O.K. I know, I promised stories.. Some days I wish I didn't have these stories to tell, and today is one!!!Funny, I thought this would be a chance to write about things of the past, perhaps I had some hope that those dirty little secrets were over, Hah!!
So, today as usual, I wake up, have my 2 cups of coffee to get my day started, decide, although I have bed head, it doesn't matter. Who am I trying to impress? I am heading off to clean other people's dirt, no need to ensure I am picture perfect. Dressed and out the door to begin yet another day of drudgery, knowing it will be another day, with only 3 of us to clean everything. I am Gung ho, though, just 2 more days of this, and I am off, I can do it!!!! Wrong, as usual!!! It only takes a moment in the door, and the sh*t hits the fan. A little post-it note on the room list, stating "Men's public washroom out of order", whoa, that is never a good thing, and today, a particularly bad thing. The morning waitress informs my buddy and I that there are feces all over one cubicle, and customers are using one of the empty rooms as the washroom. Apparently this incident happened around 9 last night, and the answer to the problem, was to simply shut the doors until housekeeping came in next morning! Yep, we were expected to jump to it, and scrape excrement off the toilet, that had hardened for over 10 hours.
Now, I will tell you a little tidbit. I have raised 3 children, which means I dealt with poopy diapers more than once. I had one child who painted their crib and wall with crap, and I can still vividly remember gagging, as I cleaned it, tears running down my face. I do not have a strong stomach. I can't clean vomit, without the overwhelming urge to vomit myself. Once my children were out of diapers, the ability to clean doodoo, left me. I had difficulty even with my Grandchildren. It was something that apparently Mother Nature gives to a woman, for a prescribed amount of time, so she can care for a child till they are potty trained. I have lost that ability. Poop makes me puke, when it is outside of a toilet. I knew instantly, if I was to begin my day, with this disaster, I would certainly not be able to continue for 7.5 hours cleaning rooms, and doing laundry. I made it clear, I was NOT going to clean that mess!!! Hey, at my age, I know my limitations. I can haul furniture about the hotel, I can pack a humungous vacuum up and down countless flights of stairs, I can go in and out of rooms in -40 degree weather and deal with fingers that stick to the metal on the vacuum. I can kneel on knees that often lock, to clean 15-20 bathtubs a day, I can make beds and climb over dufflebags filled with dirty underwear, but, I cannot begin my day, cleaning a grown adults poo off a bathroom cubicle.
Hey, the job was done, not by housekeeping, but by a brave soul who just started working in the office. I give kudos to that girl, she stepped up to the plate and did what no other office worker would do. She deserves a medal , in my eyes. Will I be punished for not doing this, perhaps. But, truth be told, I did not have any other choice. Just because I work in Housekeeping, does not mean I have the stomach to do every filthy job that comes up. Yep, I have lines I have learned I cannot cross, and if I had done this job, someone else would have been left to clean up after me.
Thank goodness I didn't take the time to fix my hair for this!
Ha, I love it. I used to manage a restaurant, and we had a guy that used to shit down the side of the toilet every day. I had to stake out, and catch him, and of course I had to bar him from coming back. Gross.