Favourite Books

  • The Green Mile
  • Animal Farm
  • Lord of the Flies
  • Lord of the Rings
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Thursday 30 May 2024

I Am Apparently Privileged

Alrighty, this is something I have held off putting out into the world, for some time. The hold back, is not because I am in fear of a great debate regarding my words, but the fear that a label will be placed on this blog, without the abilty to debate. It seems the way of the world in the past few years has been to cease debating one's opinion, and simply deciding it is politically incorrect, because it does not follow the herd mentality. This is something , as a elder in todays society, I never imagined would happen. 

I am of an age, that my schooling required debate, folks of my generation had various opinions, and we were more than able to stand up for our convictions, with the only reprisal being the  knowledge that a friend sitting in the next desk did not agree with my stance on something, be it politics, religion, or what the latest fashion was. Unless our teachers showed us evidence, and this would be unmistakeable evidence, our view may be incorrect, allowing us the ability to do our very own research on both sides of an issue, and deciding in our own minds, perhaps we had not looked far enough into a matter,  we kept our opinions without fear!

 I remember politically, in a very small town, we had our steadfast Liberals, our overly vocal NDP, and because it was a mainly blue collar town, the majority Conservatives, and we all knew who they were, because opinions were personal. Now, perhaps there were plenty of arguments over parties, but that was because our town, and our country was democratic, you did not have to worry about racism, discrimination , or white supremacy, labels being placed on you. You could faintly figure out where your teacher stood on matters, but, never did you feel the need to accept their opinion.Their goal, in those times, was to teach you to form your own opinions, by reading facts in trusted newspapers, that always showed 2 sides of a story, or digging out the encyclopedia and doing some study. See, that is what has suddenly disappeared in our society, the two sides. Now you are labelled with some very horrific titles, if you do not follow the single side shoved down your throat by media and politicians, and educational institutions now.

 So, after almost 68 years on this planet, I am suddenly charged with genocide, colonialism, racism, discrimination, and the bizarre label of White Privileged! WTF!!! 

 Firstly, I am a first generation Canadian, I was born in a tiny little town in Northern B.C. I may very well (if you follow the belief of reincarnation) have been a settler in the 1800's , but as far as I know, 1956 was the year I began my life in Canada. I was a post war child, so the horror of the Second World War were still pretty close, and I knew many who had lost Husbands, and sons in this war. I knew about the autrocities committed towards the Jewish people, and I was grateful that our countries had not fallen to Hitler, and we were not surrounded by White Supremists. Perhaps this is why I grew up with the belief that race, and religion had very little bearing on who a person is. Those things were personal, and we lived in a free world, thankfully! I have never, ever, been in a position to discriminate, as the only large group I have been a part of is the Canadian Armed Forces, and...we were, at that time, all equal (except Officers). I also grew up with the knowledge that you cannot control who your parents are, as well as your siblings. They are their own person, and you are not responsible for their actions! So these labels placed on new born "White" babies, as colonialists, or Settlers, are absolutely disgusting, and make no sense whatsoever! That child is in no way responsible for things that occurred a hundred years or more before they entered this world, just as I am not!! To stick me with the label "Privileged" is also insane. Do you know my life story? Throwing that word at me, simply shows a lack of common sense, as it does to that little " White" baby. To believe, in this day and age, that being White, is somehow a privilege is asinine. 

The jobs listed now exclude those who are a whiter shade of pale. Universities proudly list positions with the caveat "NO WHITES ALLOWED." Benefits from the Government of our Country also single out races, and religions for extra treats, not given to those labeled "Privileged". Suddenly to be "White" is to be placed at the bottom on the barrel, with the extra kick in the face of listening to how "Privileged" one is. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not angry, at where we have come as a democratic country, I'm not. I am so damn sad at what our society has become. I feel I no longer belong in the country called Canada, the only home I have known. I no longer belong, simply by the fluke of fate, born to parents who were "White", living a life considered "Privileged" (if only). My beloved and I raised a family, who, surprise, are "Privileged", as well, because clearly our children look "White" . That folks, is when others should stop and take heed! They look "White" , but they are really bi-racial. So does this mean they are semi;"Privileged"? For crying out loud, it is time to take more than a single step back from this lunacy! This divide concocted by Government and media has got to stop! If we are truly attempting to become a country that does not dicriminate, the road we are traveling is NOT going to get to that goal by stating one is better, or less than another, because of the inabilty to chose who your parents are!! That is impossible, as common sense tells you. Lets try and get back to using our brains, and the knowledge that we need to look beyond race!!

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