Well, this morning just seems like the right time to totally spew my venom.Hey, I am aware it may indeed shut the door on some folks I know, but, at this point I don't give a sh*t! Besides being totally pissed at things, I am scared to freaking death! I will tell you what pushed me over the edge, and you will get a clue what the rest of this is all about. BTW, after reading this, I appear to be repeating my last blog quite often..but keep in mind, I am scared silly by what is happening around me, so forgive the repetition.
This morning I read how some professor at a Canadian college is resigning ..he is resigning early because if he doesn't, he will be fired. Why will he be fired? Because he spoke his mind, and it does not conform with the political correct one, that has developed over the past few years. So...because one person states their personal opinion, and it is not candy coated, and apparently offends a specific group, he is thrown under the bus. When did this happen?
Hate crimes, racism, phobics, red necks, privileged, supremacists, all words that are heard far more today, than ever before. In a world that one, for an instant, thought times were a'changing, suddenly, they have done a full 360, and those of us who are not involved in social groups, are left wondering WTF has happened. We have been left behind in the dust cloud, and clearly should be handed the latest government pamphlet that informs us what is, and is not, allowed when it comes to voicing our personal opinion. Honest to goodness, Orwellian is indeed the only word that comes to mind, in these times. Who could have imagined this would happen in our lifetime? It seems so unreal, but it is splashed across media on a daily basis. Now at this point, I am sure I am one of a few who is old enough to remember the McCarthy days. Now this was a time when folks were tagged for possible communist leanings, and lost jobs, went to court, went to jail, all on the basis of perhaps stating something that condoned some tiny link to socialist belief. Back then this was geared very close to the Movies, scores of film folk were dragged into the gutter, because someone in government decided their words were not suitable. Maybe take a moment to read up on this, because, we are clearly returning to a time such as this.
Personal opinions are just what the words state, they are how one feels about matters. I grew up in a time that insisted I develop my own personal opinion on matters. I was taught not to just accept someone else's word for things, but to investigate, and take time, use my thought process and make my own conclusion. I was never (o.K. maybe a few times) punished or told I was wrong, once I made my conclusion. I had to show how I came to my personal opinion, to prove I had indeed put some thought into it, but, I had facts, I had reasons, and arguments that supported me, and therefore, I had clearly learned my lesson on how to form opinions. I did not understand, at the time, how important the right to opinions was, because, although not everyone agreed with mine, they were open to debate, and through debate, sometimes new facts were proven, to change opinions on either side. Many times debate did NOT change opinions, because both sides had strong arguments, and therein lies the pleasure of living in a free world.
Fast forward to the present. My gosh, what a scary place! We have become a Country were personal opinions are bashed on a daily basis. They are Not allowed if they do not conform to the opinion of the Voices. The Voices, well I am unsure exactly how they won the right to power, but through media (and yes, entertainers now seem to weld the supreme power in the world, because citizens clearly believe they are the most intelligent) and government, and yes, schools, these voices now inform us what is right or wrong. If we do not agree with this embrace all , without question, we are branded with extremely nasty, hurtful words. Now branding others with these words, well, if you use your own grey matter, goes against everything these voices are screaming for. Equality!!! Well..the way this is working now, there is no equality. There is only blind acceptance of what the voices feel is correct. There is no equal rights, there are far too many special rights, which today are suppose to be ignored.
So as to stay in the safe zone (well sort of) I will simply focus on one area, to make my point of special rights. I think I can speak on this area, because..I am a female. Born, raised, and identified, as such!Oh, don't get me on the other crap, because just when the world was finally getting to a good place with sexuality, it went off the deep end..so we will stay with females. Old as I am, I was around when Bra burning began. Let us say, I was all for that..hate the damn things! However, at the same time this was going on, Hugh Heffner had his Play boy bunnies, and women were jumping at the chance to be one (Gloria Steinem). So, we have women who want equality in the work place...well..I can assure you, no men were bunnies. So we get to a place where Boy Scouts have to include girls, but Girl Guides get to remain one gender. Hummmm. Women groups remain closed to men, but Men's clubs have to accept women. Can you see where this is going? A government decides they will be gender equal, a decision based on sex instead of ability. Honest folks, the reason Women's rights began was simply to demand equal pay for equal work. Simple fix, and definitely something necessary, so how the hell did we get to this point? So, to say now, that we are on equal footing, is false. Now companies must attempt to balance the genders to be acceptable. Our country apparently needs 50% women to sit in Parliament, so it can run at it's best capabilities. This is just stupid!! As a woman I am ashamed! A pay cheque for work done is one thing, a position because of a fate of birth, well that is disgusting! The goal was, to ensure a female who works hard, has more experience,and abilities than the male handing over his resume, gets the job, and gets the same rate of pay. Instead, we have someone with the politically correct body parts handed a job, while now, the male is ignored because it is the socially acceptable thing to do. How can this be right?
And..if we question this? We are branded as ignorant, non-feminist, women haters, red necked, old fashioned, uneducated, privileged, etc etc. Only the politically "correct" are allowed to bash those who do not agree with their propaganda.information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
Does this not frighten you? It scares me to death!! I have never witnessed what is happening in our world today, beyond my reading of Animal House, and here it is erupting in my own Free world. Taking personal opinions and flushing them down the toilet. Branding anyone who disagrees as uneducated, making rules that hand special rights to those simply because of gender, or race. Encouraging hate towards one section of the population, and making it law not to profess issues with another.
Back in my day, if anyone felt the need to speak their mind in public, and if their personal opinions were not the same basis as mine, I may not have always listened, and I might have labelled them, in my own mind, as a nut case, but....that was their right. I left it at that, and moved on. Oh, I would be sure not to allow myself to be trapped in a corner at a social gathering with the nut case, but again, the world is filled with different people, and that is what makes life interesting.
How f*cking boring would it be, if we all agreed, all the time? How miserable would it be if the world was uniformed, and each day, the people woke up, got their rules for the day, and went about their time silently? How willing is this country to accept the word of one group, to control their ability to think, speak, and act? Where is it written (well at least so far) that one must accept everyone without question? What law states personal opinions must conform to the ruling power?
Just because I may have a different personal opinion than Joe Blow..or..oops..JoAnne Blow, does not make me wrong! Just because I cannot accept everything without question or argument, does not make me a racist! Just because I believe I have rights, the same as every single other person in this bloody country, does not make me privileged! I do believe in equality for women, I also believe in equality for men.
Like every other fix our government is attempting to make, they seem to think it is alright to break something else. The trick for equality is balance, done correctly. The trick is to ignore gender, skin, appearance, and simply focus on abilities. The moral "Never judge a book by it's cover", seems to have evaded the political correct world. Like everything else in this insane Liberal party, appearance is of utmost importance. Justice is blind...for a reason, however, now, even Justice is basing rulings on appearance. We have arrived at a very slippery slope, and if we do not re-focus on reality, we are doomed.
Just because someone like Oprah, or Entertainment Tonight, or Jimmy Fallon, do not like a particular political party, does not mean folks should jump on their personal band wagon..people have to begin to use their own brains, and thought process. Oprah is NOT your average citizen, she is loaded, and lives a completely different life than the middle class worker. Entertainment tonight, wants someone who loves the limelight, and looks nice on camera. Jimmy Fallon, well, much as I love listening to him, he is not running the country. These folks do NOT pay your bills, they do NOT control the economy, they simply have their own personal opinions based on what is important to them..NOT you!!
So, in My Personal Opinion, Canada, open your eyes! See what rights have been taken from you in the past few years, by Liberal rulings. Look at the massive increase in Tax dollars, leaving your (possibly equal) paycheques. Look at what so called Feminism appears to mean with this picture perfect collection of genders, and balanced variety of races. See what transparency means in their world. And, for goodness sake, close your eyes to appearances, because those are often, and clearly in this case, deceiving. Think long and hard on what you want for your future...maybe read a book by Orwell, perhaps that might just get you thinking....
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