I spent my childhood and teen years reading vicariously. As I have said, I grew up in a very small, isolated town. TV came late, and back in those days, we had only one TV and my Dad was in charge of it. We only had one channel and therefore, entertainment was very limited. I was lucky, I went off into the world of Nancy Drew, and Trixie Beldon, the Hardy boys, and yes, Alfred Hitchcock. Every moment I had to spare was spent with my nose in a book. I don't read nearly as much now, but I hope to get back to it in the future. My mind is filled with tidbits of trivia I have managed to pick up from books, I have learned history from books. I have laughed to myself while reading, been horrified by some books, and cried from many of them.
There are, as I have mentioned in the past, a few books that have impacted my life immensely. To Kill a Mockingbird, is at the top of that list. The very first book that dealt with an issue I was totally unaware of, but it opened my eyes, and I hope it changed me, for the better, although, again, I had never experienced what Harper Lee wrote about. I thank her from the bottom of my heart, and again, this was indeed one of the biggest lessons I believe I ever learned. Do not put every single person of race, creed, or colour into a single group. Judge a person by their actions, not their appearance! Life is unfair.
Two other books stand out in my life. Animal Farm, and Catch 22, well George Orwell's 1984 does, as well, but at this point in my life, I am too afraid to even consider reading that one again, it was fiction, now, I believe it is unfolding.
I have followed our Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022, since it's beginning. Like millions of other Canadians, this offered me hope, that the "leader" would agree to listen to this group speaking for me, and again, millions of others. I follow the science. I spend every day, looking at research in regards to this virus. I have watched it unfold in South Africa, where it began (the latest variant), onto the U.K. Israel, Denmark, etc. I have listened to the medical experts, I have read countless statistics, I have realized that no matter what, most everyone of us, will be infected by it. I am probably one of the few, who looked forwards to this variant coming to my country, because of my research. Those countries that were inundated with this variant, before us, found that it is far less pathogenic than any of the others, that it showed mostly as a flu like virus. The most important thing I learned was....it offered natural immunity towards any of the other variants. What wonderful news!! I am a believer in the power of natural immunity. I am NOT anti vax! I was a member of the Armed Forces, and stood in line more than once to be injected with whatever we were told to accept. I didn't question then, because, I lived by the motto, Learn to Serve, and I certainly did not disobey my superiors! I have had my Tetanus shot and all my childhood vaccines. My children were vaccinated with their childhood shots, all proven safe over decades of use. I even had a Flu shot once, when I worked in a hospital, my choice, I could have had the option to wear a mask throughout flu season, but I decided to take the injection. I have had 3 children, all with surgery, so I am certainly not afraid of needles. But, I was lucky enough to be able to make the choice, not to vaccinate, without my world falling apart. I was sick about a month ago, lasted for a few days. Dizzy, headache, sneezing, runny nose, and muscle aches. Not nearly as horrid as the virus I had more than 2 years ago that went on for well over a week, of not having the ability to even get out of bed for days. So, I am assuming I had this virus before it was even announced, and had the new variant just awhile back. This will be an assumption until I am able to be tested (out of pocket) to see if I indeed have the antigens. Hey, respecting the safety of others, right? Although, science tells us, if they are vaccinated, they don't even have to think of me..I am not a threat to them. Oh, maybe I could be one of those clogging up the medical system? Well truth is folks, with the extreme hatred that grew out of this pandemic, I made a personal choice to not go to a hospital, no matter how bad it got. I would rather kick the bucket at home, than go to prison for my last days, despised by my "fellow" Canadians. I have been told more than once, someone wishes me dead, and to not use the hospital, because I made a personal choice, not to vaccinate.
Through personal research I found that Drs. all around the world were extolling Vitamin D and Zinc to boost immune systems. I followed that course, because it is non invasive, and cripes, healthy as well. I am lucky if I go out of my house once every 2 weeks to town. I just do NOT want to be around people. Not because I want to protect them from my unvaxxed body, but because I am sick to death of the animosity and hypocritical group who along with our Prime Minister state I am uneducated, racist, selfish, and wear a tinfoil hat. I am in a group that is hated, by those who have no issue shaming, harassing, and discriminating . My provincial government is blatantly discriminating, they will only allow those vaccinated to travel, to go to restaurants and concerts, and bars, not because Science states this is necessary, but, from their own mouths, because it is a consequence(punishment) of not following the sh*t ton of Mandates they chose to lay down. This reeks of history. Animal Farm has come to our home. All those pages I read, thinking how very lucky I was to live in a free world, how awful life would be to live in a communist country, and lo and behold , just over 50 some years later, here I am, in the barnyard!
Those who either made a personal choice to vaccinate, or the large number who were forced to vaccinate to keep their jobs, or enjoy travel, etc, are being told it is the small percentage who are not vaxxed that are keeping these Mandates in place. If that is true, then no one is following science. That phrase Trudeau loves to use," WE ARE FOLLOWING SCIENCE". Is a lie!! No surprise, this turd has lied to us over and over again, year after year, but this time, he is dividing a whole country with his lies, and still too many believe him. Too many are afraid to open their eyes, because the truth is a tad scary. Truth is, you are Damned if you do, and Damned if you don't, kind of a Catch 22, wouldn't you say?
Trudeau should be in Parliament always, he just states his daily venom, against any opposition, question that goes outside his tiny little box, and then flits away. His members of Parliament do not answer any questions, in the midst of a Global Pandemic. The whole of the Country is in economic crisis, fear instilled by his government, and his media is causing serious mental health issues, a whole generation is growing up without seeing their teacher's face. I thought the fear during the cold war was traumatic, I can't imagine the world of kids in Canada today. And, all he can do is tell us we need the Vaccination to stop this insanity. As said by a friend recently, when are Canadians going to open their eyes and realized the Emperor is not wearing clothes? Go Truckers Go!!