Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Friday, 2 December 2022

My Life is Sh*t!!

 Literally! I never once imagined I would live a life full of sh*t! I also could have not predicted it would become sh*ttier the older I got. 

   O.K. nice segway, eh? But this is fact. Oh, I had a few years without sh*t. But, you all realize I gave birth to 3 children, right? Sh*t!! Lots of it. Over the years, kittens, and puppies, sh*t!! Winters, not so much sh*t, but come spring, sh*t tons of the stuff. Yes, I was responsible to removing, and disposal of this sh*t. It is not because I have a stomach of cast iron, because I certainly do not..I gag at the smell of sh*t. 

  I did some janitor work back in the day in a school. Had one student who apparently found it far more pleasant to sh*t in the waste paper basket in the wash room. Apparently toilets are dangerous to smaller asses? Hummm. I wonder if there is someone who developes proper toilet seat sizes for K to grade 4?

  In my forties, I became a sh*t scrubber. Not sure how many sh*tty toilets I scrubbed over the years cleaning hotel rooms, but..I was certainly an expert at pooh glue. It is amazing how many jokes one can devise when faced with such sh*tty prospects every single day. For jobs this sh*tty, comedy is without a doubt, your best friend. Pooh glue is a word that describes a 15 minute scrub of a toilet that has sh*t splatters that resist the bristles on a scrub brush. Never saw myself standing over someone else's toilet to make a few dollars, but there I was!

  Fast forwards a couple of reasonably sh*t free years, but , again, there was always some, be it dog or human. One never truly retires from sh*t, it is a fact of life, hopefully until the day one has their last bowel movement. TMI??? I was outside , just moments ago, taking stock of my life, and suddenly was struck by the fact that at 66, I am overwhelmed with sh*t!! Life has truly hit the sh*t olympic standard.

  Now I am actually shovelling sh*t!! What the heck have I done? First it was chicken sh*t. Now that is a smell that truly makes me gag. I have 20 sh*tting chickens! Sure they do their thing outside, not bad, they have a big enough area, and they do believe in not sh*tting in one spot, so it gets dispersed and I have not been assaulted with a stench outdoors, so that is a good thing. However, the ladies do have a home, to sleep, eat, drink, and lay their contributions to their food in.  Once a week, when I open the door, and have a whiff of excretment hit my sensitive nostrils, I haul out the shovel. Since it is freezing now, I have to use tools along with the shovel. One of those is a hoe. Yep, I have to release their sh*t from the floor before I can get it in the shovel. Oh, it is mixed with lovely wood chips, but in a week, there is little odour of wood, it is all sh*t!! I have not got a compost bin yet, so this shit and wood chips are hauled off to the fire pit (2 wheelbarrow loads) and unnaturally emit their offending stink far enough away from the house, in a smoldering fire. Floors and boxes are filled with the lovely wood chips again, smelling oh so wonderful for approximately 2 days. Eggs are sh*t free, and life is a little less sh*tty.

  But, whoa, Debbie, what is that you say? Not enough sh*t in your life? We have a solution to that!! Get a cow!! No, not enough!! Get 3 cows!! Now the sh*t is really happening. Funny thing, folks, cow sh*t has become the one and only sh*t I don't really mind. It doesn't stink..well, maybe a little, but not gagable. At this time of year, it is hard as rocks, and if I was organized (which I am not) I could easily remove every single pile of sh*t without leaving a mark. It would take me forever, but facts are, unless it is minutes old, I can step in this sh*t and not cringe, might twist my ankle, but isn't going to come in the door with me. I look at all this sh*t and think, boy, my garden is going to love this! Sadly, dogs appear to love it, as well. There have been more than a few dog baths, before the deep freeze, but again, no gagging! 

  I have to admit, not once in my life (growing up in a town that did not have a single cow within driving distance) did I ever, I mean, ever, imagine I would enjoy such a sh*tty life! I do enjoy it. I wish we had done this before I reached the ripe old age that I am. I do pick up my chickens and pet them, we enjoy giving them treats on little hanging things that jingle, we love watching them run around trying to keep a piece of salad to themselves, while the others attempt to steal it. I enjoy walking in to find all their gifts sitting in the boxes, and no fear of starting to bake something, and realizing I am out of eggs...that isn't going to happen, ever! But my cows! I love them to bits. They are just little girls, the biggest is just to my shoulder, and they have their own personalities. These girls are going to provide dairy, not beef. Oh, I understand, if they have a bull calf, we will certainly have to come up with a plan, I understand, we are very limited on how many of these girls we have, because of property size, but, I am truly in my element with this new sh*t in my life. 

  I have finally learned to embrace the sh*t life hands you. I hope each and every friend of mine, finally realizes having a sh*tty life doesn't have to be a bad thing! Sh*t happens!!

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Women I Love and Admire

 O.K., I have a million things I should be doing, trust me, no exaggeration! For some illogical reason, I have had this blog in my mind since last night, and I cannot ignore it, any longer. The need to share my thoughts has caused me to put cows, chickens, dogs, and cleaning, to the side. So bear with me.

   From the title, you must know, the first woman I love and admire, is, of course my Mom. Sure, she has passed, decades ago, however, I still love her dearly, and she was an amazing woman. 

  My Mom was almost a single parent. Yes, my Dad outlived her by many years, and was always in the home, however, he worked at a job that had him gone at first light, and home at supper, 7 days a week. Summer had him gone till dark. She did everything! She fixed things, she painted the house, I remember her up on the roof, painting the tin. In between all the big jobs, she would always have a home cooked meal, plus dessert. Her house was spotless. I remember her trying to make a beautiful yard with a wooden wheel barrow, that had a 30 lb. metal wheel. Sadly she did make an incredible yard, only shortly before she passed away. She could do almost anything. I always say, I never wanted to be like my Mother, doing all sorts of hard jobs, alone, but, many times I have stopped to realize, HTF, did I become my Mom? Sadly the spotless house and beautiful yard are still on my bucket list.

  The next woman on the list is Miss Cindy. Strange twist in my life to meet up with this person later in life. We were definitely not of the same status, she is extremely intelligent, not something I can admit to, and found her place in the world of oil and gas engineering, a predominately Male sector. That in itself is to be admired, but she is much more than that. She is totally independant! Like my Mom, she does it all herself. She is the adventurer in my tiny little world. I have lived vicariously through her, many times. Like my Mom, she is also, the salt of the earth. There is nothing phony about this woman, and truth is, her accomplishments need no embellishments, she is so easy to relax with, laugh, and feel you have known her all your life. My youngest told me she wanted to grow up and be just like Miss Cindy. That says it all about this special woman. 

  Joyce Turner, another woman who may have left this earth, but I still love and admire her. She did some pretty amazing things in her lifetime, while raising a big family. She was a cook, a taxi driver etc. all along , being one of the kindest women I have ever met. Those who know me, know that my Honey and I have a mixed race relationship. Now many of his family welcomed me with open arms, some not so much. When he decided to take part in the feast system, he was not known by many, and I, of course, was, as I say "the no name table, person". I belong to no house, and I do not understand the language used in the Feast hall, so I would spend hours sitting at the table with no clue what was happening, while my Honey served, and spent time with his house members, not much fun, and very uncomfortable. Out of the blue, Joyce and her husband, took my honey and I under their wings. She taught me many things, explaining all sort of traditions, teaching me medicine, etc. They were our Grandparents, accepting, welcoming, and full of knowledge. I have a huge bread bowl she bought me, and each time I decide to make bread, I pull that bowl out, and speak to her, she is greatly missed, and much admired.

  Irenie Reen, yes, very much loved and admired! She was my lifesaver, more times than I can count. Every pothole in life I fell into, Irene had been there before me, and talked me through them. She lived a life that required her to work very hard, while raising her family. Unlike myself, she is very forgiving, and , until spending far too much time with me, always found the ability to give everyone more chances than they deserved. She was the positive to my negative, I used to wonder how she managed, and she told me, long ago, the trick was to accept what life gave you, and to not expect what you wanted, or what you felt you deserved. Not an easy thing to do, but she also was gifted with the virtue of patience, which I am lacking in, so she waited a very long time till I took her lesson to heart. I am there (most of the time) and for that I am very grateful. I want to be just like her!

  I have one more woman I need to put in this catagory. Bet she is surprised, but I have great admiration for her, along with a great deal of love. My sister in law, Jody! We have known each other for a very long time, we went through some pretty tough trials over the years, and sadly, we have lived apart for far too many years, but our connection is huge. Jody started working when her oldest was about 11/2 . My oldest was a baby, and I was a stay at home Mom, so I did the babysitting. She started at the grocery store, and over time, cleaned the school, and moved up to school secretary, pretty damned admirable in itself! She is the Martha Stewart of cooking, and baking, and (sadly, unlike myself, cleaning). She has done all sort of volunteer stuff, and I believe her town is a much better place because of her time and effort. Today she is finally showing the world the strength behind her quiet, soft person, and it is not only amazing , it is beyond admirable. I am so very proud of her! 

  So, these are all women I love and admire. I may not have mentioned all my beloved friends on this list, I admire each and every one of them, and as far as love goes, they know I love them with all my heart. They have all brought something wonderful into my life, and because I did not name them, does not mean they don't have a special place in my heart along with the above. I am a very lucky woman, and I hope that along the way, I have picked up little pieces of all these people, as they have all given me the gift of their friendship.

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Dirty Laundry

Alrighty, going to be some disappointed folks, those who read my threats on social media, sorry. I just have to back down, from writing MY side of the story, and follow my Mom's advice, not to air family filth in public.

  It's not an easy thing to walk away from. When those who are branches on the same tree you belong to, either through blood, or relationship, turn into shrews, and blast lies all over social media, the fight or flight button is pushed. It is not in my nature to run, I want to naturally defend, and win by truth. I did sit down, and I did write the blog I intended to. Some folks have seen it in personal messages. However, my Mom was hollering in my ears. I stopped before pushing the publish button, because she was becoming so annoying, and I really wanted to ignore her, but I just couldn't.

  For 2 days I read and reread my writings. Everything I wrote was fact. I have copies of payroll statements from our book keeper, and copies of etransfers and a cashed cheque to disprove statements about Chuck. I have witnesses that will disprove everything else that was said on this post. I was hurt, my family was heart broken, and, extended family was hurt. I felt satisfaction reading my words, because they cleared us of any wrongdoings, I wanted to share all of this in public, I wanted to right the wrong done to us. But...My Mom is too ingrained in my heart. I knew my side would go beyond the hate and venom spewed against Chuck and myself. It would open doors for others not involved, and hurt them. This has caused a huge loss in our family , already. To lose the 3 (4,5,) that caused this nightmare, is simple. Clearly they have hate in their hearts in regards to us, so, the most healthy thing to do, is ensure they evaporate, and they have. Their words live on, and mine would, as well, if I published. So, I have chosen to listen to my Mom, and, strangely enough Dr. Suess. "Those who matter, don't mind. Those who mind, don't matter." I will not hurt those who have tried their best to fix this, they matter far too much, but that blog still sits, and who knows, maybe the fight will not end, even with those black doors shut tight? 

  Now, I figured I would tell folks a bit about Chuck. He has been vilified by one of the most evil women we have ever chanced to come across in our lifetimes. She felt the need to accuse him of being ashamed of who he is! How can she know this? Trust me, her words were the epitome of hate and racism. One could only feel the need to cleanse after reading them. We live with him! Our children, OUR children, are part of him. His Mother is a part of him! Why on earth would she even consider he would be ashamed of a woman he still worships, although he lost her when he was only a child? That is what her words are saying, when she states he is ashamed of his Native heritage. Her words were cruel, and spoken with hate. Yes, he can hunt (has done since he was a child), he knows how to make medicine, we both learned this from our Grandmother Joyce, and he spent many times with his Mother, picking labrador tea. Our whole family has picked berries, and in the past given soap berries to elders. In regards to fish, I am sure I have packed more fish than all three of those individuals put together, and as we all know, I am one of this woman's most hated race. But I regress...Chuck can indeed can, as I do, as well. We have (clearly this is some sort of requirement to be proud of his heritage) a pretty large garden. Boogles my mind that this is part and parcel of things. I will also state, if the time ever came, and we had to live off the land, between the two of us, we would certainly be able to survive. Now, to add onto all the words she stated proved he was ashamed of who he was, they are NOT restricted to any race, creed or colour. None of what she said, in regards to him being a WHITE man, has any bearing, and is just what it appears to be, Hate, and racism. I will not address any thing in regards to his name. That business is NOT for Facebook, it is for the Feast hall, and her words were shameful. 

  So am I airing dirty laundry, now? No, don't think so, what I am doing now, is addressing some very serious racism, something that is basically a Hate Crime in our country. If I had ever put down these words, regarding another, I would be tarred and feathered, but she is cheered on by others, who feel this is right, and acceptable. That is what is wrong in our world, and that is what keeps the disgusting racist cycle going. To turn a blind eye, simply because of race, will never stop this filth. So, I am not concerned of hurting anyone who matters stating this laundry, because she hangs the blackest laundry out for the world to see. That black laundry has done it's job, it has caused us loss of reputation with those who only know us as she does, it has torn someone who was very dear to us away, and it has added discomfort to our every day lives, because we wonder what others believe. We can live with that, but with all that is happening in our world today, RACISM, DISCRIMINATION,HATE, LIES, can not be ignored. Shame on her!!


Monday, 31 January 2022

The Importance of Books

  I spent my childhood and teen years reading vicariously. As I have said, I grew up in a very small, isolated town. TV came late, and back in those days, we had only one TV and my Dad was in charge of it. We only had one channel and therefore, entertainment was very limited. I was lucky, I went off into the world of Nancy Drew, and Trixie Beldon, the Hardy boys, and yes, Alfred Hitchcock. Every moment I had to spare was spent with my nose in a book. I don't read nearly as much now, but I hope to get back to it in the future. My mind is filled with tidbits of trivia I have managed to pick up from books, I have learned history from books. I have laughed to myself while reading, been horrified by some books, and cried from many of them. 

  There are, as I have mentioned in the past, a few books that have impacted my life immensely. To Kill a Mockingbird, is at the top of that list. The very first book that dealt with an issue I was totally unaware of, but it opened my eyes, and I hope it changed me, for the better, although, again, I had never experienced what Harper Lee wrote about. I thank her from the bottom of my heart, and again, this was indeed one of the biggest lessons I believe I ever learned. Do not put every single person of race, creed, or colour into a single group. Judge a person by their actions, not their appearance! Life is unfair.

Two other books stand out in my life. Animal Farm, and Catch 22, well George Orwell's 1984 does, as well, but at this point in my life, I am too afraid to even consider reading that one again, it was fiction, now, I believe it is unfolding. 

I have followed our Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022, since it's beginning. Like millions of other Canadians, this offered me hope, that the "leader" would agree to listen to this group speaking for me, and again, millions of others. I follow the science. I spend every day, looking at research in regards to this virus. I have watched it unfold in South Africa, where it began (the latest variant), onto the U.K. Israel, Denmark, etc. I have listened to the medical experts, I have read countless statistics, I have realized that no matter what, most everyone of us, will be infected by it. I am probably one of the few, who looked forwards to this variant coming to my country, because of my research. Those countries that were inundated with this variant, before us, found that it is far less pathogenic than any of the others, that it showed mostly as a flu like virus. The most important thing I learned was....it offered natural immunity towards any of the other variants. What wonderful news!! I am a believer in the power of natural immunity. I am NOT anti vax! I was a member of the Armed Forces, and stood in line more than once to be injected with whatever we were told to accept. I didn't question then, because, I lived by the motto, Learn to Serve, and I certainly did not disobey my superiors! I have had my Tetanus shot and all my childhood vaccines. My children were vaccinated with their childhood shots, all proven safe over decades of use. I even had a Flu shot once, when I worked in a hospital, my choice, I could have had the option to wear a mask throughout flu season, but I decided to take the injection. I have had 3 children, all with surgery, so I am certainly not afraid of needles. But, I was lucky enough to be able to make the choice, not to vaccinate, without my world falling apart. I was sick about a month ago, lasted for a few days. Dizzy, headache, sneezing, runny nose, and muscle aches. Not nearly as horrid as the virus I had more than 2 years ago that went on for well over a week, of not having the ability to even get out of bed for days. So, I am assuming I had this virus before it was even announced, and had the new variant just awhile back. This will be an assumption until I am able to be tested (out of pocket) to see if I indeed have the antigens. Hey, respecting the safety of others, right? Although, science tells us, if they are vaccinated, they don't even have to think of me..I am not a threat to them. Oh, maybe I could be one of those clogging up the medical system? Well truth is folks, with the extreme hatred that grew out of this pandemic, I made a personal choice to not go to a hospital, no matter how bad it got. I would rather kick the bucket at home, than go to prison for my last days, despised by my "fellow" Canadians. I have been told more than once, someone wishes me dead, and to not use the hospital, because I made a personal choice, not to vaccinate.  

Through personal research I found that Drs. all around the world were extolling Vitamin D and Zinc to boost immune systems. I followed that course, because it is non invasive, and cripes, healthy as well. I am lucky if I go out of my house once every 2 weeks to town. I just do NOT want to be around people. Not because I want to protect them from my unvaxxed body, but because I am sick to death of the animosity and hypocritical group who along with our Prime Minister state I am uneducated, racist, selfish, and wear a tinfoil hat. I am in a group that is hated, by those who have no issue shaming, harassing, and discriminating . My provincial government is blatantly discriminating, they will only allow those vaccinated to travel, to go to restaurants and concerts, and bars, not because Science states this is necessary, but, from their own mouths, because it is a consequence(punishment) of not following the sh*t ton of Mandates they chose to lay down. This reeks of history. Animal Farm has come to our home. All those pages I read, thinking how very lucky I was to live in a free world, how awful life would be to live in a communist country, and lo and behold , just over 50 some years later, here I am, in the barnyard! 

Those who either made a personal choice to vaccinate, or the large number who were forced to vaccinate to keep their jobs, or enjoy travel, etc, are being told it is the small percentage who are not vaxxed that are keeping these Mandates in place. If that is true, then no one is following science. That phrase Trudeau loves to use," WE ARE FOLLOWING SCIENCE". Is a lie!! No surprise, this turd has lied to us over and over again, year after year, but this time, he is dividing a whole country with his lies, and still too many believe him. Too many are afraid to open their eyes, because the truth is a tad scary. Truth is, you are Damned if you do, and Damned if you don't, kind of a Catch 22, wouldn't you say? 

Trudeau should be in Parliament always, he just states his daily venom, against any opposition, question that goes outside his tiny little box, and then flits away. His members of Parliament do not answer any questions, in the midst of a Global Pandemic. The whole of the Country is in economic crisis, fear instilled by his government, and his media is causing serious mental health issues, a whole generation is growing up without seeing their teacher's face. I thought the fear during the cold war was traumatic, I can't imagine the world of kids in Canada today. And, all he can do is tell us we need the Vaccination to stop this insanity. As said by a friend recently, when are Canadians going to open their eyes and realized the Emperor is not wearing clothes? Go Truckers Go!!