Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Monday, 9 September 2019

Climate Change

So, I have a million things I should be doing, but need to get this off my chest..so let's head off for another politically incorrect spew. 
 I never, for one moment, imagined I would suddenly be sitting on the outer edge of "normal" checking my common sense on a steady basis, and questioning myself, daily. But here I am, doing just that. I am likely among the very few sitting back, without a fear of my world, and that of my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on and so forth, destructing from "climate change" . 
  First and foremost, folks...I am a believer in Climate Change!!! As one who has managed to survive over 6 decades, I have not been blind to the changes in weather! But, I also went to school, and...I did indeed learn about the past. I know that before dinosaurs, the earth was a cauldron of volcanoes. I know at one time, palm trees grew in the middle of Alberta,and northern British Columbia..and the dinosaurs did indeed roam. I was taught that this all disappeared with an ice age..likely caused (well my theory) with all the volcanoes spewing into the atmosphere..Yes, I do understand what one eruption can do, in regards to carbon dioxide (my god..something that occurs so frequently thanks to Mother Nature, has suddenly become the death knell for life, as we know it). 
  Not a single human, according to science, lived on the planet at this time, therefore, climate changed all on it's own..or did the damn dinosaurs cause that? 
 According to a 17 yr. old, who the world has taken as one resembling the second coming of Christ, or perhaps Nostradamus, we are damned, and we must act like our house is on fire to change the future. WTF, world? Please, just stop for a moment, and accept the facts. This child (yes I know she is 17, however, she is clearly not a genius), is simply repeating what her parents are teaching her. No different than those children whose parents drank Jim Jones kool-aide. No different than those raised within religious communes, who are taught one thing as the fact, and not allowed to have an open mind and think for themselves. She is nothing more than a mascot, or a puppet, and yet, somehow, the world has accepted her as some sort of Goddess for Mother Earth. Ignoring facts, and accepting shite. Clearly one must jump on the latest band wagon, otherwise they are politically incorrect, or worse, deniers. 
  Nope, I do not deny the world's climate is indeed changing. What I do deny is...humans have caused it, and, humans can change it! How self absorbed are the people of this planet, to believe they can control everything, including the weather? Where was all this carbon dioxide during the droughts in the dirty thirties? How did rivers and lakes, and clearly seas, in the deserts disappear, long before gasoline was used? Hey, if you read anything while in school, you would know this indeed happened. 
  Taxes, electric cars, solar panels, etc, are not going to stop our climate from changing! Humans must accept some things are a natural progression, and climate (weather) is one of those things. We may consider ourselves to be at the top of the flipping food chain, but I do not believe we are close to being the most intelligent beings on this planet. Other animals respect Mother Nature, we are the only idiots who feel we can control her. 
  So, we idolize a child who travels about the world, on a daily basis, jumping into planes, fancy sailboats, calling other children to skip school, to protest, apparently she does not go to school, her parents are financially capable of devoting all their time to travel about managing her..There is the flashing red light, folks...managing her. Writing her speeches, arranging her travels, and her itinerary. Cripes, can't you see the facts? This isn't her, this is her parents! She is enjoying all that she spews we should stop. Basically it is do as I say, not as I do! Just like all the other celebrities on this craze, flying about living high on the hog, and telling the rest of the world to give up the wicked stuff, like gasoline.. The word hypocrite is one that should be slapped on to each and everyone of those folks...but instead we put them on pedestals ..what is wrong with people? They are not scientists. They fixate on one thing, and refuse to open their minds to anything else. We are somehow traveling back into the dark ages, with all sorts of information available to everyone, and no one taking the time to study it. Facts are out there that dispute much of what this young lady is spewing, but we want to be nice, she is "special", we don't want to be seen as rude, or mean, or discriminating...Geez Louise, folks...we have no problems bashing anyone who questions, or..for that matter speaks a truth, that is a tad unpleasant...no truth allowed if it hurts someone's feelings. How on earth did we get to this point? 
  This brings up another question..so why are some folks feelings more important that others? Yep..I am asking..because I also have feelings, but apparently mine are NOT acceptable, and no one gives a rat's behind if mine are hurt. They are, often, but...I am not among the politically correct, therefore I do not matter, but I must take care not to hurt the feelings of others. 
  So, I turn to this, my blog, and I "speak" my mind, and so far, it is still allowed. I am also more than willing to debate my thoughts, and feelings, unlike the media frenzy that does not allow any other opinion, or even facts that dispute. I am a strong believer that every story has two sides and unless one listens to both, and looks at facts (all facts) they will never get to the truth. I am also not saying I am the truth, because I understand a huge part of this climate stuff is far beyond my comprehension, unlike Greta and her parents, who claim they know it all. However, I will say, I am not going to lose sleep, worrying the world will end because of carbon dioxide.although, I do indeed worry, the world is becoming a place I no longer understand. One that is ruled by entertainers, and politicians, and most of all, the media, that refuses to leave their politically correct boxes, and creep outside the lines..because they know full well, this is all a farce!! 
  Climate is ruled by Mother Nature..put down your plastic water bottles, clean up your space, and adapt to the changing climate..because it is happening, like it did in the past, and will forever!!