Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Tuesday, 10 August 2021


 I have sat back, quietly for too long now, and today it has finally reached the boiling stage. 

  My generation is one that has had to learn to tolerate. In my lifetime there have been huge changes in personal rights, such as opinions, choices etc. It has been pretty easy for me to adapt to most of these changes, because unless they affect my life, they are just dust in the wind. However....lately voicing my opinion has resulted in fear of nasty labels, and now..well...I have twinges of repercussions from those who reside at the top of the tower of my own government.   Ooops, now I will be told I wear a tinfoil hat, but sorry, up until now, that has not been a crime,  it is custom made, and I do like shiny things! This truly is not something I take lightly, it scares me to death, and it is actually the only thing  that I am grateful I am on the downhill path in life. I am so tired of watching what I have recently learned is the" Woke" jumping on every band wagon, causing huge divides among every aspect of life. My country has always had a Left and Right, but now the chasm between is full of snakes and crocodiles, that strike every opinion that does not conform to Liberal ideology, and that , in itself, changes daily. 

  So, as usual, I suddenly find myself, once again, thrown into the chasm. I have been handed a new label, and as usual, it is because I did not conform to the latest trend. Those who know me well, know I am certainly not trendy, so this is entirely normal for me, but Holy Cow, it has blown me out of the water. My new label is "AntiVaxxer". 

  So, first off lets get this straight. I am NOT an Anti Vaxxer. I am not anti abortion, but that is something that is a personal choice, that I never had to make, and I am certainly not about to judge, nor am I going to attempt to put a stop to it. Many of my friends and family have had the Vaccine, do I fault them? Not at all, their personal choice. Am I running around trying to stop Covid Vaccine clinics? No!! Have I turned my back on those who have chosen to take the vaccine..no again. So to label me thus, is wrong!! I simply, have chosen not to vaccinate. I have my reasons, which should be my private business, I certainly do not go around asking folks why they vaccinated, but it seems so very important I state my reasons not to. 

  O.K. got a couple of friends who are incredibly concerned for my well-being, I can understand they feel I am in mortal danger wandering about unprotected. Well, here we go, with my reasoning. I hope this makes you feel a little more at ease.

  About 2 years ago, just before Christmas, my oldest called me. She was deathly ill. She felt like she had someone standing on her chest, she was hot, then cold, breathing was painful. Her body ached like never before, she spent days unable to even get out of bed. This lasted weeks. Now, keep in mind, she lives 13 hrs from us. Lo and behold a few weeks later, my son goes through exactly the same symptoms, goes on for weeks. During which time, I end up suffering for 2 weeks as well as my honey. I thought I was dying, absolutely every single limb and joint seemed glued solid, I would get up and last a few hours, struggling, and then back to bed. This was 4 months before we were warned of the Pandemic. So..maybe we all had this, maybe we now have a natural immunity? Or, maybe not. 

  I followed the protocols when they first started. I would sanitize, when entering a public space, and upon exit. I carried sanitizer everywhere I went, and I did proper social distancing. I limited myself to once a week shopping locally, sometimes I could manage going every 2 weeks. When the mask rules were laid, I used my common sense to realize this was ludicrous. Folks wandering around with sheer gauze masks on, when we were told the virus was airborne, yeah..that piece of cloth was certainly going to save folks. Plus the number of people I encountered simply grocery shopping with the mask down under their noses, or rubbing their noses inside the mask and then touching stuff..really? It simply gave people a stupid false sense of security, they stopped sanitizing, they stopped distancing, they were suddenly safe behind a piece of useless crap! But..I wore mine, because it was the rule. I did, however continue to sanitize and social distance. I still do, religiously! I learned long ago, to try and stay safe from the flu, disinfecting my hands, and staying away from those infected, was my best option. 

 The "vaccination", and I use that term because this is what the media and government chose to label it, is not in fact a vaccination against Covid. It is more like a Flu shot. It does not stop you from getting Covid, nor does it stop you from infecting others, it simply can make your symptoms milder. I say "can make", because, truth is folks, this is not proven! Our media and government falsely state this is an approved vaccination. They tend to leave out the fact that it is approved for emergency use only! Am I and my children protected against measles, mumps and reubella..yep sure are. Proven, approved, not experimental. I am also up to date on my Tetanus shot. As I was in the military, I had a few other shots that I did not have a personal choice, or any say whatsoever about. In fact, I have no clue what they were, but today, I have a personal choice, and I am using it! 

  What really has set me off, is the vilification of those of us who decided to utilize our rights as Canadians, NOT to vaccinate. I see the Holier than thous condeming us, blaming us for the new cases, calling us selfish, and inconsiderate, and ignorant, and warning us of Karma because we are not conforming to their wishes. We are blamed for possible future lock downs, blamed for the continuation of the Pandemic. Truth is, it seems each month brings a new variant, much like influenza, and we all know if the flu shot is not the proper variant , folks get their butts kicked each year. So...it seems those who "vaccinate" , may have to continue doing so maybe annually? Again, as with the masks, folks seem to have a false sense of security(immunity). I am not more of a threat to others than those who got the jab..perhaps I may not be protected from a serious outcome, like government and media claim, but like cliff diving, and white river rafting, it is my personal choice to participate in, or not. I am no danger to the rest of the world, so time to stop harassing me, because I make a choice different than yours!! It is still allowed, but my spidey senses are tingling that those at the top are going to make it very difficult for folks like me..and if that happens we may as well all take up cliff diving, because we will be totally screwed!!

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