Geez..maybe I just needed to let off a little gas, to get the crap moving..Finished the last spew, and just settled back , when suddenly another popped into my head.
Now..this is something as a toilet scrubber, I, and my fellow scrubbers have often wondered about. I figure what the heck, might as well put it out there, maybe I will get an answer.
So..I have ranted about tips before, perhaps I have ranted about this matter, and forgot, it comes again!
So, we have Joe Blow. He has found himself stuck in Hick town B.C. for months on end, holed up in a hotel. Hey, he lives his life, he works, he showers, he poops, he does things to "relax" in bed. He gets pimples, he scratches, he gets "wounds" that foul his bedding. He is pretty easy going, not a difficult guest, but....has his little picky things, and..we as the housekeeping staff , quickly clue in, and cater to these whims. See, when you are the ones who wander in behind the locked doors, you see stuff that others don't. Your job is to clean this stuff up, and make things all crisp and clean again.
O.K. we talk. We call fellow workers in, when we find stuff that is gross, but...we have to clean it. Sometimes others will help, then they know, perhaps they have to be on the "look-out" when they end up behind that door. We know who they are, we know that we will likely meet the one who made the grossness, during our work day. We smile, we say how cold it is, or how nice it is, but....we also look at this person and know what we cleaned up, and...they really must look at us, and know we know, right? Hey, all part of the job.
The problem I have is, tipping. Now.....don't get me wrong, I don't expect tips..oh, I like the few and far between surprises, but, they are definitely few and far between. However, our work place also has a restaurant attached. Those who stay long term use that for their meals. In the restaurant they tip, every meal the wait staff gets something, and...I understand, that is a good thing. The wait staff brings their food, cleans up their dishes afterwards, and is, hopefully, friendly. Man cannot live without food, so...they serve comfort and satisfaction.
Thing is, man cannot live comfortably in filth, apparently some cannot live without clean towels daily. Man does not feel the urge to flush all the time, and...sometimes they coat the toilet with glue poo, and....yes, it is us, the magic poop fairies who whisper in, with our toilet brush wands, and scrub that sh*t, sometimes for 15 minutes, until it comes off, leaving no sign of splatter. Man can splatter his wound weeping all about the bedding, just a day after getting crisp clean sheets, and, again, the magic happens...He returns to a bed, covered in fabric softener smelling sheets, with no sign of gross on them.
The same man who laughs and smiles, and hands over a daily tip to the person who brings their food to their table, packs up after 4-6 months of having the magic fairies even wash his dishes from time to time, so he can arrive in his room, after a long work day, and not have to clean that mess up, and heads home. What does he leave those who have learned his habits, and tried to make him feel at home, just a little? Yep, you guessed it, nothing!!
We have seen them take gifts to the wait staff, walking right past us, as if we didn't exist. We have heard about the large tips, and seen the little trinkets (O.K. cups and glasses). When we go into these rooms after the guest has stayed with us for 1/2 a year, we may find 1/2 a yoghurt container in the fridge, or a cup of Cheerios in an open box, but...never, do we find a tip!! Oh, we could get a single black fuzzy sock left under the bed, or a well used pair of boxers forgotten in the sheets, but, unless we save those socks and make a few pairs, they are worthless.
Yes, we get wages, however, so do the wait staff, so.......the question is, why do guests feel the need to acknowledge the one who takes their order, and brings their meals? Those who wipe their little pubies out of their shower, scrub their feces off the toilet, pick their kleenex off the floor beside their bed, remove their skidmark sheets and replace them, hang their towels or fold them, in the area they feel is more acceptable, wash their dirty dishes, wander back and forth until they see fit to allow us the time to go into their rooms, and do our jobs, we, apparently are not worthy of acknowledgement.
Just seems a little wonky to me..perhaps someone has the answer?
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