Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Dirty Laundry

Alrighty, going to be some disappointed folks, those who read my threats on social media, sorry. I just have to back down, from writing MY side of the story, and follow my Mom's advice, not to air family filth in public.

  It's not an easy thing to walk away from. When those who are branches on the same tree you belong to, either through blood, or relationship, turn into shrews, and blast lies all over social media, the fight or flight button is pushed. It is not in my nature to run, I want to naturally defend, and win by truth. I did sit down, and I did write the blog I intended to. Some folks have seen it in personal messages. However, my Mom was hollering in my ears. I stopped before pushing the publish button, because she was becoming so annoying, and I really wanted to ignore her, but I just couldn't.

  For 2 days I read and reread my writings. Everything I wrote was fact. I have copies of payroll statements from our book keeper, and copies of etransfers and a cashed cheque to disprove statements about Chuck. I have witnesses that will disprove everything else that was said on this post. I was hurt, my family was heart broken, and, extended family was hurt. I felt satisfaction reading my words, because they cleared us of any wrongdoings, I wanted to share all of this in public, I wanted to right the wrong done to us. But...My Mom is too ingrained in my heart. I knew my side would go beyond the hate and venom spewed against Chuck and myself. It would open doors for others not involved, and hurt them. This has caused a huge loss in our family , already. To lose the 3 (4,5,) that caused this nightmare, is simple. Clearly they have hate in their hearts in regards to us, so, the most healthy thing to do, is ensure they evaporate, and they have. Their words live on, and mine would, as well, if I published. So, I have chosen to listen to my Mom, and, strangely enough Dr. Suess. "Those who matter, don't mind. Those who mind, don't matter." I will not hurt those who have tried their best to fix this, they matter far too much, but that blog still sits, and who knows, maybe the fight will not end, even with those black doors shut tight? 

  Now, I figured I would tell folks a bit about Chuck. He has been vilified by one of the most evil women we have ever chanced to come across in our lifetimes. She felt the need to accuse him of being ashamed of who he is! How can she know this? Trust me, her words were the epitome of hate and racism. One could only feel the need to cleanse after reading them. We live with him! Our children, OUR children, are part of him. His Mother is a part of him! Why on earth would she even consider he would be ashamed of a woman he still worships, although he lost her when he was only a child? That is what her words are saying, when she states he is ashamed of his Native heritage. Her words were cruel, and spoken with hate. Yes, he can hunt (has done since he was a child), he knows how to make medicine, we both learned this from our Grandmother Joyce, and he spent many times with his Mother, picking labrador tea. Our whole family has picked berries, and in the past given soap berries to elders. In regards to fish, I am sure I have packed more fish than all three of those individuals put together, and as we all know, I am one of this woman's most hated race. But I regress...Chuck can indeed can, as I do, as well. We have (clearly this is some sort of requirement to be proud of his heritage) a pretty large garden. Boogles my mind that this is part and parcel of things. I will also state, if the time ever came, and we had to live off the land, between the two of us, we would certainly be able to survive. Now, to add onto all the words she stated proved he was ashamed of who he was, they are NOT restricted to any race, creed or colour. None of what she said, in regards to him being a WHITE man, has any bearing, and is just what it appears to be, Hate, and racism. I will not address any thing in regards to his name. That business is NOT for Facebook, it is for the Feast hall, and her words were shameful. 

  So am I airing dirty laundry, now? No, don't think so, what I am doing now, is addressing some very serious racism, something that is basically a Hate Crime in our country. If I had ever put down these words, regarding another, I would be tarred and feathered, but she is cheered on by others, who feel this is right, and acceptable. That is what is wrong in our world, and that is what keeps the disgusting racist cycle going. To turn a blind eye, simply because of race, will never stop this filth. So, I am not concerned of hurting anyone who matters stating this laundry, because she hangs the blackest laundry out for the world to see. That black laundry has done it's job, it has caused us loss of reputation with those who only know us as she does, it has torn someone who was very dear to us away, and it has added discomfort to our every day lives, because we wonder what others believe. We can live with that, but with all that is happening in our world today, RACISM, DISCRIMINATION,HATE, LIES, can not be ignored. Shame on her!!


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