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Friday, 14 August 2020

Covid... Fact Fallacy or Experiment?

 If I were a highly intelligent, patient, or agreeable person, I am sure I would not be in the conundrum I am presently in. I am none of the above, however, because I do not ever, simply accept anything without questioning.I will do this until I have answers, and I can make sense of the who, what , when, where, and why. I spend large amounts of time pondering. 

  These recent events have me baffled. WTF is going on in this world with this Covid crap? I call it crap, because with all those folks who are apparently highly intelligent,  seem to be adding, and subtracting from what they are saying, every single day, and they don't appear to know their asses from a hole in the ground. So...that, in itself, has me asking questions. 

  I understand it is a virus. O.K. that I can accept. Stories, and fables concerning where it came from, run rampant. Bats, labs, China, not China, but clearly China...But don't say it came from China, because it is not politically correct...

 It is , as stated by our well renown Prime Minister, spread by speaking moistly, but can be killed by washing your hands! You don't need to wear as mask, unless you have it, masks do not help stop it..ooops, now we all must wear masks! Do not leave your community. Put up road blocks to stop outsiders from entering your area. But, hey, go out and about, mingling with all sorts of folks, because somehow when you step foot in your own area, you are washed clean. Keep seniors safe, use extra precautions with them..but..go ahead drive them on over to Wal-Mart so they can be surrounded by the unwashed society. 

  Do not leave your communities, but allow the one person who is apparently in charge of your country, and your safety,  to randomly holiday with his family all over hell's 1/2 acre. 

  Close the borders with our neighbour country, but keep those international flights humming. I am sorry, but common sense (yes, that is basically what I tend to favour) tells me, stop those freaking planes from picking up folks in other countries,  and likely predominantly, China...where this clearly started. What the heck is the matter with government. They shut down business all over the place, putting average working folks in economic defeat, yet let airlines spew out carriers without any proper checks. Ellis Island had better safety measures than modern day Canada. 

  And the biggest questionable part of it all..shut down Parliament!! When our whole country is going down the toilet, our fearful (not fearless) leader decides those in charge will just go home! Well he isn't home..he is everywhere but at work. Those who get paid, as well as loads of perks and benefits (like paid holidays to Africa) to keep things running, walk out the door, and then those with the keys to the vault, tear through our money shredding it like rodents on a rampage. 

  We hear about family friends getting barrel loads of money, student personal info handed over to other countries, free trips, extra money handed out to those on social assistance (who have not had to pay any extra money because of covid) students getting $2000 a month because they couldn't work at MacDonalds, but seniors not getting a single penny extra, although they have indeed had added expenses because of this virus.

  Dr, appointments are done by phone.Folks medication is limited, so many must pay extra dispensing fees, Yep..some of us have to do this. But although you can't go see your Dr. you can definitely protest in massive groups, this is condoned by our one and only Trudeau.

  Now we hear about having to accept this way of life until they find a vaccine. Sorry, that is just not acceptable to those of us who have questions.

  If washing one's hands is the simple way to keep safe (hey, this is what I was told) why not make that a basic requirement for all Canadians? Soap and water kill the virus..right? So if everyone washes their freaking hands, and we don't allow anyone else to sit around in a plane or airport , perhaps, we can stop it? Maybe closing the doors to the country, instead of closing doors to provinces, but keeping them open to international travel without safeguards, we might just bring this to a stop? 

  Basically all that has happened is, no one needs to answer for anything in Parliament, because of Covid. They simply spew out a Covid message, and then act covertly (yes this is intended) forgetting any rules, and quietly rewarding those they like, with our money.Before they would never even answer questions posed to them in Parliament..now they don't have to sit to even allow those questions to be spoken. 

  So, as I said, I have far too many questions to accept Covid as the be all, end all force in the world..or cripes, maybe it is, maybe we are all going to die and this is some fearsome experiment gone astray? I certainly accept there is a virus, but I question many of the "facts" officials have thrown out to us. I question the numbers, I question the lack of testing on society. I question that international travel continues (I have to wonder who the heck is coming here, and why?). I question the world , for average folks, coming to a stop, and suddenly we are not to come together for fear of dying. 

  I have not had my lifestyle change much. Fact be known I have not gone any farther than the 2 closest communities in almost 3 years, and I do not have a social life, so family is pretty much it. But just because I have not had to adjust much, I still question what is happening around me. 

  My personal opinion is, this is a fact, a fallacy, and an experiment. The first two are split even steven, it is the last I believe is most important. Go ahead..state why all the world is going along with it..Well Sweden for one isn't..so...jeepers creepers, yet another question. 

  I do not think we are getting the whole truth or even a smidgeon of truth..why? Is it going to scare us to death, or are we going to be pissed? Guess time will tell...someone is definitely benefiting by all of this, and it is not your average Canadian!

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