Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Monday, 9 September 2019

Climate Change

So, I have a million things I should be doing, but need to get this off my chest..so let's head off for another politically incorrect spew. 
 I never, for one moment, imagined I would suddenly be sitting on the outer edge of "normal" checking my common sense on a steady basis, and questioning myself, daily. But here I am, doing just that. I am likely among the very few sitting back, without a fear of my world, and that of my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on and so forth, destructing from "climate change" . 
  First and foremost, folks...I am a believer in Climate Change!!! As one who has managed to survive over 6 decades, I have not been blind to the changes in weather! But, I also went to school, and...I did indeed learn about the past. I know that before dinosaurs, the earth was a cauldron of volcanoes. I know at one time, palm trees grew in the middle of Alberta,and northern British Columbia..and the dinosaurs did indeed roam. I was taught that this all disappeared with an ice age..likely caused (well my theory) with all the volcanoes spewing into the atmosphere..Yes, I do understand what one eruption can do, in regards to carbon dioxide (my god..something that occurs so frequently thanks to Mother Nature, has suddenly become the death knell for life, as we know it). 
  Not a single human, according to science, lived on the planet at this time, therefore, climate changed all on it's own..or did the damn dinosaurs cause that? 
 According to a 17 yr. old, who the world has taken as one resembling the second coming of Christ, or perhaps Nostradamus, we are damned, and we must act like our house is on fire to change the future. WTF, world? Please, just stop for a moment, and accept the facts. This child (yes I know she is 17, however, she is clearly not a genius), is simply repeating what her parents are teaching her. No different than those children whose parents drank Jim Jones kool-aide. No different than those raised within religious communes, who are taught one thing as the fact, and not allowed to have an open mind and think for themselves. She is nothing more than a mascot, or a puppet, and yet, somehow, the world has accepted her as some sort of Goddess for Mother Earth. Ignoring facts, and accepting shite. Clearly one must jump on the latest band wagon, otherwise they are politically incorrect, or worse, deniers. 
  Nope, I do not deny the world's climate is indeed changing. What I do deny is...humans have caused it, and, humans can change it! How self absorbed are the people of this planet, to believe they can control everything, including the weather? Where was all this carbon dioxide during the droughts in the dirty thirties? How did rivers and lakes, and clearly seas, in the deserts disappear, long before gasoline was used? Hey, if you read anything while in school, you would know this indeed happened. 
  Taxes, electric cars, solar panels, etc, are not going to stop our climate from changing! Humans must accept some things are a natural progression, and climate (weather) is one of those things. We may consider ourselves to be at the top of the flipping food chain, but I do not believe we are close to being the most intelligent beings on this planet. Other animals respect Mother Nature, we are the only idiots who feel we can control her. 
  So, we idolize a child who travels about the world, on a daily basis, jumping into planes, fancy sailboats, calling other children to skip school, to protest, apparently she does not go to school, her parents are financially capable of devoting all their time to travel about managing her..There is the flashing red light, folks...managing her. Writing her speeches, arranging her travels, and her itinerary. Cripes, can't you see the facts? This isn't her, this is her parents! She is enjoying all that she spews we should stop. Basically it is do as I say, not as I do! Just like all the other celebrities on this craze, flying about living high on the hog, and telling the rest of the world to give up the wicked stuff, like gasoline.. The word hypocrite is one that should be slapped on to each and everyone of those folks...but instead we put them on pedestals ..what is wrong with people? They are not scientists. They fixate on one thing, and refuse to open their minds to anything else. We are somehow traveling back into the dark ages, with all sorts of information available to everyone, and no one taking the time to study it. Facts are out there that dispute much of what this young lady is spewing, but we want to be nice, she is "special", we don't want to be seen as rude, or mean, or discriminating...Geez Louise, folks...we have no problems bashing anyone who questions, or..for that matter speaks a truth, that is a tad unpleasant...no truth allowed if it hurts someone's feelings. How on earth did we get to this point? 
  This brings up another question..so why are some folks feelings more important that others? Yep..I am asking..because I also have feelings, but apparently mine are NOT acceptable, and no one gives a rat's behind if mine are hurt. They are, often, but...I am not among the politically correct, therefore I do not matter, but I must take care not to hurt the feelings of others. 
  So, I turn to this, my blog, and I "speak" my mind, and so far, it is still allowed. I am also more than willing to debate my thoughts, and feelings, unlike the media frenzy that does not allow any other opinion, or even facts that dispute. I am a strong believer that every story has two sides and unless one listens to both, and looks at facts (all facts) they will never get to the truth. I am also not saying I am the truth, because I understand a huge part of this climate stuff is far beyond my comprehension, unlike Greta and her parents, who claim they know it all. However, I will say, I am not going to lose sleep, worrying the world will end because of carbon dioxide.although, I do indeed worry, the world is becoming a place I no longer understand. One that is ruled by entertainers, and politicians, and most of all, the media, that refuses to leave their politically correct boxes, and creep outside the lines..because they know full well, this is all a farce!! 
  Climate is ruled by Mother Nature..put down your plastic water bottles, clean up your space, and adapt to the changing climate..because it is happening, like it did in the past, and will forever!!

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

When There are No Words

Clearly I use words. I have a mouth that opens without thought, and my thoughts are spoken. I sit at the keyboard and throw words out attempting to get my personal opinion, point of view, or, often, my rant, out to the world. 
  I was born long before cell phones, and reading was my treasure. I would read the shampoo bottles and medicine cabinet containers while sitting on the toilet (again, no cell phones). I was banished to the kitchen table at meal times, because I refused to put down whatever book or comic I was enthralled with. I knew how to use library file cards, I taught myself to "speed read", so I could suck more books up. Lordie, I wish I had never done that, as it does indeed take some of the pleasure out of a book, and also, I experience that horrible feeling when I close the book for the final time..knowing I must search for another, and hope it is just as wonderful. 
  That said, I thought words were the answer to everything in life. However, as I have grown older, and experienced the sadder side of life..there are times, when words just do not work. 
  Love, joy, excitement, fear, all of these emotions can be expressed with words. Perhaps not completely, but they can indeed share to the world some of the feelings, another is experiencing. But, last night, while speaking to my buddy, discussing a very sad event, I spoke out loud, " there are no words ". What does one say to the parents who have lost a child? I have no problem offering words of congratulations to others. I have no problem speaking my mind when I find someone has upset me, or thanking someone for a kindness. Those words land on my tongue quickly. But when my friend asked me "what do I say to them", there was no answer. There is nothing another can offer to ease the pain, or to even grasp the concept of what these folks are experiencing. 
  We can try to imagine, but the thought is too difficult to even attempt. It is unnatural...Yes, it happens all the time, but if you are a parent, the "normal" cycle of life, would have your child bearing the loss of you. They would have the comfort of knowing you lived a full life, and they would have the ability to hold on to memories, as they continued to build their own lives, with their own children.
  I have a friend who lost her child, suddenly, to an act of violence. This happened a few years ago, and clearly she suffers each and every day, still. Most of the time, she is sad, other times, she is angry. She can speak of her child, and she does so often, I imagine it becomes a little easier to talk about the wonderful memories, and it is easy for others to listen to her speak. Because we know she is enjoying a moment of comfort, from the past. But, even years after the fact, those other moments, the ones that are beyond belief, they fill her world. She said some tell her to let it go, to leave the past and move forwards. They tell her that it is time. 
  I lost my Mom a lifetime ago, most days I, indeed live for the present. But I have others when grief suddenly rears it's head, and I go back decades to that place when I was raw with loss. So...when is the time? I do not believe a person has the ability to control when they continue on, after such a massive loss. I also do not believe time heals all..As clearly I still have my moments, so after 37 years, time has not healed me. I lost a parent, not a child. I lost one I was a part of, not one that was a part of me. I listened to words, and some offered a small comfort in my time of grief. My Mom was in her 50's . still far too young, but, she had also suffered so much pain, so I had that comfort, she no longer suffered. This was the "normal" course of life..not easy, but a child saying goodbye to a parent.
  So, my buddy's question "what do I say?" , There are no words one can say, in this matter. It is a time when nothing can comfort. It is a time when you know that two people will now wake up, each and every morning, and experience anew, the knowledge that a part of them, has been taken away. For 29 years, these folks raised this part of themselves. Clearly she was loved a great deal. Most every conversation they had over these years, mentioned this creation they had brought into the world. She was the center of their universe. They had dreams for her, they worried about her, they supported her, and most of all, they loved her dearly. She was one of those children who come along late in life, just before the other children are about to leave the nest. So, she was special, she ensured a couple continued on as a family, years after the others went off to make their own. When, as parents, they had the ability to focus on the one left at home. 
  She was blessed with sparkle..I can't describe it any other way. I didn't know her well, because she was a friend of my child, but in a small town, one does see everyone, and she was indeed one you noticed. She was pretty, she was smart, and she was one of those people who attract a large social group. She was included in everything those kids did, and she was loved by most.Every picture taken at events had her in the midst, surrounded by her friends. Always a smile on her face, because she enjoyed those beside her. 
  Do I know much about her? Nope..just that she was popular, and no matter what else went on in her world, she was embraced by those within her large circle, she was their's, and they were her's. I truly believe her friends loved her so much, and her parents loved her so much, that she thought she would always be protected, somehow. Sadly, this was not the case. 
  Like a light that burns far too bright, beyond most others, attempting to live every moment to the absolute fullest, the darkness left when she passed, will affect so many. 
  I remember the passing of my first "friend" when I was about 18, it was devastating, he was also someone who lived life to the fullest, perhaps we all knew he took far too many chances, and was following a road that was a risk, but he was popular, he gave our world laughter, and enjoyment, and he was our sparkle. I can remember the night we lost him, as if it was yesterday. We all asked each other "why"? But in truth, I think we all knew, he took one gamble beyond his limit, and we were left in the darkness. 
  I didn't know his parents, I did know his siblings. I never thought what those who created him went through that night, and forever after. I was a child...Now I am a parent, and although I understand her friends will suffer her loss, I know they will go on with their lives, and be able to forget for long periods of time, because they are young, and they are busy. Her parents, well, that is a different story. She was their life. Their love, their fear, their joy, and now their loss. 
  What can one say to someone who has suffered this magnitude of sorrow? "so sorry for your loss"? No..that is a given. "I can't imagine what you are going through"? Of course you can't, unless you have gone through it! "Time heals"? That is a lie! Nothing spoken is right at a time like this. I am not much of one for hugs, getting better over time, but, in my world of words, an embrace in silence speaks volumes when another is facing devastation. 
  My son, was a friend of this person. He is the same age as her. I know many of her friends, and I have a friend who is also her parent's friend. She was not a part of my world, but her passing has affected so many in my world. Her passing has greatly affected me, because...there but for the grace of God, go I. I can't help but attempt to imagine...and it breaks my heart.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

History...Nasty Truths

  I love to read! Started with Trixie Beldon and the Hardy Boys, and then, suddenly the world opened up a treasure chest of travel, facts, and the most fascinating..history, that was available at my fingertips. I do not claim to be smart..my head is filled with an incredible amount of trivia which truly does little in day to day life, but, it is so much fun to learn how life was lived long ago, and also, to understand times have changed, somewhat, in some cases, for the better, and sadly, for the worse in other cases.
  So, because I lean towards the past, and....because I ingest a sh*t ton of salt (potato chips), all of these bits and pieces are retained in my memory "chip" and rise to the surface when something sparks. I like facts!! The advent of Google has been a thrill, because, I can instantly check almost anything out, and dig for the truth. Yes, the internet quickly posts a photo that someone decides relates to one of their new causes. Oh...we have never been such a society for the unjust, as we are today..but along with this, comes misinformation, taken for fact without investigation. Why? Because it inflames, and it suits the trend, but more often than not, it is either false, or it is twisted, to suit political correctness for the moment. 
  Our media is the biggest culprit. Headlines without research, sending the whole world into a frenzy, and then...quietly, after the story spreads and creates havoc , hidden away, the truth comes out, far too late, damage has been done, and no one cares who has been hurt, they are onto something else, which interests them. What happened to following a story? Are we suddenly so vapid we don't really want the facts, if they don't follow our opinions? Would the world turn off the news, if it was based on facts, instead of fluff? 
  I see this daily on FaceBook..yes..I am a prisoner of social media, like the rest of the world. But...I have a friend, called Snopes, and I will visit that friend when something is posted that inflames. I seldom trust anything I see that appears to be incredible. Again, if Snopes doesn't have the answer, off I go to my friend Google and I scroll through a pile of bits and pieces until I am secure in the facts..and....generally those facts come from a source from the past. See, the past is over...time has elapsed, and facts have had a chance to become known. No reason to hide things, because nothing can be done to change them..they are what they are! They cannot be twisted to suit agendas, because..they are finished. 
  Today, it seems everything is focused on such few agendas. There are two things in life that are impossible to get facts on, until too much time has passed, and nothing can be done. These are Politics and religion. The two most powerful entities in the world! Religion used to control politics..now not so much, in fact, religion has been made the focus of politics beyond belief, lately. One religion is clearly under government protection, the rest are vilified. Not quite sure who is going to win this battle, but one thing is for sure, politics now rule the media, and that, in itself is scary.
  Politics have become so very powerful, they are now beginning to rewrite history. How is this possible? Clearly the voices of the few, decidedly chosen to be coddled for election purposes, now carry the ability to destroy that which offends them. First we haul away statues, then we reword offensive (to the few) official papers, ensuring truth is buried, because it is non-biased, and simply states fact. Then we have the media, that which is suppose to report facts, changing format, and reporting assumptions which are not researched. 
  The media used to be the voice of reason. An entity that gave facts, and allowed the public to make personal opinions. Now, it , instead, tells the public what those opinions must be, to suit the present political opinion. No one must question ...they will be slapped with the labels racist, hater, and the latest Liberal favourite, white supremacist. WTF is with that? Nasty labels, simply because some chose not to follow the latest political trend, and ask questions.
  So..what does history have to say about this? One does not have to look very far to see where this is all leading. If a person does not like to read, well maybe, somehow, they will miss the clues, but, they are flashing neon now. 
  When a government decides how society is to think, feel, and act..when a country is told they are being monitored on social media, by government...when personal opinions become unacceptable, if they do not conform, and citizens lose the ability to expect honest answers to questions, in fact, they lose the ability to even ask those questions..we can find some examples of the end of this road, without looking very far into history. 
  Clearly our freedom is being lost. It is almost out of reach now. A government that claims to despise bullying, has become the ultimate bully. It has created such hatred among the population, with the thoughtless labels thrown at any who do not follow it's doctrine. It decides who will be sacrificed for the betterment of those within the fold. It never apologizes, even when blatantly wrong. It now decides which rules are to be followed, and which are not acceptable ..
  Again, history has seen this before, more than once. When a power decides to erase aspects of the past, because they are offensive, they simply open the door to these offences  repeating. They do not understand that without these historic moments, progress will not occur. One of the saddest results of erasing history is going backwards. The mistakes of making one specific group of humans treated as less than another, is not fixed by removing the facts, because they are offensive. Worse, this is not fixed by allowing the offended group to suddenly switch gears, and treat another group less. 
  What happened 100 years ago, 50 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years...2 weeks, a day..that is history!! It happened!! It was a learning lesson, fact, truth, and often in our times, offensive. After our lessons from mistakes,this history cannot, and should not, be forgotten.
  Each of us, as humans, has had our own personal lessons from our own history(past) ..If we refuse to learn from them, we suffer the exercise of making the same mistakes over and over again. Most of us clue in, maybe it takes a few repeats, but, at some point we realize our mistakes, and change, so we can make life better. We can't erase those mistakes, we must learn to live with them, and that is our own personal history. If we cannot erase our pasts, why on earth can a whole Country pretend this is possible? 
  Again, if you have some time, pick up a book, maybe a suggestion, George Orwell 1984, or Animal House, or take a moment and consider this quote "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.  "
 History is more than often, offensive, but the biggest offense of all is to pretend it did not happen, and refuse to believe the facts. Our past is full of Nasty Truths..without them, our future will simply repeat those facts! 

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Hello Mr. Orwell

Well, this morning just seems like the right time to totally spew my venom.Hey, I am aware it may indeed shut the door on some folks I know, but, at this point I don't give a sh*t! Besides being totally pissed at things, I am scared to freaking death! I will tell you what pushed me over the edge, and you will get a clue what the rest of this is all about. BTW, after reading this, I appear to be repeating my last blog quite often..but keep in mind, I am scared silly by what is happening around me, so forgive the repetition.
  This morning I read how some professor at a Canadian college is resigning ..he is resigning early because if he doesn't, he will be fired. Why will he be fired? Because he spoke his mind, and it does not conform with the political correct one, that has developed over the past few years. So...because one person states their personal opinion, and it is not candy coated, and apparently offends a specific group, he is thrown under the bus. When did this happen? 
  Hate crimes, racism, phobics, red necks, privileged, supremacists, all words that are heard far more today, than ever before. In a world that one, for an instant, thought times were a'changing, suddenly, they have done a full 360, and those of us who are not involved in social groups, are left wondering WTF has happened. We have been left behind in the dust cloud, and clearly should be handed the latest government pamphlet that informs us what is, and is not, allowed when it comes to voicing our personal opinion. Honest to goodness, Orwellian is indeed the only word that comes to mind, in these times. Who could have imagined this would happen in our lifetime? It seems so unreal, but it is splashed across media on a daily basis. Now at this point, I am sure I am one of a few who is old enough to remember the McCarthy days. Now this was a time when folks were tagged for possible communist leanings, and lost jobs, went to court, went to jail, all on the basis of perhaps stating something that condoned some tiny link to socialist belief. Back then this was geared very close to the Movies, scores of film folk were dragged into the gutter, because someone in government decided their words were not suitable. Maybe take a moment to read up on this, because, we are clearly returning to a time such as this. 
  Personal opinions are just what the words state, they are how one feels about matters. I grew up in a time that insisted I develop my own personal opinion on matters. I was taught not to just accept someone else's word for things, but to investigate, and take time, use my thought process and make my own conclusion. I was never (o.K. maybe a few times) punished or told I was wrong, once I made my conclusion. I had to show how I came to my personal opinion, to prove I had indeed put some thought into it, but, I had facts, I had reasons, and arguments that supported me, and therefore, I had clearly learned my lesson on how to form opinions. I did not understand, at the time, how important the right to opinions was, because, although not everyone agreed with mine, they were open to debate, and through debate, sometimes new facts were proven, to change opinions on either side. Many times debate did NOT change opinions, because both sides had strong arguments, and therein lies the pleasure of living in a free world.
  Fast forward to the present. My gosh, what a scary place!  We have become a Country were personal opinions are bashed on a daily basis. They are Not allowed if they do not conform to the opinion of the Voices. The Voices, well I am unsure exactly how they won the right to power, but through media (and yes, entertainers now seem to weld the supreme power in the world, because citizens clearly believe they are the most intelligent) and government, and yes, schools, these voices now inform us what is right or wrong. If we do not agree with this embrace all , without question, we are branded with extremely nasty, hurtful words. Now branding others with these words, well, if you use your own grey matter, goes against everything these voices are screaming for. Equality!!! Well..the way this is working now, there is no equality. There is only blind acceptance of what the voices feel is correct. There is no equal rights, there are far too many special rights, which today are suppose to be ignored. 
  So as to stay in the safe zone (well sort of) I will simply focus on one area, to make my point of special rights. I think I can speak on this area, because..I am a female. Born, raised, and identified, as such!Oh, don't get me on the other crap, because just when the world was finally getting to a good place with sexuality, it went off the deep end..so we will stay with females. Old as I am, I was around when Bra burning began. Let us say, I was all for that..hate the damn things! However, at the same time this was going on, Hugh Heffner had his Play boy bunnies, and women were jumping at the chance to be one (Gloria Steinem). So, we have women who want equality in the work place...well..I can assure you, no men were bunnies. So we get to a place where Boy Scouts have to include girls, but Girl Guides get to remain one gender. Hummmm. Women groups remain closed to men, but Men's clubs have to accept women. Can you see where this is going? A government decides they will be gender equal, a decision based on sex instead of ability. Honest folks, the reason Women's rights began was simply to demand equal pay for equal work. Simple fix, and definitely something necessary, so how the hell did we get to this point? So, to say now, that we are on equal footing, is false. Now companies must attempt to balance the genders to be acceptable. Our country apparently needs 50% women to sit in Parliament, so it can run at it's best capabilities. This is just stupid!! As a woman I am ashamed! A pay cheque for work done is one thing, a position because of a fate of birth, well that is disgusting! The goal was, to ensure a female who works hard, has more experience,and abilities than the male handing over his resume, gets the job, and gets the same rate of pay. Instead, we have someone with the politically correct body parts handed a job, while now, the male is ignored because it is the socially acceptable thing to do. How can this be right? 
  And..if we question this? We are branded as ignorant, non-feminist, women haters, red necked, old fashioned, uneducated, privileged, etc etc. Only the politically "correct" are allowed to bash those who do not agree with their propaganda.information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. 
  Does this not frighten you? It scares me to death!! I have never witnessed what is happening in our world today, beyond my reading of Animal House, and here it is erupting in my own Free world. Taking personal opinions and flushing them down the toilet. Branding anyone who disagrees as uneducated, making rules that hand special rights to those simply because of gender, or race. Encouraging hate towards one section of the population, and making it law not to profess issues with another. 
  Back in my day, if anyone felt the need to speak their mind in public, and if their personal opinions were not the same basis as mine, I may not have always listened, and I might have labelled them, in my own mind, as a nut case, but....that was their right. I left it at that, and moved on. Oh, I would be sure not to allow myself to be trapped in a corner at a social gathering with the nut case, but again, the world is filled with different people, and that is what makes life interesting. 
  How f*cking boring would it be, if we all agreed, all the time? How miserable would it be if the world was uniformed, and each day, the people woke up, got their rules for the day, and went about their time silently? How willing is this country to accept the word of one group, to control their ability to think, speak, and act? Where is it written (well at least so far) that one must accept everyone without question? What law states personal opinions must conform to the ruling power? 
  Just because I may have a different personal opinion than Joe Blow..or..oops..JoAnne Blow, does not make me wrong! Just because I cannot accept everything without question or argument, does not make me a racist! Just because I believe I have rights, the same as every single other person in this bloody country, does not make me privileged! I do believe in equality for women, I also believe in equality for men. 
  Like every other fix our government is attempting to make, they seem to think it is alright to break something else. The trick for equality is balance, done correctly. The trick is to ignore gender, skin, appearance, and simply focus on abilities. The moral "Never judge a book by it's cover", seems to have evaded the political correct world. Like everything else in this insane Liberal party, appearance is of utmost importance. Justice is blind...for a reason, however, now, even Justice is basing rulings on appearance. We have arrived at a very slippery slope, and if we do not re-focus on reality, we are doomed. 
  Just because someone like Oprah, or Entertainment Tonight, or Jimmy Fallon, do not like a particular political party, does not mean folks should jump on their personal band wagon..people have to begin to use their own brains, and thought process. Oprah is NOT your average citizen, she is loaded, and lives a completely different life than the middle class worker. Entertainment tonight, wants someone who loves the limelight, and looks nice on camera. Jimmy Fallon, well, much as I love listening to him, he is not running the country. These folks do NOT pay your bills, they do NOT control the economy, they simply have their own personal opinions based on what is important to them..NOT you!!
  So, in My Personal Opinion, Canada, open your eyes! See what rights have been taken from you in the past few years, by Liberal rulings. Look at the massive increase in Tax dollars, leaving your (possibly equal) paycheques. Look at what so called Feminism appears to mean with this picture perfect collection of genders, and balanced variety of races. See what transparency means in their world. And, for goodness sake, close your eyes to appearances, because those are often, and clearly in this case, deceiving. Think long and hard on what you want for your future...maybe read a book by Orwell, perhaps that might just get you thinking....

Friday, 24 May 2019

The Sky Is Falling

I have always been a fan of morals. I read and re-read Grimms Fairy tales, and Chinese Tales of the boy who drank the ocean, and even a Fish out of Water(trust me, read that one hundreds of times). I enjoy the story and the lesson learned. Most of which are very easy to glean.
  Those who grew up in my time period, and maybe even those earlier and later, might remember the Story of Chicken Little. This story attempted to teach the lesson of always ensuring one did not simply jump on the bandwagon and accept what another said was fact. Maybe check things out, before going off the deep end, and spreading lies? Old Chicken Little got herself in quite the state thinking the world was going to end, and spread that crap around like chicken manure. She latched on to something and went squawking about scaring everyone. Sound familiar? 
  Well, as an old biddie, I have been around for awhile now. I have lived through a Cold War, that had the whole continent digging underground shelters to ensure survival. I have lived through a hole in the Ozone layer that was going to fry every last one of us. I have lived through acid rain...eeeech..even the sound of that is scary. Oh, and Y2K ..I will admit that one had me a tad bit concerned, enough that I bought an oil filled heater, just in case the power went off. That one had me a wee bit baffled, because it concerned mathematical stuff, and I have never been good at numbers. That said...aside from a few sun burns because of my lily white sensitive skin (not because of Ozone) somehow I am still alive and kicking.
  Now I see children walking out of schools because they are protesting Climate change..WTF? I will again admit, I once, and only once, protested, and that was a lifetime ago when the US decided to detonate an Atomic bomb near Amchitka in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska, keep in mind where I lived Alaska was right next door. I also joined an in school protest in the hallway when our Guidance/PE teacher reneged on the promise of a skating class and decided on a guidance class, instead. Failed PE because of that little escapade. However, walking out of school, with what appears to be the consent of school staff, because of Climate change, is insane. What do these folks think they will accomplish? These same folks putting children who somehow get the ability to have media coverage to spew their uneducated rants regarding the necessity to combat climate change because the past generations have destroyed their world. Sorry, this is stupidity at it's finest. What the heck do these children know? They simply know what someone else is telling them, and they are sucking it down like soda pop. Children who spend day after day on their computers or I suppose now, their cell phones. Children who have never had to work a day in their lives, and who have simply listened to their educators in the classroom, or perhaps flown from one country to another and traveled about, in the atmosphere, assisting the very issue they are warning the world about. Hypocrites at a young age, but put on a pedestal by those who wish to spread false fear. 
  I call it false fear. The same fear I grew up with thinking the Russians were going to kill everyone. Ignorance! Perhaps that is a more fitting word to use. Ignorance of the facts. Thinking somehow they can change what cannot be changed. The same mindset that imagines humans can change rain to sunshine. In truth, that is what they are attempting to do..control something that is naturally occurring. Sure you can change climate in your home. Furnaces, air conditioners, they can fight heat or cold in a small area that is closed off from the elements. What perversion makes these folks assume they can do this all over the world? 
  My country has decided they will "Tax Pollution". Clearly in this government's mind, life is pollution. Attempting to keep warm in winter is pollution. A city cannot have wood fires like those in the past, before these horrid climate change fear mongers attacked. Nope..no coal burning, like the industrial age saw billowing smoke into the air. What the heck do they suggest folks do? One can only turn the heat down so far, before they freeze to death, so is the plan to kill off people so the world lasts longer? No driving, unless it is an electric car (don't get me started on this foolishness). So, you can take polluting large vehicles in a city spewing out noxious fumes (until they are all plugging into that amazing green hydro electric source), but you cannot drive in the middle of Hell's 1/2 acre unless you pay a tax? Is this giving you pause for thought? 
  Climate change is the new Pied Piper. It is focusing on young minds, and scaring the sh*t out of them, so they follow the music. Yes..see..morals..they are all about you, and they are the basis of my life, I see them in all that goes on around me. Young minds, open to accept things so easily, prey for those who have agendas..Look to history and see. 
  I sit in my house, today, one that we own, simply because of resource based income, as the rain pours down (non acidic). I am surrounded by trees ( proven healthy for the environment). I am kilometers away from a small town, and drive very seldom. I pay an average of $250 a month to keep my home warm enough to be comfortable wearing a sweater and slippers. The last time I was on a plane was about 5 years ago. If I vacation it is a trip into the back country, where I sit in silence, without cell phones or video games. I certainly do not wear designer clothing, and attempt to purchase items made in North America where regulations are strict, unlike countries such as China or India (yes, I believe my actions assist for a healthier environment). However, now those who claim they are doing something absolutely critical for my well being, and those who follow, have decided I am going to have to pay a tax on absolutely everything in life. I already pay higher utilities than those pushing this agenda, because of my location. I pay obscenely higher for my groceries already because of shipping, and now they will go up even higher (because of that nasty fuel pollution). 
  I am a simple person. I am quite happy with the basics of life (O.K. yes, I love my internet, because it along with social activities that are pretty limited where I live, it allows me access to knowledge), I don't have the latest phone, or a new vehicle (which apparently would be better for Climate change) I live sparsely, not a lot of fluffy extras in my world, and that is pretty much by choice. I don't know when the last time I was in a shopping mall, I don't have access to concerts, or museums, or art, but again, pretty much a personal choice. However, I am somehow being told I am at fault for pollution. 
  It is time for Chicken Little to hit the stew pot. Chances are with all these new tax hikes, she would be gone long before she lays another egg. Stop listening to the music of the pipes, and following the crowd, because we all know what happened when the Piper got to the end of that road. The sky is NOT falling..the climate is changing..but that is the natural course of things, and we can only adjust..we cannot change what is inevitable. Go with the flow folks..fear is your enemy. Clean up your space, use less, conserve, and maybe stop with the plastic..or at least limit it. Carbon Dioxide is a fact of life..lord I hated science almost as much as math, but I think my trees give me enough carbon credits for a tank of gasoline!! 

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Time Waits For No One

Been awhile, eh, folks? Hey not that I haven't sat down and typed a thousand words, because I have. They all sit in drafts , because I am not quite ready to set them free. Clearly hitting the post button has not been an issue in the past, but today, it has become harder to send my rants out into the world. I seldom get that feeling of relief after spewing..Not sure why, but, I have to follow my feelings, so..they will sit.
  This morning, I felt the urge to bare my personal journey with my lifelong partner, Time. I seem to recall a point in life when Time was my friend, and it brought me the ability to do things I dreamed of. Specific ages were so very important, and without Time, they were impossible to reach. Oh you know what I am talking about, old enough to begin school, old enough to be called a teenager (that seemed so exciting, hah!), old enough to go to restricted movies,old enough to go to the bar..and then suddenly Time just started moving so damn fast, and all I had in the future was old enough for a pension and Dennys discounts. 
  Since a pension is not going to allow me much, and I have probably been to Dennys about 3 times in the past 5 years, age has lost it's glow, and I would very much like to have Time take off in another direction. We don't get along anymore. Not a single day, or night for that matter, goes by, without Time ticking me off (get the pun?). All I seem to get from it, is aches, pains, lack of sleep, trips to the toilet, and loss of the simple things in life. When I speak of simple things, I mean the ability to open bloody doors! Suddenly, my companion forever, has decided to throw a wrench in my option of leaving or entering a place, by making it impossible to turn a door knob!! WTF is that all about? Yes, it was a recent issue in my household. I was constantly informing my beloved and my son, that the door knobs had to be changed, because they would not turn! I would stand there trying to turn them one way and the other as they watched, until they would wander over, and poof..they would throw the door open, while looking at me like I was insane. I argued the knob wouldn't do that for me, even two hands, would be difficult. Of course, with my mind, I suddenly was overcome with the thought.."what if there was a fire, and I had to get out quickly? Damn doorknobs would have to be changed, because clearly, I would be trapped." Yes, folks, that is how my mind works..Some days, those knobs would open easily, most days, I would have to place whatever I had in one hand on the floor, so I could use both to attempt to turn them. My Honey watched me one day, clearly I was trying my best to get out the door, he saw me use both hands. Now, I am someone who friends used to hand hard to open jars to, I had hands like plumber's wrenches, that changed years ago. It happened overnight, Time decided to throw those wrenches away, and replace them with bits of tinfoil incapable of opening an aspirin container. I don't know why it took me so long to realize my parasite, Time, was responsible for my inability to turn a damn door knob. 
 That is indeed how I feel about Time now. It is living off of me, sucking the life out of me. I lay in bed and make a move to get comfortable, and suddenly I have pulled a muscle in my back. Those wonderful stretches one would have to get themselves aligned, no longer happen. If I accidentally attempt one, I am in agony, twisting about, trying to unlock knots that scream. Stubbing my toe, means tears of pain shoot out of my eyes, and that appendage will throb for hours. Rub my knuckles against a wall..well there will be blood..because my skin has decided to drop a layer (a small weight loss, but not enough to compensate). Cripes, even trying to cut my damn toe nails is a effort of frustration. I can't put my foot up and lean over quite far enough for the period of time necessary, so this process drags on forever. 
  My skin has changed, my bones have changed, my hair has changed, my eyes...well those suckers were not nice to begin with, and now they seem to get irritated by the smallest gust of wind. Oh..wind..we won't even touch that issue...Now, as for hearing..I truly believe I still have full volume, but family members dispute this..I think they are full of crap, but I will allow them to use my time travel issues if they want. 
  Of course Time plays games with itself, as well. That allocation that used to be given to sleep, well..Time has decided to screw that up totally. Long before darkness sets in (well at least in the summer), Time will start hinting I must replenish by hauling my sorry ass up the stairs and hitting the hay. It doesn't allow much leeway, anymore. I do acknowledge I am one of the lucky ones, I will plop down in bed, turn on the TV watch for about 20 minutes, and I am out like the lights. But...that is when Time plays it's tricks. Long before my energy level has recharged, I am awake..in the darkness. I have to get out of bed to head directly into a specific room, and once that business has been taken care of, there is no way in the world I can return to allow myself to have my batteries restored to full charge. So..I am aware that once again, my days will end sooner than a decade ago. Thankfully my life is seldom full of excitement, and there is nothing that requires me to attempt to fight Time, and stay awake longer than allowed, so..we have reached a mutual understanding of sorts. I just don't argue with the boss. 
 yes, Time is my boss. It rules my world. In childhood I had extra time, as an adult, I had enough time, now as an old fart, Time is limited. I could waste it , once , but now it is precious. I begin my days, hoping to make the best of Time, but generally, somehow Time gets away from me, and I am left blowing my daily limit. The clock keeps spinning, and it goes faster every year. I am afraid that learning to make the best of time, is a lesson I missed. It is not like I can rewind , and go back to a point that I can correct my mistakes, and renew my friendship with Time..we are now enemies, destined to be together until the end of Time, and of course ultimately the end of me. Time...perhaps if it waited, and we caught up to it, we would be sorry?