smigeon of difference between our Narcissistic Prime Minister and the twit running for top office in the States. One is a bleeding heart for any minority, and the other is a discriminatory Ahole to anyone who doesn't fit in his tiny little puzzle slot. Ooops..almost forgot..our stupid twat has "beautiful hair" the other one..well..not quite sure what he had slapped on top of his beanie. But, they both think their sh* doesn't stink, and everyone else has real smelly stuff! They both come from wealth, and claim to understand the working class, but clearly they have no clue. Oh, hey, get someone to write some cue cards or whisper in their ear piece what they think those working drones want to hear, make a few promises on how they will brighten those lives, and Bam!! instant sheeple.
  Folks in the USA, look beyond Justin's hair and fake smiles, look what we are dealing with, because stupid people wanted Change. That's how he got in, promising change. We were just like you, jobs were disappearing, taxes were through the roof, and the middle class was suddenly the working poor. No matter how hard we tried, we could not manage because every penny was going out the door. The cost of living rose, the wage didn't. The government took more and more, and folks who worked hard for their money, suddenly had to pay for those who didn't.
  How has change worked for us? Well, now instead of just working to pay money to those who don't work in our country, we are now paying money to a bunch of other countries, as well. The biggest change, if one dares to question what this selfie King is doing, we suddenly become bigots, racists, and old-fashioned. It is clear anyone who is concerned over the spending habits of our present government is old-fashioned. It is suddenly acceptable to spend tax dollars willy nilly, with a great big cheshire cat smile, and no concern how the bills are going to be paid. This is the new age, the age of Liberal thinking, the age where budgets balance themselves.  That only happens when you live on a trust fund, his budget balances itself, because...he doesn't have to work!
  Sure you folks across the line have someone a wee bit different, but again..the serious need for Change is what this is snowballing along on. So, you get the promise of change, but that promise enables you to turn a totally blind eye to all the red flags sprouting up. The lies are excused, the superior attitude, or as I call it, the "Holier than thou syndrome" is ignored, the obvious lack of any semblance of intelligence is overlooked, because...the bully has brought along the bells and whistles, and clearly there are far too many folks who love the circus.
  Your candidate is a fool, no different than the one our country voted in. A fool who thinks leading a country is something fun they want to add to their bucket list. Again, the big difference, ours enjoys showing the world how cool he is, Gay Pride parades, slepping around Mosques, hob nobbing with the rich and famous, and blaming every single F*ck up on the previous government. He lied bold face the First Nations, he lied bold face to middle class Canadians, he lied bold face to Veterans, he clearly ran on a big platform of happy face stuff, that suddenly he can't possibly accomplish...or..maybe he is too busy to even consider.
  Your fellow, well..first off, he does not play nice with others. So, perhaps your country has far too many Deliverance people coming out of the wood work who truly want to go back into the dark ages. Women are second class citizens, based on their appearance, disabled are the brunt of jokes, colour DOES matter, walls are promised. WTF???
  Be very very careful of change. Be sure you are ready for what you are embracing. We apparently wanted change, and we got it!! We got a deficit that boogles the mind. We have a grinning idiot, taking his shirt off to allow vapid women too swoon, we have a leader who on one hand sticks his tongue out while prancing in the Pride parades, and the next claims to support a religion that opposes women and Gays. We have a two faced buffoon who promised to up hold First Nations United Nations rights, and...just recently stabbed that whole group in the back, after a ton of selfies flitting about trying desperately to get a seat with the UN.
  Change!! The Pied piper charmed the children with his music, and dancing. He led them down the garden path away from their homes and families, leaving a whole generation lost. Mr. Justin has been in politics for almost a year, he has caused the middle class to suffer, he has given to the minorities, and forgotten where his pay cheque comes from. Mr. Trump, well, it only takes a moment to google how he treats his middle class workers, yet..a whole country assumes once he is in power he will change. Not going to happen folks!! The only change you are going to see is, the doors in and out of your country will slam shut. I foresee a few embargoes dropped on President Trump, because he does not play nice with people. He lives in the dark ages, a plantation owner without a plantation.
  Hey...like us, you don't have much choice. I believe in conservatism, which is why my leader makes me want to vomit, you, well..sadly I believe your orange skinned, squint eyed, red-neck lunatic, is the lesser of two evils...and that is very disturbing!!
  So...why do we have to accept less than what we deserve? Is there no one in either of our countries that is a better option? If one sees something/someone is not quite working out, why do they have to sit back and accept it for an allotted time period? Those running our countries, run our lives, they are put in place to work for us..all of us, not just selective clumps of us. They are put in place to drive our economy, to ensure we thrive, and our coffers fill. They are there to make us safe and secure,, and to ensure equal rights, and promises kept. At the very first lie, that cannot be explained ..the leader of a country should be out on their ear. You lie to your employer, they can fire you, why is the top position in a country any different? We are employing these people, they have a job description, and they have a whole sh*tload of employers wanting them to do their job. If they can't/won't do it, dump them and find someone better..they have to be out there!! These two twits and Hilarity can't possibly be the cream of the crop!!

Pied Piper Politics!

  Wow! As someone who has been around for a wee bit, I am absolutely flabbergasted at the citizens of the so called "free-world". WTF is wrong with everyone?
  I am blown away by the Americans but they are just following in our own footsteps when it comes to electing a leader of their country. How can two countries be filled with such idiots? How did the majority of the populations become so set on either drama or drama teachers? How did a whole continent become so accepting of blatant lies, appearance, narcissism, and wealth?
  Sure there is a smigeon of difference between our Narcissistic Prime Minister and the twit running for top office in the States. One is a bleeding heart for any minority, and the other is a discriminatory Ahole to anyone who doesn't fit in his tiny little puzzle slot. Ooops..almost forgot..our stupid twat has "beautiful hair" the other one..well..not quite sure what he had slapped on top of his beanie. But, they both think their sh* doesn't stink, and everyone else has real smelly stuff! They both come from wealth, and claim to understand the working class, but clearly they have no clue. Oh, hey, get someone to write some cue cards or whisper in their ear piece what they think those working drones want to hear, make a few promises on how they will brighten those lives, and Bam!! instant sheeple.
  Folks in the USA, look beyond Justin's hair and fake smiles, look what we are dealing with, because stupid people wanted Change. That's how he got in, promising change. We were just like you, jobs were disappearing, taxes were through the roof, and the middle class was suddenly the working poor. No matter how hard we tried, we could not manage because every penny was going out the door. The cost of living rose, the wage didn't. The government took more and more, and folks who worked hard for their money, suddenly had to pay for those who didn't.
  How has change worked for us? Well, now instead of just working to pay money to those who don't work in our country, we are now paying money to a bunch of other countries, as well. The biggest change, if one dares to question what this selfie King is doing, we suddenly become bigots, racists, and old-fashioned. It is clear anyone who is concerned over the spending habits of our present government is old-fashioned. It is suddenly acceptable to spend tax dollars willy nilly, with a great big cheshire cat smile, and no concern how the bills are going to be paid. This is the new age, the age of Liberal thinking, the age where budgets balance themselves.  That only happens when you live on a trust fund, his budget balances itself, because...he doesn't have to work!
  Sure you folks across the line have someone a wee bit different, but again..the serious need for Change is what this is snowballing along on. So, you get the promise of change, but that promise enables you to turn a totally blind eye to all the red flags sprouting up. The lies are excused, the superior attitude, or as I call it, the "Holier than thou syndrome" is ignored, the obvious lack of any semblance of intelligence is overlooked, because...the bully has brought along the bells and whistles, and clearly there are far too many folks who love the circus.
  Your candidate is a fool, no different than the one our country voted in. A fool who thinks leading a country is something fun they want to add to their bucket list. Again, the big difference, ours enjoys showing the world how cool he is, Gay Pride parades, slepping around Mosques, hob nobbing with the rich and famous, and blaming every single F*ck up on the previous government. He lied bold face the First Nations, he lied bold face to middle class Canadians, he lied bold face to Veterans, he clearly ran on a big platform of happy face stuff, that suddenly he can't possibly accomplish...or..maybe he is too busy to even consider.
  Your fellow, well..first off, he does not play nice with others. So, perhaps your country has far too many Deliverance people coming out of the wood work who truly want to go back into the dark ages. Women are second class citizens, based on their appearance, disabled are the brunt of jokes, colour DOES matter, walls are promised. WTF???
  Be very very careful of change. Be sure you are ready for what you are embracing. We apparently wanted change, and we got it!! We got a deficit that boogles the mind. We have a grinning idiot, taking his shirt off to allow vapid women too swoon, we have a leader who on one hand sticks his tongue out while prancing in the Pride parades, and the next claims to support a religion that opposes women and Gays. We have a two faced buffoon who promised to up hold First Nations United Nations rights, and...just recently stabbed that whole group in the back, after a ton of selfies flitting about trying desperately to get a seat with the UN.
  Change!! The Pied piper charmed the children with his music, and dancing. He led them down the garden path away from their homes and families, leaving a whole generation lost. Mr. Justin has been in politics for almost a year, he has caused the middle class to suffer, he has given to the minorities, and forgotten where his pay cheque comes from. Mr. Trump, well, it only takes a moment to google how he treats his middle class workers, yet..a whole country assumes once he is in power he will change. Not going to happen folks!! The only change you are going to see is, the doors in and out of your country will slam shut. I foresee a few embargoes dropped on President Trump, because he does not play nice with people. He lives in the dark ages, a plantation owner without a plantation.
  Hey...like us, you don't have much choice. I believe in conservatism, which is why my leader makes me want to vomit, you, well..sadly I believe your orange skinned, squint eyed, red-neck lunatic, is the lesser of two evils...and that is very disturbing!!
  So...why do we have to accept less than what we deserve? Is there no one in either of our countries that is a better option? If one sees something/someone is not quite working out, why do they have to sit back and accept it for an allotted time period? Those running our countries, run our lives, they are put in place to work for us..all of us, not just selective clumps of us. They are put in place to drive our economy, to ensure we thrive, and our coffers fill. They are there to make us safe and secure,, and to ensure equal rights, and promises kept. At the very first lie, that cannot be explained ..the leader of a country should be out on their ear. You lie to your employer, they can fire you, why is the top position in a country any different? We are employing these people, they have a job description, and they have a whole sh*tload of employers wanting them to do their job. If they can't/won't do it, dump them and find someone better..they have to be out there!! These two twits and Hilarity can't possibly be the cream of the crop!!