O.K. It is happening! I have known it for some time, now, subtle changes, after living with me for so very long, I noticed. Hugs come far easier for me, guess that was the first hint. Growing up, I was never a hugger, in fact, hugs made me a tad uncomfortable.knowing they were coming from the regular folks, made me instantly stiffen up to accept, and inwardly sigh with relief when they were over. I was not raised with an awful lot of affection, pretty much the basics, no pats on the back, job well done, we are proud of you..just to get through a day without getting sh*t, was seen as an accomplishment in my world. Hey, it gave me a pretty strong back bone, and again. laid the foundation for one who has managed to get through some pretty tough times, so I am grateful for this. I, in turn, raised my children somewhat the same, not quite as stringent, but not mushy. I hope that I gave more affection than I received growing up, and I know my kids hug far easier than I did, so..perhaps it wasn't so bad.
But getting back to the hugs...I hand them out pretty freely now, and strangely enough, I don't even consider perhaps someone might be like me, and stiffen up beforehand. Something inside just clicks, and it happens, without thinking. I have to hug. I have to somehow let the other person know, deep down inside, the moment is special, and they are special. Is it because I know I am running out of time? Maybe. Is it because throughout life, I have come to understand that sometimes there is no tomorrow, and I can't afford to wait until the time is right to let others know they matter to me? Probably.
Now, because I hug, does not mean that suddenly I have laid off b*tching, because I certainly have not! Things bother me just as much as they did before, however, I think perhaps I have finally realized, I can only change some of the crap that irritates me, and most definitely not all. I know I am a tiny voice in the swing of things, my screeching, no matter what one was taught, that every voice matters, only matters to the few in my little world. I am not going to change the world, not even my own. Not an easy thing to accept, but slowly and surely, I am coming to terms with it.
Thing only thing I know for sure is, I can give those who matter to me, a pat on the back, or job well done, or a simple hug to make them aware they are important in my world.
Every so often, lately, something happens in my "bubble" that makes me shake my head, and wonder if perhaps my lack of hugging for so many years, made me lose out on so much. See. sure, things pi$$ me off, daily, but, daily I experience bits and pieces from the lighter side of life, and I dwell on them, just as much as the crap.
I finally decided to seek out a professional for health, since I am getting long in the tooth. I was lucky enough to get one who was very young, and very laid back. Something out of the ordinary for me, as I have always been uncomfortable with those who poke and prod, and dispense prescriptions on what I must do to continue living my good life. I was totally at ease, and it was almost like sitting down with someone I had known all my life. How strange, this person was younger than my oldest child, and yet, if I had a cup of coffee, the visit would have been perfect. I walked out of there feeling amazing (yes, she told me I WAS amazing). Never once have I left a Doctors office feeling like someone had listened, and someone actually was looking out for my best interest. When I heard she had suffered a medical emergency, one that indeed was life threatening, I was saddened, and yes, worried that I would lose something I found, that was special. Long story short (LOL) she won her fight, and just a few days ago, we ran into each other. I was thrilled to see her, but see, there should have been a line, I am just a number in her patient book, right? Wrong!! My first thought was to throw my arms around her and give her a big hug, because deep inside, she is special to me (yep, only seen her twice), but protocol said that was over the line. Instead, she made the first move, she started the hug. That one hug, made such a difference in my world, and I hope she knows this.
So, I admit, I have mellowed an incredible amount. my only regret is, it took me this long. I imagine I have missed out on a great deal, throughout life, with my standoff's.Sometimes it is very hard to put dents in one's foundation, but once they are there, they become second nature.
As I head into this new stage of my life, I have come to accept many things, the appreciation of those things which have no monetary value. Sure, I still want to win the lotto, because it would allow me to improve so many lives, which would make me very happy, and it would allow me to spend more time with those who matter so much. I am beyond wanting stuff, stuff is so unimportant, it breaks, it clutters, it takes time and effort. I don't want to waste those two things at this point in life. I am now at the stage that I want to ensure those who matter to me, know. I am trying hard, got a long ways to go, but I have mastered the hug..and that is a good start! So..go on..hug someone who matters..it might just make their day!!
Favourite Books
- The Green Mile
- Animal Farm
- Lord of the Flies
- Lord of the Rings
- To Kill a Mockingbird
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
This Is My Life
Over the years, through blogging, I have allowed my door to be wide open to the world. There have been many times I have put down in words facts of my life, that generally folks keep to themselves (I was one of those for the majority of my life). Now, well, I really don't care what others think, so, I simply spew whatever comes into my head, and out my fingertips. I often wonder if I started doing this, because, well, life sucked the big Jahoogie, and because I was always so angry, and felt so sorry I was given a hard road to travel. Hey, that is probably pretty spot on, but, writing these little novellas has done me a world of good, because, many times I start off, feeling self pity, and as I go on, I realize, life has perhaps not been a walk in the park, but, it has certainly given me some pretty amazing times, and, as I have stated previously, some incredible memories.
For those who don't know me well, I am a very difficult person, in many ways. Most of that is a result of my up-bringing, and..hey, one's up-bringing does indeed set some foundations on who they will become. I was raised in a very strict household, especially in my position as eldest, and..of course, female. Keep in mind, we are speaking of the 60's, and a very small town.
My family was middle class, and in those days, there truly was a middle class. My Dad worked long hours, and for the most part, 7 days a week. Our family outings, consisted of my Mom, packing up a picnic lunch, and (because she did not drive during my childhood) walking down to the little airport, hiking across the dirt runway, and having a picnic, while my Dad waited for the next plane hauling supplies to the bush camps, so he could load it up, make sure it was mechanically sound, and send it off. My Mom did not work while I was a child, well, in a paying job, she did, however, work like a dog in and outside the home. Gosh, I think back on what she did, catering to my Dad, catering to her kids, and seldom a moment to herself.
I didn't realize how deeply my Mother was ingrained in me, or my Dad, for that matter. But the past 5 years, I understand, they gave me some pretty concrete foundations. Growing up, I had friends who got far more than myself, and true to a child, I would always head home, requesting all those luxuries for myself. Hah! That was when the "if so and so jumped off a bridge, would you follow" would ring out. Helloooo..WTF did that mean? They certainly didn't jump off a bridge to get their little fancies, what has a bridge got to do with the time of day? Lord love us, I recall saying those exact words to my children, and I imagine it took them a few years to clue in as to how that damn bridge had any bearing on wanting stuff.
My Mom inserted the cheap gene deep inside of my being. I absolutely hate spending money!!My belief is, if one can live comfortably with simple basics, why on earth should they be jumping off the damn bridge. I did indeed go through that I want stage, and every so often, I come across a bridge, but, the idea of having to spend to jump off it, over weighs the urge. Putting in almost 30 years of raising children, buried the cheap gene even farther, because extra's were just not possible. Now, any splurging, has become incredibly uncomfortable, plus, I think about "tomorrow" all the time, and one splurge usually means, something else may pop up, and I would regret my spending. Yes, this is my mind set. And..yes, some days I hate my life, the life without those luxuries. Cripes, lots of days!! I won't buy basics, unless I can be sure I got the best price.
I recently realized my Dr. Scholl shoes were not suitable for work (clearly I work in a hospital, and they were designed by a frigging Doctor, one would assume they would be perfect), so I had to break down, and purchase something that would not cause me to tear up after 3 hours. Took me a few months to actually break down and decide to splurge. Holy Crap!! The average shoe price in the store was $129!! Who the h-ll pays money like that for shoes? Well, apparently every one else in my family..but it actually made me sick to my stomach. You know what? Those $129 shoes and the $169 shoes hurt my feet! I walked out wearing a pricey pair of $66 shoes, that felt like pillows, however, they are still beyond my comfort zone, and they bloody well better last a long time, because it hurt to pay this much to wear something on my stinking feet!
My family knows I can't break down my foundation. My honey is NOT at all like me, he doesn't get a twinge or in fact a seizure, when he needs to purchase things, and often gets fed up with my inability to spend, especially when he comes home and the fridge is bare, as I inform him, I have soup, and toast..hey basics, right? I suppose I am somewhat annoying, but it is my comfort zone, and I manage. However, I also harp when he spends, I harp when my grown children spend..mostly because I can't stop worrying about Tomorrow...it is the reason I have 3 pairs of thrift store jeans, and "stole" my youngest daughters Safeway work shirts, as my usual outfits of choice. Hey, comfort zone!!
Clearly the lot of them see my habits as an issue, because they all conspired against me for my 61st birthday. Truth be told, they all had to pay for messing with me, and throwing me off the damn bridge! I honestly have not forgiven them yet, and quite likely if a tomorrow shows up, they will not hear the end of this, but...I have got to write this, because, I have to let them all know, how much it meant to me. Maybe all of the Debbie Downer rants they had to listen to, will fade a wee bit..but..a little codicil...DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!!
My beloved (holy crap, I am sure he doubted he was beloved when this came to fruition) planned a get together with all my kids out of town. I went insane!! We have 4 dogs in my house, 3 of ours, and my son's. He arranged for our nephew to watch the dogs..ack!!! Someone in my house, ahhhhh..we have 4 dogs..I need to clean. The moment he admitted what he had set in motion, I went ballistic. I had to ensure my house was clean, wow, how wonderful, for my 61st I got to do a total cleanse of my house..hey, another foundation block, ingrained deep inside..do not let others see your home dirty...incredibly uncomfortable (and with 4 dogs, pretty much impossible). I was beyond livid. It wasn't that I didn't want to spend my day with my kids, it was just a big hassle to get to that point of feeling comfortable. I was most angry that, after well over 30 years, he didn't understand who I am. I suppose he does, he just figured if he didn't do things this way, I would never have agreed.
The hotel costs, well..again, off the deep end when we were all standing there, and he was checking us in..I could see my kids faces..they knew this was painful for me. I understand the average person would be fine with things like this, but myself...I follow the words, cheap, reasonable, affordable, etc..this was not within those guidelines. Fancy dinner the first night..but, by that time, I could overlook me, and focus on how everyone else was enjoying themselves, so that was fine, it wasn't ME.
The next day, was when I totally realized how my family (yes Caroline, you are family) indeed understands who I am. The girls packed me off to the mall, and into a salon, where they informed me they had arranged a Brazilian waxing..you can imagine how well that went over. In fact they had decided my annual Miss Clairol dye job was not going to cut it this time, and I was handed over to Robert who turned me into a copper haired stylish old broad. While I was trapped at the salon, the girls shopped for me. To be honest, I was extremely uncomfortable..I know this was done with a whole sh*tload of love, but, was this a result of me being so cheap..that defeats the whole purpose, right? My cheap is suddenly costing others..this was not the first time I felt this way, lately, I have had friends who have bought me amazing gifts, that were things I mentioned in passing, and of course was far too cheap to purchase..and once again, it was happening. Hey they did good, the outfits were lovely, they informed me they were all on sale or clearance, which made me feel a wee bit better. I admit, when it comes to my birthday, I would be very disappointed if it was not acknowledged, but this went way beyond my 1/2 century passing, which was pretty amazing, and lord love us, I still have the humdinger 65 coming up..LOL. So, now they have me all dolled up. new hair do, new outfit, and another big fancy supper.
That was the final cherry on top! We were seated, and there were empty chairs, who else was coming? Crap, what did they plan? Oh, they claimed I would be happy when the others showed..hummm..really, they know how few people I like. I counted the extra seats, O.K. Irene and Beau..maybe it was them, but what about the others. Sadly Irene and beau were unable to come, but..the ones who did show, I did indeed love My brother's boys showed up. I wonder if these "boys" know how much their Aunty loves them, I hope they do! Kristopher was the first nephew, in my little world, and he has grown into exactly who I imagined he would. A wonderful husband, and an amazing Dad, to his two daughters, just a good person! And William, who from the moment he came into this world, has supplied all of us with so much laughter, most definitely a branch on my tree, This was the best part of the whole thing, surrounded by my "own".
I came away from all of this, realizing, no matter how hard I think my dirt road is some days, I am truly blessed, by the people in my life. I am loved, and that, I sometimes forget. This reminded me of all the wonderful friends I have somehow managed to collect, and the family I have been lucky enough to be a part of. Many live their lives constantly jumping off of bridges to acquire things, and never get what they really need. I have all I need, with those who always walk beside me, as I make my way into the 61st year along this road of life!
Thank you all so very much for an amazing memory that will bring a smile to my face..I apologize for all the crap I put most of you through all this, Chuck, Terri-Anne (Joey) Charles, Shelby (Brandon) and Caroline. Remember, it isn't the many wonderful gifts I received that made this so special (and I did get far too much), it was those who were there..next year, maybe Mickey Dee's for coffee?
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Darker Shade of Pale
I know..it's been awhile. My life as I age, has somehow become far more hectic..and extremely boring! However, trust me things still rankle, I just seem to have less time to dwell on them, so I haven't sat down to rant away.
This one, well, as with many others, will probably not sit well with the majority of the world, so I must try and make sure I get MPO in some sort of order, because I believe if MPO offends, so be it, I can't help the way I feel, and "it is what it is".
Charlottetown! No not the Canadian one, the American one. What happened there, was nothing but a nightmare. However, it was a nightmare that history taught us, was sure to happen. Why does the world think that one group, that is so far off from another, meeting head to head, was going to have a happy ending?
I am glad folks feel strongly about their rights, because, we all have them, well..sort of. However, the call is always "equal rights for all", and...no matter what, if this is truly what the world wants, they go about things in a strange way.
BLM..well...of course they do! To believe any differently, is foolish. What exactly does the BLM group want? They began as a result of the shooting incident of a young Black man by George Zimmerman. I agree, the whole thing was a royal screw up, Zimmerman was a douche bag, but ultimately the judicial systems in North America are so flawed, if one looked carefully, they would see it wasn't just a Black matter, it goes beyond colour. I would be interested in the statistics on how many "white: people has been screwed in the courts..however, the focus is simply on Black lives, which somehow one group feels is unfairly treated. Hey, I agree, to a point, and I agree, things have to change, but I have issues with militants, and BLM is an extremely militant group, no matter which way you look at things. They don't care about anyone beyond their own..and therein lies the problem.
White supremacy! Gag!! A nasty group of garbage. These folks are so closely tied to neo-natzis, (yes I did not capitalize) it scares the sh*t out of me. The only thing I have in common with this group, is the colour of my skin, so that kind of puts me in a bad spot, because if I find fault with the opposite side, I could easily be lumped in with a group I find repulsive. White supremist, are a militant group, as well. So...why is one better than the other? Honestly, one is standing up for one race, and the other for theirs. One feels their rights are attacked, and surprise, the other one feels the same. So..off they go..clearly one is not as accepted as the other, because of past history..but..see..they have a past history, of doing some really inhumane things, based solely on colour. BLM is new, the Black Panthers did some really atrocious things back in the day, which they felt was acceptable to try and get their point across..now BLM seems to think they are entitled to special privileges, and no matter which way you look at things, they are spreading hate. It is not politically correct to call them on this, but I don't claim to be politically correct, so just going to say things as I see them.
They have pushed their way into many things lately, going so far as to stop Police Officers from taking part in Gay Pride Parades. WTF?? Can anyone tell me what Gay Pride has to do with BLM? Ahhh..perhaps one should look at who started BLM..clearly it is NOT only a colour issue going on with those in charge of this movement. However, somehow they got what they wanted. They were able to change the rules to suit themselves, and....the world sat back and allowed this.
So suddenly the politically correct, see absolutely nothing wrong with one group given special privileges, and openly discriminating against not only Police Officers, but in regards to the Gay Pride Parade, they were allowed to shut the doors " This year, they have a list of “intersectional” demands: namely, that “queer people of color” be given control of all gay pride events (whether they worked on them or raised funds for them or not), and that police (including the D.C. Gay and Lesbian police unit) and corporate funders like Wells Fargo bank be excluded. "on folks they felt did not fit in with Gay Pride. WTF????
This is (shit can't figure out how to change my print size) just a random quote I found, not even sure what the outcome was, but, it basically is where I have been trying to go with this rant. Whatever folks are trying to attempt to do here, and I hope it is to bring equality to all, because they certainly have a ton of support out there, and clearly a whack of power, it is doing the complete opposite.
One group is hated and despised by most because they believe they are superior (silly rabbits), and now we have a new group attempting to become the voice of power. Can someone tell me why they are any different?
They have managed to incite hatred towards Police officers, Blue collar workers (of the "white ilk") and created more lines of separation than where there before they showed up.
If it was simply a matter of accepting a life, no matter what colour body that life resides in, matters, I would be more than willing to become a member of this group. But no matter how you look at this, it is still two lines in the sand, two complete opposite MILITANT groups doing battle for their own. One is politically accepted at this moment, and one is hated (for very good reasons). If BLM continues to call the shots and flaunt the laws, are they any different than the neo-natzis? In MPO, they are not..just a darker shade of pale.
This one, well, as with many others, will probably not sit well with the majority of the world, so I must try and make sure I get MPO in some sort of order, because I believe if MPO offends, so be it, I can't help the way I feel, and "it is what it is".
Charlottetown! No not the Canadian one, the American one. What happened there, was nothing but a nightmare. However, it was a nightmare that history taught us, was sure to happen. Why does the world think that one group, that is so far off from another, meeting head to head, was going to have a happy ending?
I am glad folks feel strongly about their rights, because, we all have them, well..sort of. However, the call is always "equal rights for all", and...no matter what, if this is truly what the world wants, they go about things in a strange way.
BLM..well...of course they do! To believe any differently, is foolish. What exactly does the BLM group want? They began as a result of the shooting incident of a young Black man by George Zimmerman. I agree, the whole thing was a royal screw up, Zimmerman was a douche bag, but ultimately the judicial systems in North America are so flawed, if one looked carefully, they would see it wasn't just a Black matter, it goes beyond colour. I would be interested in the statistics on how many "white: people has been screwed in the courts..however, the focus is simply on Black lives, which somehow one group feels is unfairly treated. Hey, I agree, to a point, and I agree, things have to change, but I have issues with militants, and BLM is an extremely militant group, no matter which way you look at things. They don't care about anyone beyond their own..and therein lies the problem.
White supremacy! Gag!! A nasty group of garbage. These folks are so closely tied to neo-natzis, (yes I did not capitalize) it scares the sh*t out of me. The only thing I have in common with this group, is the colour of my skin, so that kind of puts me in a bad spot, because if I find fault with the opposite side, I could easily be lumped in with a group I find repulsive. White supremist, are a militant group, as well. So...why is one better than the other? Honestly, one is standing up for one race, and the other for theirs. One feels their rights are attacked, and surprise, the other one feels the same. So..off they go..clearly one is not as accepted as the other, because of past history..but..see..they have a past history, of doing some really inhumane things, based solely on colour. BLM is new, the Black Panthers did some really atrocious things back in the day, which they felt was acceptable to try and get their point across..now BLM seems to think they are entitled to special privileges, and no matter which way you look at things, they are spreading hate. It is not politically correct to call them on this, but I don't claim to be politically correct, so just going to say things as I see them.
They have pushed their way into many things lately, going so far as to stop Police Officers from taking part in Gay Pride Parades. WTF?? Can anyone tell me what Gay Pride has to do with BLM? Ahhh..perhaps one should look at who started BLM..clearly it is NOT only a colour issue going on with those in charge of this movement. However, somehow they got what they wanted. They were able to change the rules to suit themselves, and....the world sat back and allowed this.
So suddenly the politically correct, see absolutely nothing wrong with one group given special privileges, and openly discriminating against not only Police Officers, but in regards to the Gay Pride Parade, they were allowed to shut the doors " This year, they have a list of “intersectional” demands: namely, that “queer people of color” be given control of all gay pride events (whether they worked on them or raised funds for them or not), and that police (including the D.C. Gay and Lesbian police unit) and corporate funders like Wells Fargo bank be excluded. "on folks they felt did not fit in with Gay Pride. WTF????
This is (shit can't figure out how to change my print size) just a random quote I found, not even sure what the outcome was, but, it basically is where I have been trying to go with this rant. Whatever folks are trying to attempt to do here, and I hope it is to bring equality to all, because they certainly have a ton of support out there, and clearly a whack of power, it is doing the complete opposite.
One group is hated and despised by most because they believe they are superior (silly rabbits), and now we have a new group attempting to become the voice of power. Can someone tell me why they are any different?
They have managed to incite hatred towards Police officers, Blue collar workers (of the "white ilk") and created more lines of separation than where there before they showed up.
If it was simply a matter of accepting a life, no matter what colour body that life resides in, matters, I would be more than willing to become a member of this group. But no matter how you look at this, it is still two lines in the sand, two complete opposite MILITANT groups doing battle for their own. One is politically accepted at this moment, and one is hated (for very good reasons). If BLM continues to call the shots and flaunt the laws, are they any different than the neo-natzis? In MPO, they are not..just a darker shade of pale.
Friday, 16 June 2017
Living History
As I stated yesterday..I have a new job. It's not a whole lot different than what I did before..just a different setting. My previous job had me cleaning mainly empty rooms, this one has me cleaning rooms with occupants. Kind of out of my comfort zone, having to be somewhat sociable, after more than a decade of wandering along with my Ipod blaring music..and I do miss my music, because it does help me move a wee bit quicker.
So, unlike the traveling public or working folks I dealt with back then, this time, I pretty much deal with folks that don't have a choice of where they are (no it is not a jail,LOL). I see them out of their element, some at what probably is not the best times of their lives, but for the most part, it has given me a new perspective on what will likely be my future, and it breaks my heart.
Do you ever think of what life will be like if you are lucky enough to reach old age? Do you wonder if you will be one of the lucky ones, and have a grasp on all of your faculties? Will you have the ability to move about, granted with far more creaks and moans, but, still able to get out of bed, and enjoy the outdoors? Will you recognize others, who you have met throughout life? What about the simple pleasures, reading a good book, having a heartfelt laugh?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I have often wondered what life has in store for me in my 80's , if I am so lucky. I consider my Grandmother, who had an amazing long life, and was bright as a star up until the end. My Dad, also lived a full life, and knew everyone right until his last moments. I have my fingers crossed, I am lucky enough to follow along this line of my DNA, because I have already been lucky enough to surpass my Mother's life span, and her Mothers..so there is a pretty good chance, I just might have a few more decades ahead of me.
That said, there is a whole other possibility out there, a long life without the ability to go outside when I have the urge, or the most frightening, the loss of memory, or loss of limb use. Because the rest of the world doesn't see those affected in this manner, we don't really give it much thought, but there is a very high probability, this will indeed be the future for some of us.
Those folks who suddenly find themselves in care, after lifetimes of independence, have not stopped being people! They are all someone's mother or father, or brother or sister. They have a very long past. They have struggled, they have rejoiced, they have feelings and memories, just some of them have lost different abilities, some, sadly perhaps, have lost their memories..how very sad would that be? That is what we have to lean on in times of despair, and sorrow, to lose that, would be the worst thing ever. That, I cannot fathom, although I know it happens. I wonder, though, what would be worse, to live day after day, confused, or to lay helpless, while one remembers life before?
However, there is one thing that makes a difference no matter what..and that is company! I know, you may say, why bother if someone has forgotten their friends and family? Ahhhh..see..that is something I have found I feel a wee bit different about lately. I wonder because I have seen little tiny things, that make me think twice. I wonder if some of those who have dementia,..have moments of clarity..well..you know, I don't even wonder, I believe they do. I also believe that many simply give up, because they are lonely.
I know..I always state how I prefer very little social interaction. But..keep in mind, I have family, and I have pets..oh and of course some pretty damn amazing friends! I have learned that being all alone, is awful, and I need contact with others I care about, to keep me sane. That is the big thing..others I care about!! People who matter in my world, people who have been along on the ride with me, who know who I am, and what I am like.
So, my new experience has opened up a door to something I have never really seen before, and what the majority of the world never sees. I see Elders who have lived, for the most part, very long lives. I know for a fact, most are parents, which means they are likely Grandparents, and Great Grandparents, and yes, some Great Great Grandparents. Through the process of age, they have become incapable of caring for themselves, in a variety of ways, and are now living with a new family, one filled with others in the same stage of life. These folks are in fact, living history. Now, granted, not all of them can remember, and very few of them speak much, some not at all! But one cannot see them, without knowing..like you and I, they stepped in our same footprints, just ahead of us. They lived in far different times, much harder, without modern conveniences, many without hydro or hot water tanks, and flush toilets, and TV, and of course now, internet. They lived the past, I live the present, and my children and Grandchildren will live the future. Each and everyone of those old folks are Me and You!
i don't work closely with them, and I have total respect for those who have the patience and love (yes, I see love in many caregivers), but, once one has experienced this side of life, it is impossible to not worry and wonder, what life holds for our future. I am frightened of living day after day, without friends and family. I don't want to imagine living 6 days with virtual strangers who have not been on this road with me , to have a visit on the 7th day, for a 1/2 hour..if I am lucky, and everyone doesn't have something more important to do.
Please..do not think for a moment I am bashing anyone, because, I definitely do not walk in their shoes. I have just made my children promise, if I ever, with the passage of time, have to leave my own home, and live out the remainder of my days in some sort of assisted living place, they arrange something. If they can't visit me, they will hire someone nice..oops forgot to make that part of the deal..remember kids,..someone nice..to pop by and visit me on a steady basis. Someone from the outside world, a place that I take for granted, and likely each and every soul there, took for granted as well.
I was taught growing up to respect my Elders, I know that they have lived longer than I have, and have experienced far more, they learned lessons long before me. They have the knowledge I am still seeking..and yes. some are probably not the nicest people in the world, but maybe they were at one time? Maybe age has simply been cruel to them? I know it hasn't been all that nice to me, and I am damn lucky, so far. I think, maybe respect isn't quite enough..I wish we could tap that resource, one of knowledge , and experience, and yes, of history. Every single one of those seniors has a story ..can you imagine reading a book filled with those stories? Definitely would be on the best seller list, and all over the world there are countless stories..imagine the lessons the future could learn!
So, unlike the traveling public or working folks I dealt with back then, this time, I pretty much deal with folks that don't have a choice of where they are (no it is not a jail,LOL). I see them out of their element, some at what probably is not the best times of their lives, but for the most part, it has given me a new perspective on what will likely be my future, and it breaks my heart.
Do you ever think of what life will be like if you are lucky enough to reach old age? Do you wonder if you will be one of the lucky ones, and have a grasp on all of your faculties? Will you have the ability to move about, granted with far more creaks and moans, but, still able to get out of bed, and enjoy the outdoors? Will you recognize others, who you have met throughout life? What about the simple pleasures, reading a good book, having a heartfelt laugh?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I have often wondered what life has in store for me in my 80's , if I am so lucky. I consider my Grandmother, who had an amazing long life, and was bright as a star up until the end. My Dad, also lived a full life, and knew everyone right until his last moments. I have my fingers crossed, I am lucky enough to follow along this line of my DNA, because I have already been lucky enough to surpass my Mother's life span, and her Mothers..so there is a pretty good chance, I just might have a few more decades ahead of me.
That said, there is a whole other possibility out there, a long life without the ability to go outside when I have the urge, or the most frightening, the loss of memory, or loss of limb use. Because the rest of the world doesn't see those affected in this manner, we don't really give it much thought, but there is a very high probability, this will indeed be the future for some of us.
Those folks who suddenly find themselves in care, after lifetimes of independence, have not stopped being people! They are all someone's mother or father, or brother or sister. They have a very long past. They have struggled, they have rejoiced, they have feelings and memories, just some of them have lost different abilities, some, sadly perhaps, have lost their memories..how very sad would that be? That is what we have to lean on in times of despair, and sorrow, to lose that, would be the worst thing ever. That, I cannot fathom, although I know it happens. I wonder, though, what would be worse, to live day after day, confused, or to lay helpless, while one remembers life before?
However, there is one thing that makes a difference no matter what..and that is company! I know, you may say, why bother if someone has forgotten their friends and family? Ahhhh..see..that is something I have found I feel a wee bit different about lately. I wonder because I have seen little tiny things, that make me think twice. I wonder if some of those who have dementia,..have moments of clarity..well..you know, I don't even wonder, I believe they do. I also believe that many simply give up, because they are lonely.
I know..I always state how I prefer very little social interaction. But..keep in mind, I have family, and I have pets..oh and of course some pretty damn amazing friends! I have learned that being all alone, is awful, and I need contact with others I care about, to keep me sane. That is the big thing..others I care about!! People who matter in my world, people who have been along on the ride with me, who know who I am, and what I am like.
So, my new experience has opened up a door to something I have never really seen before, and what the majority of the world never sees. I see Elders who have lived, for the most part, very long lives. I know for a fact, most are parents, which means they are likely Grandparents, and Great Grandparents, and yes, some Great Great Grandparents. Through the process of age, they have become incapable of caring for themselves, in a variety of ways, and are now living with a new family, one filled with others in the same stage of life. These folks are in fact, living history. Now, granted, not all of them can remember, and very few of them speak much, some not at all! But one cannot see them, without knowing..like you and I, they stepped in our same footprints, just ahead of us. They lived in far different times, much harder, without modern conveniences, many without hydro or hot water tanks, and flush toilets, and TV, and of course now, internet. They lived the past, I live the present, and my children and Grandchildren will live the future. Each and everyone of those old folks are Me and You!
i don't work closely with them, and I have total respect for those who have the patience and love (yes, I see love in many caregivers), but, once one has experienced this side of life, it is impossible to not worry and wonder, what life holds for our future. I am frightened of living day after day, without friends and family. I don't want to imagine living 6 days with virtual strangers who have not been on this road with me , to have a visit on the 7th day, for a 1/2 hour..if I am lucky, and everyone doesn't have something more important to do.
Please..do not think for a moment I am bashing anyone, because, I definitely do not walk in their shoes. I have just made my children promise, if I ever, with the passage of time, have to leave my own home, and live out the remainder of my days in some sort of assisted living place, they arrange something. If they can't visit me, they will hire someone nice..oops forgot to make that part of the deal..remember kids,..someone nice..to pop by and visit me on a steady basis. Someone from the outside world, a place that I take for granted, and likely each and every soul there, took for granted as well.
I was taught growing up to respect my Elders, I know that they have lived longer than I have, and have experienced far more, they learned lessons long before me. They have the knowledge I am still seeking..and yes. some are probably not the nicest people in the world, but maybe they were at one time? Maybe age has simply been cruel to them? I know it hasn't been all that nice to me, and I am damn lucky, so far. I think, maybe respect isn't quite enough..I wish we could tap that resource, one of knowledge , and experience, and yes, of history. Every single one of those seniors has a story ..can you imagine reading a book filled with those stories? Definitely would be on the best seller list, and all over the world there are countless stories..imagine the lessons the future could learn!
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Life Change
Note the title..it says Life Change..not Change of Life..LOL..although I could indeed go into the second issue, with tons of experience.
Yes..I have been in the process of dealing with a massive life change. Who would imagine at 60, suddenly one would take a 60 degree turn, and have to learn a sh*tload of new tricks? I admit, I have not become any quicker at learning new things since I was in elementary school, quite the opposite, I find I need to write everything down, and follow a check list. But..hey..I love checklists..because one can watch the end getting closer, and feel a sense of accomplishment as those little check marks grow in number.
So..I won't go into detail on my new position, except to say, once again, it requires a mop and water! WTF?? Back in the day, did I ever , for once , imagine my life would suddenly become a series of cleaning jobs? Geez..when I think back to my childhood bedroom, I can say with total confidence, my Mother would never have imagined me getting paid to clean!! We don't even have to go that far back in time..stop by the house..place is a constant disaster..perhaps because there is no pay cheque involved? Hey..I do try, however living in a place, constantly with others..and...4 flipping dogs, is a whole lot different than an 8 hour cleaning bash.
So, my previous job taught me a whole lot. It was one of the hardest learning experiences in any work place I have had the "pleasure" of belonging to. That job actually burned me out, and badly! Somehow I took on responsibility that should have been left with my employers. That job became my whole damn life! I covered my own job and more than often, duties of many others. Now the burn out..well it didn't come as a shock, something like that hands out a whole whack of warnings. But, like most folks, I just assumed I was immune to things like this, because I knew the symptoms. Knowing those, and accepting them, are two different things..I didn't ignore them, I just figured I could manage. I couldn't!
The burn out was not just physical, it was majorly mental..and I have stated more than once, I am a tad shakey when it comes to depression, burnout sent me right down the toilet! I tried to do everything in my power to halt this, I poured my soul out to my employer, explaining if I had to continue the way things were, I was not capable, but..that fell on deaf ears..I did say "NO", but wasn't heard. I was left with no recourse but to walk away..actually run very far away, because I knew if I didn't go far enough, somehow I would have been dragged back.
The reason I write this, is because I am flabbergasted at how much this affected me. I am an old biddy!! In my lifetime I have done more than a few jobs that were not pleasant, but, I came away from them with experience, and picked up bits and pieces that have helped me through other jobs.This" Burn out", has in fact scared the crap right out of me!! It showed me that no matter what I assume I am capable of, there are limits, and if I surpass those limits, there is a huge price.
Perhaps the price is so high, because I am older? Perhaps I was not aware that I can no longer do near as much as I did when I was 40? Well, thing is, if I pushed myself, I could indeed do it, however, if I did this continually, absolutely every part of my being would revolt. I imagine the fact that I was living alone with only a couple of dogs and an amazing friend that would constantly check on me, and a partner that would "listen" to the continual sob stories over the phone, was probably a good thing. I was no longer able to deal with people..I just didn't want to have to expend energy on anything , because I needed it all for my job. I hated everything, and everyone, including myself! Funny, I should have had the control to walk away much sooner, but life works in mysterious ways, and in my case, I kind of sort of, needed that income, and jobs in that locale were few and far between.
So, clearly I made it out of that alive, but, surprise, the scars of that job will never go away. I told myself, I was past full-time, so casual was the way to go. How wonderful, maybe work a day here, a day there, some money in my pocket, and desperately needed social interaction. I went into this with the mindset not to repeat my mistakes. Hah! Clearly I have not learned quite how to say NO out loud, so people actually hear..including myself! I find myself falling right back into the habit of accepting way too much on my plate, and then hating myself. Not only do I hate myself, that which I call me, revolts, and I scare myself. I am so frightened of "Burn out" and see the symptoms once again, yet, I keep putting myself right in the middle of that road.
I am getting old! I know it, I see it (vividly) and I feel it. I just have not quite learned to acknowledge it completely. I simply cannot do now, what I did 20 years ago..crap..even 10 years ago! My work ethics that were ingrained in me, to do my best, have got to get a touch up. I have new limits, and I am going to have to write up my very own check list, and when I put the required checks all the way to the bottom of the list, I have got to learn to put the list down, and step away.
For the rest of my working life, that Burn out will forever haunt me. It is much like the time I got lost in the bush with my son, when he was very young. The experience is burned into my mind, and not every one has gotten lost, nor have they ever experience work place burn out, but, trust me...both affect one's life massively.
If you ever get to a place that your job causes you continual depression, and I mean continual, when your job becomes what controls your whole life, and you absolutely dread each day. when you leave your work place, and can think of nothing but, how you are going to manage going in the next day. When you feel totally used up, and abused, be afraid. Because now when I feel worn out at the end of a day, and wonder if I have enough to complete another, even though it is very easy for me to say NO, at this new job (still learning my limits) I am scared sh*tless. Mostly I am scared that my previous job has damaged me so much, I am no longer capable of working like a normal person. The price I paid for that job, was life changing..I just hope I learned my lesson..only time will tell, I guess. So..wish me luck..everyone likes Casual..LOL
Yes..I have been in the process of dealing with a massive life change. Who would imagine at 60, suddenly one would take a 60 degree turn, and have to learn a sh*tload of new tricks? I admit, I have not become any quicker at learning new things since I was in elementary school, quite the opposite, I find I need to write everything down, and follow a check list. But..hey..I love checklists..because one can watch the end getting closer, and feel a sense of accomplishment as those little check marks grow in number.
So..I won't go into detail on my new position, except to say, once again, it requires a mop and water! WTF?? Back in the day, did I ever , for once , imagine my life would suddenly become a series of cleaning jobs? Geez..when I think back to my childhood bedroom, I can say with total confidence, my Mother would never have imagined me getting paid to clean!! We don't even have to go that far back in time..stop by the house..place is a constant disaster..perhaps because there is no pay cheque involved? Hey..I do try, however living in a place, constantly with others..and...4 flipping dogs, is a whole lot different than an 8 hour cleaning bash.
So, my previous job taught me a whole lot. It was one of the hardest learning experiences in any work place I have had the "pleasure" of belonging to. That job actually burned me out, and badly! Somehow I took on responsibility that should have been left with my employers. That job became my whole damn life! I covered my own job and more than often, duties of many others. Now the burn out..well it didn't come as a shock, something like that hands out a whole whack of warnings. But, like most folks, I just assumed I was immune to things like this, because I knew the symptoms. Knowing those, and accepting them, are two different things..I didn't ignore them, I just figured I could manage. I couldn't!
The burn out was not just physical, it was majorly mental..and I have stated more than once, I am a tad shakey when it comes to depression, burnout sent me right down the toilet! I tried to do everything in my power to halt this, I poured my soul out to my employer, explaining if I had to continue the way things were, I was not capable, but..that fell on deaf ears..I did say "NO", but wasn't heard. I was left with no recourse but to walk away..actually run very far away, because I knew if I didn't go far enough, somehow I would have been dragged back.
The reason I write this, is because I am flabbergasted at how much this affected me. I am an old biddy!! In my lifetime I have done more than a few jobs that were not pleasant, but, I came away from them with experience, and picked up bits and pieces that have helped me through other jobs.This" Burn out", has in fact scared the crap right out of me!! It showed me that no matter what I assume I am capable of, there are limits, and if I surpass those limits, there is a huge price.
Perhaps the price is so high, because I am older? Perhaps I was not aware that I can no longer do near as much as I did when I was 40? Well, thing is, if I pushed myself, I could indeed do it, however, if I did this continually, absolutely every part of my being would revolt. I imagine the fact that I was living alone with only a couple of dogs and an amazing friend that would constantly check on me, and a partner that would "listen" to the continual sob stories over the phone, was probably a good thing. I was no longer able to deal with people..I just didn't want to have to expend energy on anything , because I needed it all for my job. I hated everything, and everyone, including myself! Funny, I should have had the control to walk away much sooner, but life works in mysterious ways, and in my case, I kind of sort of, needed that income, and jobs in that locale were few and far between.
So, clearly I made it out of that alive, but, surprise, the scars of that job will never go away. I told myself, I was past full-time, so casual was the way to go. How wonderful, maybe work a day here, a day there, some money in my pocket, and desperately needed social interaction. I went into this with the mindset not to repeat my mistakes. Hah! Clearly I have not learned quite how to say NO out loud, so people actually hear..including myself! I find myself falling right back into the habit of accepting way too much on my plate, and then hating myself. Not only do I hate myself, that which I call me, revolts, and I scare myself. I am so frightened of "Burn out" and see the symptoms once again, yet, I keep putting myself right in the middle of that road.
I am getting old! I know it, I see it (vividly) and I feel it. I just have not quite learned to acknowledge it completely. I simply cannot do now, what I did 20 years ago..crap..even 10 years ago! My work ethics that were ingrained in me, to do my best, have got to get a touch up. I have new limits, and I am going to have to write up my very own check list, and when I put the required checks all the way to the bottom of the list, I have got to learn to put the list down, and step away.
For the rest of my working life, that Burn out will forever haunt me. It is much like the time I got lost in the bush with my son, when he was very young. The experience is burned into my mind, and not every one has gotten lost, nor have they ever experience work place burn out, but, trust me...both affect one's life massively.
If you ever get to a place that your job causes you continual depression, and I mean continual, when your job becomes what controls your whole life, and you absolutely dread each day. when you leave your work place, and can think of nothing but, how you are going to manage going in the next day. When you feel totally used up, and abused, be afraid. Because now when I feel worn out at the end of a day, and wonder if I have enough to complete another, even though it is very easy for me to say NO, at this new job (still learning my limits) I am scared sh*tless. Mostly I am scared that my previous job has damaged me so much, I am no longer capable of working like a normal person. The price I paid for that job, was life changing..I just hope I learned my lesson..only time will tell, I guess. So..wish me luck..everyone likes Casual..LOL
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Life's Greatest Pleasure
Nope..this isn't political..or..maybe it is ..sort of...Funny how one's mind works. Out of the blue , obviously through some sort of switch that one often misses, memories come flooding back. Sometimes really dumb sh*t, things one has done in the past that must have been suddenly freed from the cover of grey matter, to float to the surface, and either bring a smile to your face, or a grimace. This is one of the greatest gifts of growing old. The little blurbs that pop by, to remind you that you have indeed lived a full life, even if you sometimes believe it has been uninteresting, compared to others.
The memories I speak of are those silly ones. Ones, that really didn't make a lick of difference to the world, but generally ones that provided gut laughs. Lord love us..those are so amazing, and by far the greatest pleasure in life. Well, at least I believe this. Laughter is something a person gets to enjoy, no matter how old, or young they are. I certainly don't remember many gut laughs as a child, but I assume they must have been there, those ones that start slowly, and take over, and bring tears because, your gut actually hurts a little, but that pain imprints the moment within you.
No..don't worry, all those of my friends who provided the scenarios for many of these moments, I am not going to spew our memories for the world. They belong to us, they are like secrets, others will never be able to reach the intense pleasure these times provided to us..Well..maybe..you remember when......LOL..of course you do!! The smile is beginning to form..you know if we speak further, it will all come right back
I admit, growing old brings a ton of hardening along with it. There are those who know me as one who is always negative, always complaining, and clearly not a nice person. Can't really argue with this, because, often I am, and perhaps this is all they can see. Hey, so be it..as I have stated many times, I don't really care what others think. They don't contribute to my world, so..But they might be surprised..well some of them freaking know..they just forgot..I used to laugh long and often. Hummm..what has changed?
I laugh at myself, you may not believe this, but I do. In fact a large percentage of my laughter now comes at my own expense. usually it is not because I am being funny, but because I do stupid stuff, and I accept and admit it. No sense denying the fact. I laugh at some show I enjoy, and I will tell anyone, I try not to watch anything beyond comedy, because I need it. I starve for laughter, it is the one thing that fixes all of life's troubles for even a moment.Once laughter begins, it overwhelms absolutely everything else, and I welcome it in. I will grasp at anything that can possibly provide a laugh, and at this point in time, it is often my own goof ups.
But the laughs that that invisible switch brings to light, are ones I shared, with people I love. When they come back, out of the blue, they are gifts. I can message the people who were with me, type a few words beyond "remember when.." and we are all enjoying a replay. Sure we remember bad times, and take our moments knowing we can still feel the sorrow, but, those are quick quiet moments, the memories of gut laughs, we will drag those out as long as possible, feeling that little twinge even 40 some years after the fact. I shared so many of these, with my friends, and truly gut-laughs are almost impossible without company, which is why they don't happen often now.
I know almost every single person has had these, not sure what happens, because when I sit and think what brought them on, the reasons are so varied, so I have to presume the atmosphere and the company have to play a big part in this process.I am sure there has been some scientific study, but my take on it, is the company.
Alrighty, I know I said I wasn't going to tell any secrets..but, for some reason two gut-laughs just will not go away, and I have the overwhelming urge to share...Hey, it's all good, because both of these were at my expense, so I can do it!
Many years ago, a person came into out lives and became a beloved family friend. She lived off in the South...now I really mean the South..in Alabama. A whole different world to someone living in the North. One day she was gong on about flowers, and smells, and told us about the aroma of Gardenia's . Awww..I tried to imagine this lovely scent..suddenly I needed to know exactly what I was missing. Well..my honey and I happened to go off on a shopping trip to the "big city" and....to my amazement, there on the floor of the floral section were boxes and boxes of white Gardenias. My honey continued down the aisle a ways, but me..I was thrilled. I knelt on the floor with my nose pressed up to the flower, and inhaled, and sniffed..Nothing..I sniffed again..nothing.I tried another flower..sniffing as hard as I could..disappointment growing..what the heck was up??? I imagined this wonderful scent, and my nostrils were getting nothing!! I glanced up to see my beloved staring at me, with a look of bewilderment..hey..he must have seen the same look in my eyes..then he asked "what the heck are you doing?' "Trying to smell these Gardenias" I answered. I could see the smile start on his face..I told him there was no smell at all, something was wrong..And then it began...the smile grew, and the laugh started..I am still bewildered..and then came the words "Those are cardboard flowers!" Yep... apparently I had been sniffing my nostrils dry attempting to get some scent from the little cardboard flowers decorating the little pots of non blooming Gardenias. Hey..trust me, for the rest of my life, this will follow, in fact when I kick the bucket, no doubt there will be at least one Gardenia at the funeral, this simple stupid thing I performed has provided gut-laughs to myself and my honey..and trust me, I almost peed my pants by the second aisle after this, and I swear he was in the same boat. I would have to stop, and bend over because I couldn't breath for the laughter, it didn't stop, it drove all the way back home, with us, and continued on as the scene was played over for friends. This was and will forever be one of those "remember when you smelled the cardboard flowers?" Gut-laughs.
The second incident (and trust me, I am sharing these not to make an impression that I am a bit dense..but because they were so wonderfully good, they just might make you laugh) was the lawn mower incident. First off, let me say, I kind of enjoy mowing my lawn. I am not OCD, but..I have a system, and I think I do a far better job at mowing than anyone else..so I feel obligated to do it. Let me also say..I have dogs, and no fenced yard..so we have a run that is connected to the enormous tree pretty much slap dab in the middle of our back yard. Oh, and...although I do the majority of the mowing..I do have a small habit of being lazy. O.K. maybe it is not so much lazy, as it is cutting corners. My dream man was inside watching TV, and I was in the mowing zone. I saw the run, it is a thick plastic coated wire, with the latch on the end, it appeared far away..but keep in mind, my eyes are not what they used to be, and apparently my judgement of distance is a tad off. Now..if the camera had been rolling, we would likely be millionaires right now, but..as usual, fate was against us. We have an awesome lawn mower!! Somehow it caught that line of run, and it "drove" up it!! Yep, I kept hanging on, as it ran up that wire until my arms could not reach, and I let go. I stood there for a few moments..perhaps I was in shock?? Then i began hollering for my honey..he didn't hear..so I had to go inside, and screech he had to come outside and help me. Well, he wasn't thrilled I was taking him away from whatever he had been watching, and mumbled all the way to the back door, and outside..and then silence..and then "WTF???" , and that's when it began...The gut-laugh, it was pretty much mutual timing, and we were left powerless..the mower hung there just below the branches, swinging in the air, as the two of us went weak at the knees. Yep..it remains "remember when you hung the lawnmower on the dog run?"
So, yes, money is nice, health is treasured, love is amazing, but laughter is indeed life's greatest pleasure!Thank you to all my friends and of course my beloved, for these incredible gut-laughs that are forever mine!!
The memories I speak of are those silly ones. Ones, that really didn't make a lick of difference to the world, but generally ones that provided gut laughs. Lord love us..those are so amazing, and by far the greatest pleasure in life. Well, at least I believe this. Laughter is something a person gets to enjoy, no matter how old, or young they are. I certainly don't remember many gut laughs as a child, but I assume they must have been there, those ones that start slowly, and take over, and bring tears because, your gut actually hurts a little, but that pain imprints the moment within you.
No..don't worry, all those of my friends who provided the scenarios for many of these moments, I am not going to spew our memories for the world. They belong to us, they are like secrets, others will never be able to reach the intense pleasure these times provided to us..Well..maybe..you remember when......LOL..of course you do!! The smile is beginning to form..you know if we speak further, it will all come right back
I admit, growing old brings a ton of hardening along with it. There are those who know me as one who is always negative, always complaining, and clearly not a nice person. Can't really argue with this, because, often I am, and perhaps this is all they can see. Hey, so be it..as I have stated many times, I don't really care what others think. They don't contribute to my world, so..But they might be surprised..well some of them freaking know..they just forgot..I used to laugh long and often. Hummm..what has changed?
I laugh at myself, you may not believe this, but I do. In fact a large percentage of my laughter now comes at my own expense. usually it is not because I am being funny, but because I do stupid stuff, and I accept and admit it. No sense denying the fact. I laugh at some show I enjoy, and I will tell anyone, I try not to watch anything beyond comedy, because I need it. I starve for laughter, it is the one thing that fixes all of life's troubles for even a moment.Once laughter begins, it overwhelms absolutely everything else, and I welcome it in. I will grasp at anything that can possibly provide a laugh, and at this point in time, it is often my own goof ups.
But the laughs that that invisible switch brings to light, are ones I shared, with people I love. When they come back, out of the blue, they are gifts. I can message the people who were with me, type a few words beyond "remember when.." and we are all enjoying a replay. Sure we remember bad times, and take our moments knowing we can still feel the sorrow, but, those are quick quiet moments, the memories of gut laughs, we will drag those out as long as possible, feeling that little twinge even 40 some years after the fact. I shared so many of these, with my friends, and truly gut-laughs are almost impossible without company, which is why they don't happen often now.
I know almost every single person has had these, not sure what happens, because when I sit and think what brought them on, the reasons are so varied, so I have to presume the atmosphere and the company have to play a big part in this process.I am sure there has been some scientific study, but my take on it, is the company.
Alrighty, I know I said I wasn't going to tell any secrets..but, for some reason two gut-laughs just will not go away, and I have the overwhelming urge to share...Hey, it's all good, because both of these were at my expense, so I can do it!
Many years ago, a person came into out lives and became a beloved family friend. She lived off in the South...now I really mean the South..in Alabama. A whole different world to someone living in the North. One day she was gong on about flowers, and smells, and told us about the aroma of Gardenia's . Awww..I tried to imagine this lovely scent..suddenly I needed to know exactly what I was missing. Well..my honey and I happened to go off on a shopping trip to the "big city" and....to my amazement, there on the floor of the floral section were boxes and boxes of white Gardenias. My honey continued down the aisle a ways, but me..I was thrilled. I knelt on the floor with my nose pressed up to the flower, and inhaled, and sniffed..Nothing..I sniffed again..nothing.I tried another flower..sniffing as hard as I could..disappointment growing..what the heck was up??? I imagined this wonderful scent, and my nostrils were getting nothing!! I glanced up to see my beloved staring at me, with a look of bewilderment..hey..he must have seen the same look in my eyes..then he asked "what the heck are you doing?' "Trying to smell these Gardenias" I answered. I could see the smile start on his face..I told him there was no smell at all, something was wrong..And then it began...the smile grew, and the laugh started..I am still bewildered..and then came the words "Those are cardboard flowers!" Yep... apparently I had been sniffing my nostrils dry attempting to get some scent from the little cardboard flowers decorating the little pots of non blooming Gardenias. Hey..trust me, for the rest of my life, this will follow, in fact when I kick the bucket, no doubt there will be at least one Gardenia at the funeral, this simple stupid thing I performed has provided gut-laughs to myself and my honey..and trust me, I almost peed my pants by the second aisle after this, and I swear he was in the same boat. I would have to stop, and bend over because I couldn't breath for the laughter, it didn't stop, it drove all the way back home, with us, and continued on as the scene was played over for friends. This was and will forever be one of those "remember when you smelled the cardboard flowers?" Gut-laughs.
The second incident (and trust me, I am sharing these not to make an impression that I am a bit dense..but because they were so wonderfully good, they just might make you laugh) was the lawn mower incident. First off, let me say, I kind of enjoy mowing my lawn. I am not OCD, but..I have a system, and I think I do a far better job at mowing than anyone else..so I feel obligated to do it. Let me also say..I have dogs, and no fenced yard..so we have a run that is connected to the enormous tree pretty much slap dab in the middle of our back yard. Oh, and...although I do the majority of the mowing..I do have a small habit of being lazy. O.K. maybe it is not so much lazy, as it is cutting corners. My dream man was inside watching TV, and I was in the mowing zone. I saw the run, it is a thick plastic coated wire, with the latch on the end, it appeared far away..but keep in mind, my eyes are not what they used to be, and apparently my judgement of distance is a tad off. Now..if the camera had been rolling, we would likely be millionaires right now, but..as usual, fate was against us. We have an awesome lawn mower!! Somehow it caught that line of run, and it "drove" up it!! Yep, I kept hanging on, as it ran up that wire until my arms could not reach, and I let go. I stood there for a few moments..perhaps I was in shock?? Then i began hollering for my honey..he didn't hear..so I had to go inside, and screech he had to come outside and help me. Well, he wasn't thrilled I was taking him away from whatever he had been watching, and mumbled all the way to the back door, and outside..and then silence..and then "WTF???" , and that's when it began...The gut-laugh, it was pretty much mutual timing, and we were left powerless..the mower hung there just below the branches, swinging in the air, as the two of us went weak at the knees. Yep..it remains "remember when you hung the lawnmower on the dog run?"
So, yes, money is nice, health is treasured, love is amazing, but laughter is indeed life's greatest pleasure!Thank you to all my friends and of course my beloved, for these incredible gut-laughs that are forever mine!!
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Ahhh Facebook! A place where one learns who they are. A place where the weak dare not enter.A place that can harass,. bully, and spew vileness, in the form of righteousness. Facebook is the trendiest place around..human rights change daily. Social injustice is dealt with with an iron fist. Labels are placed quickly, without investigation, or, indeed consideration. No, do not post your feelings or beliefs on this platform, unless you have a strong backbone, and hold your personal opinions tightly. Sure, post kittens, and ducks, and smilie faces..but under no circumstances type anything that brushes on politics or religion, clearly Facebook is a place for only cotton candy, not hard rock toffee.
Don't get me wrong..I enjoy Facebook. I enjoy the cotton candy parts, and I also enjoy the hard rock toffee. I suppose it is because deep down inside, I love a good debate. I love debates, but to do so verbally, I am at a loss, I tend to go off track (O.K. I tend to do that at all times), but written debates, allow for Google time to back up one's opinions, and I do love Google. It is so much easier than grabbing an encyclopedia, or rifling through magazines and newspapers. So..now one is provided with instant access to all facts, which makes debating far easier.
However, one thing facts do not do, is form opinions, those are done by the folks reading the facts. Opinions are formed all through life. I opened my Mathematics book back in school, and formed an instant opinion, I was never going to enjoy this subject, and surprise..I didn't, and haven't. I opened a history book, and instantly I formed another opinion..this was great stuff, and I loved it..and yes..I still do!
Lots of facts..and if I find something that tweaks my interest, I will do my best to follow those facts. I am not foolish enough to focus on one set of facts, because often even facts are coated in a smigeon of personal opinion, so it is best to check out as many facts as one can, so..one can indeed form their own opinion, not based on another's take.
O.K. I have admitted in the past, often I judge a book by it's cover. But, see, no matter how much grief I get from those who surround me, on my instant judgement of people I meet, I am pretty much spot on with my gut instinct. Yes, I know it bothers them when time proves me right, but I have no control over instinct, and I have been proven wrong only once..or maybe twice. Judgement of folks I meet does not go on Facebook. That would be foolish, and far too personal. I have few facts to base that on, besides my own feelings, so I keep them within my tiny circle.That is as far as judging by covers I go, and in truth, that is about the only part of life I do not research facts on.Can't really google gut feelings, can one?
What has changed my life is, the sudden reality that according to facebook, I have become somewhat of a radical. F*ck I didn't see that coming. Most of my life I have been a stick in the mud. I follow all the laws, I believe in the Golden Rule, I trust Karma (no matter how slowly it moves) and I believe who a person is, has absolutely nothing to do with the colour of their skin, their religion, or their sexuality. Why do I believe this? Because in my itty bitty tiny circle of dear close friends, I have my own melting pot, or is it mosaic?So...those who paint me with the brush of unacceptance..kiss my A$$!! I don't give a poop what one believes, as long as it does not become a focus on friendship, which it has not, it doesn't bloody well matter! I believe in equal rights for ALL! And when I say equal..I damn well mean that!! Nothing pisses me off more than having to witness specific individuals singled out for special rights, while others are left to the side.You know why that bothers me? Because it is just plain mean!
I remember elementary school..I remember when teams were picked, and I also remember how it felt to be the last..or even the second to last chosen, because I was not the greatest sportsperson..But hey, a spelling competition, I didn't sit long..But still, one remembers the feeling of being unwanted..it stays a lifetime.So, to assume I do not have compassion for fellow human beings, is untrue. Sure go ahead..tell me this is nothing like what is happening in my country right now..well..remember..opinions are based on facts..and the kindness or lack thereof I have been informed I do not possess, was formed over time, and experience. I was raised by a very kind generous woman, who once gave away my living room furniture to a new family..fine she in turn gave me hers, but, she had a huge heart..and..yes, she had a mouth...just like I do, but that did not make her unkind!
Disagreeing with the majority, or perhaps it is not truly the majority, instead the trends, does not make a person bad. I just cannot get Animal Farm out of my mind at this time. When a population is told they MUST accept a specific mindset, or they will be branded as haters and selfish and racist..words that have been thrown about so much more in the past few years than ever during civil rights ..something is wrong.
When rules do not apply to all, and a country is told they should be kind and allow a specific group to flaunt the rules, because it is the kind thing to do...WTF?? No!!! It is not the kind thing to do, it is the wrong thing to do. I listened to people stating how these new refugees were fleeing war torn countries, and to have compassion. Now they are pulling up at borders in taxis, and pushing their infants through snow in strollers to cross over into the promised land. Jesus Murphy folks..we do not live in a third world (yet) we are not at war, they no longer have to worry about a bomb dropping on them, or a coup, they do not have to wade through 4 feet of snow, in fear for their lives...They have simply decided they have a better chance in a country that clearly opens the door to all, without question.
Here it comes the question of clarity..and surprise, I know the answer...if this was an American family, would they indeed get the same treatment as those "refugees"? If a Canadian decided they were going to take their toddlers by the hand and waltz across the Peace Arch crossing without going through the proper procedures, would they get the same treatment? Of course not!! That is just a stupid question..so why is what's happening now acceptable? Why are these people somehow different? Because they are refugees? Well..we all know that our government has put a sh*tload of time, money and effort into this issue, I suppose I should indeed research how much the United States has doled out, and for some reason, that wasn't good enough!!
A influx of refugees that suddenly want more than they have received, what they have been offered in one place is not quite up to par, they decided they want something else. Well..for all those who shove the fact that most everyone in these countries was at one time an immigrant..I accept that fact! However, as one who enjoys history, I also know those immigrants either stayed with family who came before, or..yes....found their own way in the country that accepted them! They found their own way..they did not get hand outs, they did not get healthcare, they did not have a big open arm welcome from the Sally Ann or the local government..they were simply offered a space in a country, and so..to harp that now suddenly we are to open the doors and our hearts to a new type of immigrant, that arrives to a gift box and support, and remember this is where our ancestors began..is not fact!! Our ancestors came and accepted the gift of a place, and a way of life, one with different laws, and rules from their "home" country. They chose to come here, because of those rules and laws, and rights and freedoms....
Perhaps that is the difference here? Perhaps it was the matter of choice? Perhaps after the initial realization that they are now far from war, and safe, they decided they didn't like the country that had allowed them a place? Well..if so, then it is past time to stop the hand out, special rights to these folks..It is time for them to sit down and follow the rules same as everyone else.
As for me..I really don't give a crap if they are tanned or not..so for those who throw bloody White privilege in my face..give it a break..because trust me..you don't know my life story, so you don't have a right to assume I have been privileged! For those who throw the Christian history, and horrors at me, stop...the bible was written by the same people who lived back in the time of sacrifices and stonings..none of which I condone. I believe in what I feel is mine..not someone else's , and besides a few blurbs on here, I keep my own to myself. I do not ask special privilege for my religion (except to keep it) I do not ask the world to change one iota because a personal belief does not need anything physical.
I use the term Christian to describe my belief, because that is the closest I have found that fits. But, a book is not what I base my life on. I mentioned Karma..won't find that in the bible..that's a whole other religion..but it is part of my belief. I believe in reincarnation oops..think that is mixed up with some other religions as well.and yes....Christianity has it's own. So..why have I gone off on this tangent? Because like everything else, I have used facts and experience to even base my religion on, I did not simply accept something I was told that I must take as fact!
So..it is clear I am not one to simply go with the flow, because it is Trendy. I don't care if I am not with the in crowd. I will argue with anyone who labels me as a hater or unkind, because I question. Without questions one stops learning, and that is not something humanity can afford. To silence those who do not agree, is indeed removing a privilege offered to each and everyone of us. To put the words racist, and hater, and unkind on one who only wants answers to questions that are acceptable for some and not others, is wrong on all counts. Special consideration is, in almost all cases, wrong!! We will never have equality, or a world without discrimination until the same rules apply to all!!
So..again..I totally understand before I put up a post on Facebook what may occur..I know my opinion may incite another to spew venom my way. I know that as well, when I hit the publish key for this very blog, I am opening up yet another can of worms..but I am ready for the worms..I like worms..and I stand by my personal opinions, because they have taken a lifetime to form, and I know I don't hate, without reason (yes, I admit I do carry that in aspects of my life) I know I have more than my share of kindness I show the world, and I know that I love people , who are not White "Privileged", heterosexual females, ooops forgot..Christian females such as myself. So stick it up where the sun don't shine..you don't know me, any more than you know those people crossing the borders...perhaps you are a tad "Biased"?
Don't get me wrong..I enjoy Facebook. I enjoy the cotton candy parts, and I also enjoy the hard rock toffee. I suppose it is because deep down inside, I love a good debate. I love debates, but to do so verbally, I am at a loss, I tend to go off track (O.K. I tend to do that at all times), but written debates, allow for Google time to back up one's opinions, and I do love Google. It is so much easier than grabbing an encyclopedia, or rifling through magazines and newspapers. So..now one is provided with instant access to all facts, which makes debating far easier.
However, one thing facts do not do, is form opinions, those are done by the folks reading the facts. Opinions are formed all through life. I opened my Mathematics book back in school, and formed an instant opinion, I was never going to enjoy this subject, and surprise..I didn't, and haven't. I opened a history book, and instantly I formed another opinion..this was great stuff, and I loved it..and yes..I still do!
Lots of facts..and if I find something that tweaks my interest, I will do my best to follow those facts. I am not foolish enough to focus on one set of facts, because often even facts are coated in a smigeon of personal opinion, so it is best to check out as many facts as one can, so..one can indeed form their own opinion, not based on another's take.
O.K. I have admitted in the past, often I judge a book by it's cover. But, see, no matter how much grief I get from those who surround me, on my instant judgement of people I meet, I am pretty much spot on with my gut instinct. Yes, I know it bothers them when time proves me right, but I have no control over instinct, and I have been proven wrong only once..or maybe twice. Judgement of folks I meet does not go on Facebook. That would be foolish, and far too personal. I have few facts to base that on, besides my own feelings, so I keep them within my tiny circle.That is as far as judging by covers I go, and in truth, that is about the only part of life I do not research facts on.Can't really google gut feelings, can one?
What has changed my life is, the sudden reality that according to facebook, I have become somewhat of a radical. F*ck I didn't see that coming. Most of my life I have been a stick in the mud. I follow all the laws, I believe in the Golden Rule, I trust Karma (no matter how slowly it moves) and I believe who a person is, has absolutely nothing to do with the colour of their skin, their religion, or their sexuality. Why do I believe this? Because in my itty bitty tiny circle of dear close friends, I have my own melting pot, or is it mosaic?So...those who paint me with the brush of unacceptance..kiss my A$$!! I don't give a poop what one believes, as long as it does not become a focus on friendship, which it has not, it doesn't bloody well matter! I believe in equal rights for ALL! And when I say equal..I damn well mean that!! Nothing pisses me off more than having to witness specific individuals singled out for special rights, while others are left to the side.You know why that bothers me? Because it is just plain mean!
I remember elementary school..I remember when teams were picked, and I also remember how it felt to be the last..or even the second to last chosen, because I was not the greatest sportsperson..But hey, a spelling competition, I didn't sit long..But still, one remembers the feeling of being unwanted..it stays a lifetime.So, to assume I do not have compassion for fellow human beings, is untrue. Sure go ahead..tell me this is nothing like what is happening in my country right now..well..remember..opinions are based on facts..and the kindness or lack thereof I have been informed I do not possess, was formed over time, and experience. I was raised by a very kind generous woman, who once gave away my living room furniture to a new family..fine she in turn gave me hers, but, she had a huge heart..and..yes, she had a mouth...just like I do, but that did not make her unkind!
Disagreeing with the majority, or perhaps it is not truly the majority, instead the trends, does not make a person bad. I just cannot get Animal Farm out of my mind at this time. When a population is told they MUST accept a specific mindset, or they will be branded as haters and selfish and racist..words that have been thrown about so much more in the past few years than ever during civil rights ..something is wrong.
When rules do not apply to all, and a country is told they should be kind and allow a specific group to flaunt the rules, because it is the kind thing to do...WTF?? No!!! It is not the kind thing to do, it is the wrong thing to do. I listened to people stating how these new refugees were fleeing war torn countries, and to have compassion. Now they are pulling up at borders in taxis, and pushing their infants through snow in strollers to cross over into the promised land. Jesus Murphy folks..we do not live in a third world (yet) we are not at war, they no longer have to worry about a bomb dropping on them, or a coup, they do not have to wade through 4 feet of snow, in fear for their lives...They have simply decided they have a better chance in a country that clearly opens the door to all, without question.
Here it comes the question of clarity..and surprise, I know the answer...if this was an American family, would they indeed get the same treatment as those "refugees"? If a Canadian decided they were going to take their toddlers by the hand and waltz across the Peace Arch crossing without going through the proper procedures, would they get the same treatment? Of course not!! That is just a stupid question..so why is what's happening now acceptable? Why are these people somehow different? Because they are refugees? Well..we all know that our government has put a sh*tload of time, money and effort into this issue, I suppose I should indeed research how much the United States has doled out, and for some reason, that wasn't good enough!!
A influx of refugees that suddenly want more than they have received, what they have been offered in one place is not quite up to par, they decided they want something else. Well..for all those who shove the fact that most everyone in these countries was at one time an immigrant..I accept that fact! However, as one who enjoys history, I also know those immigrants either stayed with family who came before, or..yes....found their own way in the country that accepted them! They found their own way..they did not get hand outs, they did not get healthcare, they did not have a big open arm welcome from the Sally Ann or the local government..they were simply offered a space in a country, and so..to harp that now suddenly we are to open the doors and our hearts to a new type of immigrant, that arrives to a gift box and support, and remember this is where our ancestors began..is not fact!! Our ancestors came and accepted the gift of a place, and a way of life, one with different laws, and rules from their "home" country. They chose to come here, because of those rules and laws, and rights and freedoms....
Perhaps that is the difference here? Perhaps it was the matter of choice? Perhaps after the initial realization that they are now far from war, and safe, they decided they didn't like the country that had allowed them a place? Well..if so, then it is past time to stop the hand out, special rights to these folks..It is time for them to sit down and follow the rules same as everyone else.
As for me..I really don't give a crap if they are tanned or not..so for those who throw bloody White privilege in my face..give it a break..because trust me..you don't know my life story, so you don't have a right to assume I have been privileged! For those who throw the Christian history, and horrors at me, stop...the bible was written by the same people who lived back in the time of sacrifices and stonings..none of which I condone. I believe in what I feel is mine..not someone else's , and besides a few blurbs on here, I keep my own to myself. I do not ask special privilege for my religion (except to keep it) I do not ask the world to change one iota because a personal belief does not need anything physical.
I use the term Christian to describe my belief, because that is the closest I have found that fits. But, a book is not what I base my life on. I mentioned Karma..won't find that in the bible..that's a whole other religion..but it is part of my belief. I believe in reincarnation oops..think that is mixed up with some other religions as well.and yes....Christianity has it's own. So..why have I gone off on this tangent? Because like everything else, I have used facts and experience to even base my religion on, I did not simply accept something I was told that I must take as fact!
So..it is clear I am not one to simply go with the flow, because it is Trendy. I don't care if I am not with the in crowd. I will argue with anyone who labels me as a hater or unkind, because I question. Without questions one stops learning, and that is not something humanity can afford. To silence those who do not agree, is indeed removing a privilege offered to each and everyone of us. To put the words racist, and hater, and unkind on one who only wants answers to questions that are acceptable for some and not others, is wrong on all counts. Special consideration is, in almost all cases, wrong!! We will never have equality, or a world without discrimination until the same rules apply to all!!
So..again..I totally understand before I put up a post on Facebook what may occur..I know my opinion may incite another to spew venom my way. I know that as well, when I hit the publish key for this very blog, I am opening up yet another can of worms..but I am ready for the worms..I like worms..and I stand by my personal opinions, because they have taken a lifetime to form, and I know I don't hate, without reason (yes, I admit I do carry that in aspects of my life) I know I have more than my share of kindness I show the world, and I know that I love people , who are not White "Privileged", heterosexual females, ooops forgot..Christian females such as myself. So stick it up where the sun don't shine..you don't know me, any more than you know those people crossing the borders...perhaps you are a tad "Biased"?
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Municipal Fluff
O.K. I know, I am Old!! I am also miserable.or is that old fashioned? I believe in frugal living, unless one has a pretty unlimited budget..because..that is the way I have to live.
I have a home..O.K. I am the unlucky person who actually has two homes. Those two homes both have mortgages, they have insurance, they have property taxes, they have utilities, and they have upkeep. All of this does not come cheap. In fact, much of the time, any income left after food, goes directly into these costs.I can't overextend our budget, because...lending facilities don't look favourably on this..so we are limited. Yep..sure would like a solar power system, and triple glazed windows would be awesome..maybe a nice heated floor and a thermal heat system? But...again..not in the budget.Oh..I forgot to mention..along with both homes come the costs of water and sewer..yep, see..it all adds up, and for these taxes, my municipality is able to maintain roads, pick up garbage, provide safe drinking water..and duct tape the aging sewer system.Oh, Oh..I forgot, they can also build a nice new Public works building in the middle of property that was once a donated walking trail.
Those things are absolutely necessary for a town! I am fine with paying taxes to allow the basics of services needed.
But....there comes a point that I begin to be p*ssed. First it was the insanity of flowers. Every summer a large clump of folks make a nice chunk of change planting new flowers all about. There are large flower pots and gazebos and sprinkler systems..does this improve my property? When the h_ll did this become a constant in small towns? See..some summers we run into issues with water, and the town issues notice telling folks they are not to water their lawns..however..every day the timers kick in, and the municipal lawns and flowers receive their water???? Yes, there are question marks after this..because I find this questionable. I sometimes dish out my own money to purchase plants, and I try to keep my lawn watered and looking decent..but I am simply suppose to let my own go, while that which my property tax pays, is somehow different.
No, I am not a Grinch. However the flowers do not come down my street, plus. when I spend my own money on plants, I attempt to get those which will pop up year after year..these, well they are planted, and dug up at the end of the year to be replaced with new ones..I know this is not inexpensive, and the maintenance costs are pretty steep when one takes into account the summer employees, the equipment use, the materials. I am not against a few planters scattered about, and of course lawns been mowed..but this has become overwhelming, and expensive, and..it is not necessary!
Just awhile back, I noticed we now have a new comer, someone who has a job description of Special Events and Recreation Coordinator. O.K. I sort of heard bits and pieces of this position a few years back..but...really..now we have brought someone in to town with some sort of degree to Coordinate special events and recreation? Where the hell do I live? I live in a dinky little town, much as I have all my life. Life in a small town generally consists of a lifestyle unlike large places. One fishes, or hikes, or hunts, or camps, or simply enjoys the peace and quiet. Suddenly it is necessary to have someone arranging things to do? Lets see...July 1st..a parade, hot dogs, cake (provided by our government) and a large area for folks to gather..maybe baseball tournaments, soccer..what not..but..lordie lordie..must pay someone some of those property taxes to organize this!
Sorry this is all getting way to stupid! You move to a small town, you have to know, you may have to make your own activities..but..no..not anymore...now there is someone who has the job to ensure you have things to do.
See..I am fine with my taxes paying to ensure the sewer system is capable of carrying all the sh*t, I am fine with paying taxes to ensure the roads are maintained, even though I live on the highway and my District does not touch my area. I am fine with paying my taxes to ensure I have police service, Fire service, and a Mayor and council. I am fine with the school and the hospital..but I am not fine with fluff.
Like every other form of government, and trust me, lately Municipal governments have signed on to more and more sub sections of groups, or committees, that make blanket decisions for areas,folks who indeed get paid for their time..chipping away at the funds, taking community decisions and making them part and parcel of their agenda. It is way past time to stop with the in-camera meetings that involve so much of what happens in a small town, and go back to the basics.
No more fluff, whether government offers subsidies, or not....Let the appearance go, let people find their own damn recreation and activities, stick to the basics..get those things in order, and then..well if there is money left over spiff things up a bit!
I have a home..O.K. I am the unlucky person who actually has two homes. Those two homes both have mortgages, they have insurance, they have property taxes, they have utilities, and they have upkeep. All of this does not come cheap. In fact, much of the time, any income left after food, goes directly into these costs.I can't overextend our budget, because...lending facilities don't look favourably on this..so we are limited. Yep..sure would like a solar power system, and triple glazed windows would be awesome..maybe a nice heated floor and a thermal heat system? But...again..not in the budget.Oh..I forgot to mention..along with both homes come the costs of water and sewer..yep, see..it all adds up, and for these taxes, my municipality is able to maintain roads, pick up garbage, provide safe drinking water..and duct tape the aging sewer system.Oh, Oh..I forgot, they can also build a nice new Public works building in the middle of property that was once a donated walking trail.
Those things are absolutely necessary for a town! I am fine with paying taxes to allow the basics of services needed.
But....there comes a point that I begin to be p*ssed. First it was the insanity of flowers. Every summer a large clump of folks make a nice chunk of change planting new flowers all about. There are large flower pots and gazebos and sprinkler systems..does this improve my property? When the h_ll did this become a constant in small towns? See..some summers we run into issues with water, and the town issues notice telling folks they are not to water their lawns..however..every day the timers kick in, and the municipal lawns and flowers receive their water???? Yes, there are question marks after this..because I find this questionable. I sometimes dish out my own money to purchase plants, and I try to keep my lawn watered and looking decent..but I am simply suppose to let my own go, while that which my property tax pays, is somehow different.
No, I am not a Grinch. However the flowers do not come down my street, plus. when I spend my own money on plants, I attempt to get those which will pop up year after year..these, well they are planted, and dug up at the end of the year to be replaced with new ones..I know this is not inexpensive, and the maintenance costs are pretty steep when one takes into account the summer employees, the equipment use, the materials. I am not against a few planters scattered about, and of course lawns been mowed..but this has become overwhelming, and expensive, and..it is not necessary!
Just awhile back, I noticed we now have a new comer, someone who has a job description of Special Events and Recreation Coordinator. O.K. I sort of heard bits and pieces of this position a few years back..but...really..now we have brought someone in to town with some sort of degree to Coordinate special events and recreation? Where the hell do I live? I live in a dinky little town, much as I have all my life. Life in a small town generally consists of a lifestyle unlike large places. One fishes, or hikes, or hunts, or camps, or simply enjoys the peace and quiet. Suddenly it is necessary to have someone arranging things to do? Lets see...July 1st..a parade, hot dogs, cake (provided by our government) and a large area for folks to gather..maybe baseball tournaments, soccer..what not..but..lordie lordie..must pay someone some of those property taxes to organize this!
Sorry this is all getting way to stupid! You move to a small town, you have to know, you may have to make your own activities..but..no..not anymore...now there is someone who has the job to ensure you have things to do.
See..I am fine with my taxes paying to ensure the sewer system is capable of carrying all the sh*t, I am fine with paying taxes to ensure the roads are maintained, even though I live on the highway and my District does not touch my area. I am fine with paying my taxes to ensure I have police service, Fire service, and a Mayor and council. I am fine with the school and the hospital..but I am not fine with fluff.
Like every other form of government, and trust me, lately Municipal governments have signed on to more and more sub sections of groups, or committees, that make blanket decisions for areas,folks who indeed get paid for their time..chipping away at the funds, taking community decisions and making them part and parcel of their agenda. It is way past time to stop with the in-camera meetings that involve so much of what happens in a small town, and go back to the basics.
No more fluff, whether government offers subsidies, or not....Let the appearance go, let people find their own damn recreation and activities, stick to the basics..get those things in order, and then..well if there is money left over spiff things up a bit!
Saturday, 4 February 2017
My friends are a mixed group. Maybe that is why I try very hard to be open minded..although perhaps some out there don't think of me that way. I imagine you don't think of me that way..because I do this! I blog and throw my feelings out to the world. I don't sit on the fence, never been a fence sitter..and never will. It is just not in my nature..so I attempt, as best I can, to give MPO..remember that...my personal opinion.
Now..in truth, my opinion means diddly to the way of the world. I hold no power , I am not the CEO of some multi billion dollar empire..I am simply a white, female, who has had to work very hard to manage to make ends meet..pretty much most of my life. I am what is commonly known as "Middle Class". I am also someone who has at one time in my life, had to accept Welfare, someone who has blanketed off door ways, and dragged mattresses in front of the kitchen stove, to attempt to keep my children warm, because we didn't have enough to pay for stove oil. So..when I comment on some aspects of life..keep in mind..I have lived through some of it, so I know what it is like. My cupboards at one time held a bag of rice and a jar of peanut butter, with 2 kids to feed. That period was because of a government kiltch, but it had to be lived, because there was no other solution. So..again, I understand what it is like to have absolutely nothing..diddly, and through no fault of our own. I have empathy....I have to, because I know..things like that, one doesn't forget. To be helpless, to feel hopeless...I remember!But, perhaps I was just a wee bit different, this was our problem, and yes, I had family, who probably would have stepped up to the plate, but..our problem was..we had perhaps a wee bit too much pride, so we would find a way out, and over time..we did.
Hard times seem to come and go with us, but, they are our hard times. Yes, I ramble to those closest, when we hit them, and I know..if I ask, they would help, but I also know, that somehow we can figure out a way to get by..and that is what we do..we get by.
I imagine most who see me, think I live a nice smooth sailing life. I have people tell me how lucky I am to have a wonderful strong relationship with my better half. I hear how they wish they had this. Well, again...see I was married once before, and my Ex and I made some huge mistakes, and clearly neither of us were dedicated enough to the marriage, so that failed. Hey, he was a nice guy, and the father of my oldest, so, we kept a friendly relationship, and both went into other ones. So..I learned alot from my failure, and those lessons I took into this new relationship. It is not like life was suddenly wine and roses..far from it. We were thrown into the lion's den with a complete family right off the bat, money was always an issue, kids were always an issue, this relationship did not offer us time to learn how to live with each other, alone, we were a family with one in kindergarten, one in elementary school, and a teenager. But, giving up was never an option, we learned to support each other, and committed to finding some way to survive.
So. again, at this age, I have indeed learned a sh*t load of life lessons, and these lessons are how I end up with MPO. I have to stress that these are my opinions, because I know, I am just one person, and I also know that some of my friends do not agree with MPO, they have their own, and for goodness sake, just because I don't agree with theirs I still respect their right to them. We may even, at times, argue(debate) our differences, they have their reasons for looking at things one way, and I have my reasons to see things differently. Most of the time, I realize their opinions are based on their lives. They traveled down different paths to get to where they are. Maybe their roads were easier, maybe they were a whole lot harder, but life lessons are what personal opinions are generally based on.
I think that is why in politics you have the left and right. I believe the more conservative folks, are mainly those who have had to struggle and work hard, by themselves to get through life. The Liberal folks are those who have not seen near the struggles, or those who have had their struggles solved by someone other than themselves. Again...please keep in mind MPO...not necessarily fact, just my fact.
So, in MPO...and yes..my conservative leaning opinion, all this crapola going on today with MUSLIMS........Please for goodness sake, open your eyes...is indeed based on freaking religion. I don't care whether it is media doing it, or who, but, the word is in every news story, MUSLIM is a religion. It is NOT a race, it is NOT a country, it is a religion. So...someone somewhere has turned a refugee situation into a religious conflict..dont' know who it was, but it wasn't Trump!! You cannot blame this pile of crap on him..this was going on long before he stepped into the ring.
Someone is to blame..when did this happen? When did Syrians suddenly turn into MUSLIMS? When did the refugee issue change from Syrians to Muslims? Thing is, religion was only targeted by the media and the population when a different religion was brought up, and suddenly the world was offended because of religion. WTF??? Something is so insane here. One minute we are shocked and horrified by the picture of a little SYRIAN boy on a beach, and the next minute we are protesting Muslim bashing. Some strange detour happened somewhere along the line, and bingo ,religion is front and center, somehow one religion becoming the focus of the world, instead of a country of war torn refugees.
So..in MPO I am sick and tired of supporting one religion, and hearing about how they are so hard done by. I don't care about this religion, I have my own, and that is my right..However, when my right to my religion suddenly becomes offensive to others, because of past history, or something someone did once upon a time, and every second comment is geared towards White people committing crimes, and that Muslims do not do this, or that, I cannot help but think, we have gone insane. To put one select group of people on a pedestal, and feel free to bash another is certainly not fixing anything. It is reverse discrimination, and it is no better than it was before, the tables have simply turned. The problem is still there, the victims are just different. And, I am sure there will be some who are offended by MPO, but I think if they open their eyes really wide, and read some of the comments on news stories (you can do that, you know), they will see what I have seen, and what I am basing MPO on.
We are F*cked!! So, as time goes on, clearly those on the opposite side of the fence from me, feel that I should keep MPO quiet, because I AM one of those people who have suddenly become offensive, because I don't agree with what someone has decided is Politically acceptable. If this is indeed not a religious issue..change the words in all the damn News stories and quit telling the rest of the world they must accept MUSLIMS..tell them they have to accept refugees..leave religion out of this messed up mix of sh*t!!
Now..in truth, my opinion means diddly to the way of the world. I hold no power , I am not the CEO of some multi billion dollar empire..I am simply a white, female, who has had to work very hard to manage to make ends meet..pretty much most of my life. I am what is commonly known as "Middle Class". I am also someone who has at one time in my life, had to accept Welfare, someone who has blanketed off door ways, and dragged mattresses in front of the kitchen stove, to attempt to keep my children warm, because we didn't have enough to pay for stove oil. So..when I comment on some aspects of life..keep in mind..I have lived through some of it, so I know what it is like. My cupboards at one time held a bag of rice and a jar of peanut butter, with 2 kids to feed. That period was because of a government kiltch, but it had to be lived, because there was no other solution. So..again, I understand what it is like to have absolutely nothing..diddly, and through no fault of our own. I have empathy....I have to, because I know..things like that, one doesn't forget. To be helpless, to feel hopeless...I remember!But, perhaps I was just a wee bit different, this was our problem, and yes, I had family, who probably would have stepped up to the plate, but..our problem was..we had perhaps a wee bit too much pride, so we would find a way out, and over time..we did.
Hard times seem to come and go with us, but, they are our hard times. Yes, I ramble to those closest, when we hit them, and I know..if I ask, they would help, but I also know, that somehow we can figure out a way to get by..and that is what we do..we get by.
I imagine most who see me, think I live a nice smooth sailing life. I have people tell me how lucky I am to have a wonderful strong relationship with my better half. I hear how they wish they had this. Well, again...see I was married once before, and my Ex and I made some huge mistakes, and clearly neither of us were dedicated enough to the marriage, so that failed. Hey, he was a nice guy, and the father of my oldest, so, we kept a friendly relationship, and both went into other ones. So..I learned alot from my failure, and those lessons I took into this new relationship. It is not like life was suddenly wine and roses..far from it. We were thrown into the lion's den with a complete family right off the bat, money was always an issue, kids were always an issue, this relationship did not offer us time to learn how to live with each other, alone, we were a family with one in kindergarten, one in elementary school, and a teenager. But, giving up was never an option, we learned to support each other, and committed to finding some way to survive.
So. again, at this age, I have indeed learned a sh*t load of life lessons, and these lessons are how I end up with MPO. I have to stress that these are my opinions, because I know, I am just one person, and I also know that some of my friends do not agree with MPO, they have their own, and for goodness sake, just because I don't agree with theirs I still respect their right to them. We may even, at times, argue(debate) our differences, they have their reasons for looking at things one way, and I have my reasons to see things differently. Most of the time, I realize their opinions are based on their lives. They traveled down different paths to get to where they are. Maybe their roads were easier, maybe they were a whole lot harder, but life lessons are what personal opinions are generally based on.
I think that is why in politics you have the left and right. I believe the more conservative folks, are mainly those who have had to struggle and work hard, by themselves to get through life. The Liberal folks are those who have not seen near the struggles, or those who have had their struggles solved by someone other than themselves. Again...please keep in mind MPO...not necessarily fact, just my fact.
So, in MPO...and yes..my conservative leaning opinion, all this crapola going on today with MUSLIMS........Please for goodness sake, open your eyes...is indeed based on freaking religion. I don't care whether it is media doing it, or who, but, the word is in every news story, MUSLIM is a religion. It is NOT a race, it is NOT a country, it is a religion. So...someone somewhere has turned a refugee situation into a religious conflict..dont' know who it was, but it wasn't Trump!! You cannot blame this pile of crap on him..this was going on long before he stepped into the ring.
Someone is to blame..when did this happen? When did Syrians suddenly turn into MUSLIMS? When did the refugee issue change from Syrians to Muslims? Thing is, religion was only targeted by the media and the population when a different religion was brought up, and suddenly the world was offended because of religion. WTF??? Something is so insane here. One minute we are shocked and horrified by the picture of a little SYRIAN boy on a beach, and the next minute we are protesting Muslim bashing. Some strange detour happened somewhere along the line, and bingo ,religion is front and center, somehow one religion becoming the focus of the world, instead of a country of war torn refugees.
So..in MPO I am sick and tired of supporting one religion, and hearing about how they are so hard done by. I don't care about this religion, I have my own, and that is my right..However, when my right to my religion suddenly becomes offensive to others, because of past history, or something someone did once upon a time, and every second comment is geared towards White people committing crimes, and that Muslims do not do this, or that, I cannot help but think, we have gone insane. To put one select group of people on a pedestal, and feel free to bash another is certainly not fixing anything. It is reverse discrimination, and it is no better than it was before, the tables have simply turned. The problem is still there, the victims are just different. And, I am sure there will be some who are offended by MPO, but I think if they open their eyes really wide, and read some of the comments on news stories (you can do that, you know), they will see what I have seen, and what I am basing MPO on.
We are F*cked!! So, as time goes on, clearly those on the opposite side of the fence from me, feel that I should keep MPO quiet, because I AM one of those people who have suddenly become offensive, because I don't agree with what someone has decided is Politically acceptable. If this is indeed not a religious issue..change the words in all the damn News stories and quit telling the rest of the world they must accept MUSLIMS..tell them they have to accept refugees..leave religion out of this messed up mix of sh*t!!
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
O.K. I admit..I post an awful lot of stuff on FB. Little things pop up that I think are cute, or perhaps address some of my personal opinions..so I post them. I also accept that when I do..someone else may find them offensive..but some of them, when I do post, I am amazed when they offend..because..I think they are off the wall, and "harmless".
Today I was surprised at a comment on one of these postings. It had to do with Zombies, and rights. Well..this was posted after I had read an article stating the man who be-headed a passenger on a Greyhound bus, was in line of perhaps getting this crime wiped away..because he was clearly not himself, or in his right mind, or off his medication..when he did the crime. He has rights!!
Yes..he is certainly a minority, and I am thankful for that..but the Zombie post was taken out of context, and the opinion that this was written by someone who clearly had never been a minority, in fear for their safety.
First off..what constitutes a minority? To believe one who put such a post up, has never been in a position of fear, because they have never been a minority, is in some respects condescending. I realize I am a white heterosexual female. Does that mean that I have lived for 60 years without being placed in a position of a minority, and never fearing for my safety? If you believe this is likely, then you are way off base.
I have indeed been in this position, on more than one occasion. I am not sure why people assume only certain human beings are sometimes targets. That is so wrong. Do people believe only specific races, or lifestyles find themselves in extremely uncomfortable positions, and one race and lifestyle is immune? Because, this is not fact. Anyone can find themselves surrounded by others who clearly do not accept them. Anyone can find themselves in a position of hatred towards them. It doesn't matter who they are, or how they live, just because they are different, and do not fit in, and somehow, through no fault of their own, they are the focus of a group's dislike, they are surrounded and feel uncomfortable.
Now zombies..well, not that I follow any of those shows, and I am not up to date on the whole system..I do believe there is absolutely no discrimination on who, or I think what living being, can turn into a Zombie..so they are just as a lot, scary things...and also..hopefully figments of the imagination. So, it was posted because of a variety of reasons, and a statement of the fact that there are so many rights movements, for so many things, that someone would feel Zombie rights were not given the same status as others.
Thing is, when you have right movements, it is because specific individuals are treated as less, disabled, veterans, seniors, etc. And yes, I agree, as a population, we should all be able to be treated as humans, and have access to the basics rights. Now..that is where I have to draw the line. Women's rights..hey...I am a woman!! However, there is a line..if a club wants to be a gentleman's club, and women are offended and raise Holy h-ll to allow women in that club..the line is crossed..because on the other hand..women seem to think they can have Women only places, that men dare not enter.
Disabled people..I understand ramps etc must be installed to allow access to government buildings, grocery stores, medical buildings , public transit, etc..but when disabled folks start tearing airlines apart because they would not accept their personal wheelchairs on board a plane, because the damn things would't fit, the line has been crossed. When a restaurant does not have handicapped areas, well, common sense would say..go elsewhere.
It is almost like some feel the need to dig about to find anything they can battle, even if they have a choice to someplace else.
Do people who feel they are minorities somehow believe each and every person can never have been one? Sure, the world is filled with different races, and different political beliefs, and religious beliefs, and..sexual beliefs.Some people love dogs, some people hate dogs and love cats. Some people hate all animals with fur. Some people love vegetables, some don't, some are Vegans, some are meat eaters..Alright, these differences seldom result in a fear of safety..so I suppose I was being a little stupid..but...truth is..the world is filled with a whole lot of differences, and I suppose that is part of what makes it interesting. It would certainly be very boring if we were all the same, but facts are, we are not all equal!!
Equal rights..that phrase is a dream. The saddest part of it all, is that the majority of minorities, seem to think the rest of the world has never experienced what they feel. So suddenly the larger group must suddenly change for the smaller select group, and that is where the problem lies. The minority becomes the select group, with special considerations given, and then the cycle continues.
See..minorities and majorities change with each setting, so unless one lives in a bubble, the average person will experience the discomfort, and, yes, the fear of being a minority. Trouble begins when one group suddenly assume all others must accept their beliefs and change their ways to assure they feel comfortable and safe. Just isn't possible..because...there will always be both sides to this, and the majority rules, as it has for centuries..All that is happening now, is the majority that was, is now the minority, and the question I have is, will the new minority be heard?
As for the Zombie rights movement..it was a joke, and one based on a group that does not exist..Horrible things like a man off his medication be-heading an innocent passenger on a bus, does exist..and he has more rights than the young man who was killed..so..there is a problem with rights. The young person who lost his life apparently didn't matter near as much as the one who took it..Therefore the posting!!
Today I was surprised at a comment on one of these postings. It had to do with Zombies, and rights. Well..this was posted after I had read an article stating the man who be-headed a passenger on a Greyhound bus, was in line of perhaps getting this crime wiped away..because he was clearly not himself, or in his right mind, or off his medication..when he did the crime. He has rights!!
Yes..he is certainly a minority, and I am thankful for that..but the Zombie post was taken out of context, and the opinion that this was written by someone who clearly had never been a minority, in fear for their safety.
First off..what constitutes a minority? To believe one who put such a post up, has never been in a position of fear, because they have never been a minority, is in some respects condescending. I realize I am a white heterosexual female. Does that mean that I have lived for 60 years without being placed in a position of a minority, and never fearing for my safety? If you believe this is likely, then you are way off base.
I have indeed been in this position, on more than one occasion. I am not sure why people assume only certain human beings are sometimes targets. That is so wrong. Do people believe only specific races, or lifestyles find themselves in extremely uncomfortable positions, and one race and lifestyle is immune? Because, this is not fact. Anyone can find themselves surrounded by others who clearly do not accept them. Anyone can find themselves in a position of hatred towards them. It doesn't matter who they are, or how they live, just because they are different, and do not fit in, and somehow, through no fault of their own, they are the focus of a group's dislike, they are surrounded and feel uncomfortable.
Now zombies..well, not that I follow any of those shows, and I am not up to date on the whole system..I do believe there is absolutely no discrimination on who, or I think what living being, can turn into a Zombie..so they are just as a lot, scary things...and also..hopefully figments of the imagination. So, it was posted because of a variety of reasons, and a statement of the fact that there are so many rights movements, for so many things, that someone would feel Zombie rights were not given the same status as others.
Thing is, when you have right movements, it is because specific individuals are treated as less, disabled, veterans, seniors, etc. And yes, I agree, as a population, we should all be able to be treated as humans, and have access to the basics rights. Now..that is where I have to draw the line. Women's rights..hey...I am a woman!! However, there is a line..if a club wants to be a gentleman's club, and women are offended and raise Holy h-ll to allow women in that club..the line is crossed..because on the other hand..women seem to think they can have Women only places, that men dare not enter.
Disabled people..I understand ramps etc must be installed to allow access to government buildings, grocery stores, medical buildings , public transit, etc..but when disabled folks start tearing airlines apart because they would not accept their personal wheelchairs on board a plane, because the damn things would't fit, the line has been crossed. When a restaurant does not have handicapped areas, well, common sense would say..go elsewhere.
It is almost like some feel the need to dig about to find anything they can battle, even if they have a choice to someplace else.
Do people who feel they are minorities somehow believe each and every person can never have been one? Sure, the world is filled with different races, and different political beliefs, and religious beliefs, and..sexual beliefs.Some people love dogs, some people hate dogs and love cats. Some people hate all animals with fur. Some people love vegetables, some don't, some are Vegans, some are meat eaters..Alright, these differences seldom result in a fear of safety..so I suppose I was being a little stupid..but...truth is..the world is filled with a whole lot of differences, and I suppose that is part of what makes it interesting. It would certainly be very boring if we were all the same, but facts are, we are not all equal!!
Equal rights..that phrase is a dream. The saddest part of it all, is that the majority of minorities, seem to think the rest of the world has never experienced what they feel. So suddenly the larger group must suddenly change for the smaller select group, and that is where the problem lies. The minority becomes the select group, with special considerations given, and then the cycle continues.
See..minorities and majorities change with each setting, so unless one lives in a bubble, the average person will experience the discomfort, and, yes, the fear of being a minority. Trouble begins when one group suddenly assume all others must accept their beliefs and change their ways to assure they feel comfortable and safe. Just isn't possible..because...there will always be both sides to this, and the majority rules, as it has for centuries..All that is happening now, is the majority that was, is now the minority, and the question I have is, will the new minority be heard?
As for the Zombie rights movement..it was a joke, and one based on a group that does not exist..Horrible things like a man off his medication be-heading an innocent passenger on a bus, does exist..and he has more rights than the young man who was killed..so..there is a problem with rights. The young person who lost his life apparently didn't matter near as much as the one who took it..Therefore the posting!!
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Politically Correct or....Bleeding Heart?
Been awhile..I have a bagillion blogs on the go, but so far, nothing is ready for the "publish" button. Think this one might just make it.
O.K. the world is up in arms..Donald Trump has pushed the pause button on refugees, and immigration. Big f*cking whoop!!First off..you do remember this was a part of his platform, right? I mean, as a neighbour I do recall something about this mentioned.Second..get a grip!! He has not proclaimed folks will have the door shut to them forever..Hummm..anyone remember Ellis Island? Think hard, because this history was just a tiny blurb in my schooling..but..I think some folks were stuck there for a very long time, and...folks were turned away too! Now they simply fly in..and wander off into our world, with the check mark they pass all requirements, given by someone in another country.
So...realistically stop and think....Has the state of immigration in both our countries been without issue? Be honest!! Because folks don't want to be honest...they want to be politically correct, they don't want to be branded racist, or red neck, they want to be part of the warm and fuzzy crowd, open our arms..everyone is equal, everyone has the same rights, everyone deserves a chance..everyone, everyone!
I call Bull Sh*t!! The world is not warm and fuzzy, few have the ability to walk into a new life, with the comforts handed out by our own Prime Minister. Can you imagine a family of 9 attempting to immigrate to Canada..or the US, without a job, without a sponser, without Health care (which again pisses me off because folks in my own country keep on telling the world it is free..it is not in the Province I live in), without a home? Yeah..O.K. this is different you say. They are refugees!!
Well, as I am clearly a red necked Racist, I say..women and children first!! I believe that is the old adage..correct? I AM old, so I will go with it, like on a sinking ship, put those clearly weaker or without protection first...Yeah...but not with this...this is different. Women and children are coming, but so are a huge number of single grown males. How many times do you see Mrs. Refugee speaking on TV? If she does, you can be sure at least one Mr. is watching her closely, ensuring she doesn't go out of her boundary.
I am sick and tired of the rest of the world making me feel like I am blind. I have a tendency to look closely at things, and...it is obvious this enormous clump of folks getting in, are having some issues with the rights and freedoms our countries have struggled to incorporate. I do not believe we need an increase of males who feel the right to dominate their wives, sisters, and daughters because they have been raised with the belief they matter less. In fact, I am appalled with the acceptance my fellow Canadians, and my stuttering Prime Minister have given to this. I am appalled that the world , or my world, appears to think it is O.K. to allow a massive swell in population that believes Homosexuality is a sin, and Gay people should be killed.
Sure..go ahead tell me that is not ALL of these people..Go ahead!! You are lying to me and to yourself! Hey, I am on point that not all are extremists..but goodness sakes folks, really, you don't think they follow their religion? And yes..this IS all about religion, because now the world has gotten uppity about Christians. So, again..the numbers I have researched state over 80% of these refugees are Muslim..something like 6% are Christian..so stick that up your nose and choke on it...No matter if they are extremists or not..they believe women are less..Again..maybe some have assimilated, but they are the few..because religious belief transcends all!
So...Mr. Trump has decided,as he promised he would, he is going to put some new boxes to be checked before folks can come in the door. Well...world..I don't have a problem with that!! If they truly are refugees, and they are, as so many forget, living in refugee camps..which again..take a moment, do a wee bit of research on these camps..do you know Christians are NOT in these camps? Why, you ask?? Well, because it is too dangerous for them..they are not welcome. So..chew on that for a moment. These folks wanting to come to a new country to be safe and secure, have no issue closing the doors to others in the same boat with a different belief! But..again..open arms..we are all equal....
Trump has paused the button..Trudeau in his almighty warm and fuzzy pray at the Mosque and then dance in the Pride Parade, fashion, now stutters how we will take them!!
Now. just as an off side, Trudeau is smarter than your average twit..he is simply ensuring a ton of votes next election from all those he has opened the door to, and maybe a nice warm comfy seat with the UN..but, as a Canadian who has struggled with our economic downturn, our overburdened taxes, our shabby health care system, we simply cannot afford to offer anymore Get out of Jail free cards.
The world has gone anal..now as those who have struggled and paid for our government suffer, lose homes, lose jobs, go hungry..we are going to ensure we assist other countries so their people do not suffer. I understand there are some people are are good to the bone, people who would give the shirt off their backs to the less fortunate..however..Trudeau and his bleeding hearts are ripping the shirts off of people who have only the one, and handing them to others..while dressing in the best. Clearly this is the analogy of a Liberal..and sadly I am just not as good a person as the bleeding heart, politically correct folks , who clearly have extra shirts in their closets.
Kudos Trump!! Take a breath world....another old adage..clean up your own backyard first..both our countries have an awful lot of garbage we have got to pick up, before sending the bins off to another country!
You know..as a Red necked, Racist, cold hearted, selfish, safe, secure, Canadian, living in a war free zone, with absolutely no consideration of the suffering folks, shattered by bombs, and fighting..I am certain if a bunch of plane loads of young children with their mothers arms wrapped protectively about them landed, I would be far more accepting...this business is just messed up..and maybe with a little more tweaking..it will be fixed.
My rant for the day...now I must go put some Aloe Vera on my neck..it is just burning!!
O.K. the world is up in arms..Donald Trump has pushed the pause button on refugees, and immigration. Big f*cking whoop!!First off..you do remember this was a part of his platform, right? I mean, as a neighbour I do recall something about this mentioned.Second..get a grip!! He has not proclaimed folks will have the door shut to them forever..Hummm..anyone remember Ellis Island? Think hard, because this history was just a tiny blurb in my schooling..but..I think some folks were stuck there for a very long time, and...folks were turned away too! Now they simply fly in..and wander off into our world, with the check mark they pass all requirements, given by someone in another country.
So...realistically stop and think....Has the state of immigration in both our countries been without issue? Be honest!! Because folks don't want to be honest...they want to be politically correct, they don't want to be branded racist, or red neck, they want to be part of the warm and fuzzy crowd, open our arms..everyone is equal, everyone has the same rights, everyone deserves a chance..everyone, everyone!
I call Bull Sh*t!! The world is not warm and fuzzy, few have the ability to walk into a new life, with the comforts handed out by our own Prime Minister. Can you imagine a family of 9 attempting to immigrate to Canada..or the US, without a job, without a sponser, without Health care (which again pisses me off because folks in my own country keep on telling the world it is free..it is not in the Province I live in), without a home? Yeah..O.K. this is different you say. They are refugees!!
Well, as I am clearly a red necked Racist, I say..women and children first!! I believe that is the old adage..correct? I AM old, so I will go with it, like on a sinking ship, put those clearly weaker or without protection first...Yeah...but not with this...this is different. Women and children are coming, but so are a huge number of single grown males. How many times do you see Mrs. Refugee speaking on TV? If she does, you can be sure at least one Mr. is watching her closely, ensuring she doesn't go out of her boundary.
I am sick and tired of the rest of the world making me feel like I am blind. I have a tendency to look closely at things, and...it is obvious this enormous clump of folks getting in, are having some issues with the rights and freedoms our countries have struggled to incorporate. I do not believe we need an increase of males who feel the right to dominate their wives, sisters, and daughters because they have been raised with the belief they matter less. In fact, I am appalled with the acceptance my fellow Canadians, and my stuttering Prime Minister have given to this. I am appalled that the world , or my world, appears to think it is O.K. to allow a massive swell in population that believes Homosexuality is a sin, and Gay people should be killed.
Sure..go ahead tell me that is not ALL of these people..Go ahead!! You are lying to me and to yourself! Hey, I am on point that not all are extremists..but goodness sakes folks, really, you don't think they follow their religion? And yes..this IS all about religion, because now the world has gotten uppity about Christians. So, again..the numbers I have researched state over 80% of these refugees are Muslim..something like 6% are Christian..so stick that up your nose and choke on it...No matter if they are extremists or not..they believe women are less..Again..maybe some have assimilated, but they are the few..because religious belief transcends all!
So...Mr. Trump has decided,as he promised he would, he is going to put some new boxes to be checked before folks can come in the door. Well...world..I don't have a problem with that!! If they truly are refugees, and they are, as so many forget, living in refugee camps..which again..take a moment, do a wee bit of research on these camps..do you know Christians are NOT in these camps? Why, you ask?? Well, because it is too dangerous for them..they are not welcome. So..chew on that for a moment. These folks wanting to come to a new country to be safe and secure, have no issue closing the doors to others in the same boat with a different belief! But..again..open arms..we are all equal....
Trump has paused the button..Trudeau in his almighty warm and fuzzy pray at the Mosque and then dance in the Pride Parade, fashion, now stutters how we will take them!!
Now. just as an off side, Trudeau is smarter than your average twit..he is simply ensuring a ton of votes next election from all those he has opened the door to, and maybe a nice warm comfy seat with the UN..but, as a Canadian who has struggled with our economic downturn, our overburdened taxes, our shabby health care system, we simply cannot afford to offer anymore Get out of Jail free cards.
The world has gone anal..now as those who have struggled and paid for our government suffer, lose homes, lose jobs, go hungry..we are going to ensure we assist other countries so their people do not suffer. I understand there are some people are are good to the bone, people who would give the shirt off their backs to the less fortunate..however..Trudeau and his bleeding hearts are ripping the shirts off of people who have only the one, and handing them to others..while dressing in the best. Clearly this is the analogy of a Liberal..and sadly I am just not as good a person as the bleeding heart, politically correct folks , who clearly have extra shirts in their closets.
Kudos Trump!! Take a breath world....another old adage..clean up your own backyard first..both our countries have an awful lot of garbage we have got to pick up, before sending the bins off to another country!
You know..as a Red necked, Racist, cold hearted, selfish, safe, secure, Canadian, living in a war free zone, with absolutely no consideration of the suffering folks, shattered by bombs, and fighting..I am certain if a bunch of plane loads of young children with their mothers arms wrapped protectively about them landed, I would be far more accepting...this business is just messed up..and maybe with a little more tweaking..it will be fixed.
My rant for the day...now I must go put some Aloe Vera on my neck..it is just burning!!
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