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Saturday 12 October 2024

Harsh Reality

Not really sure if I am ready to share this part of the journey, but I will try it out, and see.

We traveled to Prince George for our appointment with his new Oncologist. This was a first time meeting, so we had no clue what the next treatment was going to be. As usual, we were taken into a room by a nurse, and he had his blood pressure taken and his weight, then we waited for the Oncologist. Lots of questions, about his energy level and activity, of which both were seriously lacking. She spoke about putting him back on the same chemo as before, as she suspected the brain cancer began when his chemo stopped (this is all an assumption, as we all know, he never once had a body scan, or even a head CT). She also mentioned a different course of chemo, however....because of his energy level he would be classed as a 3 and needed to be a 1 to qualify for this chemo, so perhaps if he took a lower dose of the first chemo, he might get to a 1. I mentioned all of the new treatments I had researched in regards to brain cancer, each one she said he did not qualify for. I now regret not asking WHY he didn't qualify. Once again, we had to listen to the fact that many mistakes had been made throughout this trip into hell. I have to say, we know mistakes were made, we know right from the very start he fell through cracks which just continued throughout the year. The admissions of mistakes do absolutely nothing to help, in fact, they hurt each and every time we are reminded of them. See, we cannot reverse what is happening to try again without mistakes. Those enormous cracks have denied him the ability to a fair fight against this horror. Those enormous cracks took my sister in law away from her family. 

If cracks in a system mean a little more hardship, or perhaps a day without internet, or cell phone, one can easily survive, and the effect is over and done with. The cracks in the Cancer Agency, are far from survivable. Those cracks are absolutely deadly, wait times, files not read, lack of staff, lack of care, lack of communication, all cause death!! To cause death to another through carelessness, is Man slaughter, and it carries a prison sentence.the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.. The Northern Cancer Agency does this on a regular basis. They often use the excuse of lack of staff, well they are responsible to the people of our  area to provide us quality care, I heard their advertisement on the radio just the other day, claiming they are giving this to us. That is a crock of Sh*T!! They do NOT have the staff to cover the number of folks needing this agency, they do not have a system of communication that is without faults that cause gaps, which in turn, cause harm, they do not have the ability to offer the newest treatments, and they don't even keep proper medical records. I say the last, because I have requested all of Chuck's medical records, and if what I recieved is indeed all of it, there are massive gaps not recorded. Proof of this was when I informed his Cancer Dr. the Oncologist had told us if the first chemo did not work, there were 2-3 other treatments he could try. She had no clue about this, and I can understand, because there was absolutely NO record of our meeting with the Oncologist to be found in the ones I was given. In fact, the only records of anything from the Oncologist was the cc'd CTscan reports, and one paper stating his concern over the swollen lymph nodes stating they would simply wait 3 more months for another CTscan to see if that showed anything!!! The headaches began long before the 3 month waiting period, no surprise in some respects, no cancer showed in the continual procedure of taking the same CTscan over and over, and not even thinking to perhaps do a body scan to find out where the suspected spread was. See, they admitted they suspected a new cancer, so Why TF didn't they look for it? OOps. perhaps this was not within the guidelines..well, it was't within the guidelines apparently, so I guess the guidelines were to sit back and wait 3 months for an agressive cancer to settle in, and have an ER Dr. call for a CTscan to find it was really settled in, so much so, we received our very first prognosis on Oct. 2nd. With the smaller dose of the same chemo..maybe 2 months!! Absolutely NOTHING can be done at this point beyond a few months with chemo.

So, the choice was, maybe a couple of months dealing with chemo again, or..hoping the radiation had done some good (it is impossible to tell from scans exactly what the radiation has done at this point) and taking a gamble. 

This was a choice that our family left to him, this is not something anyone else has the right to speak of. We respect his wishes and he has chosen to go without chemo. 

We have a complaint in with the institutions responsible. It has not been easy to push this to where it belongs. We have a trusted friend who is doing this for us, because like most folks who are dealing with Stage 4 cancer, our time and energy is completely taken up. I have to wonder if this is why nothing changes, folks are so caught up in this mess they are unable to deal with red tape, and there is a ton of it! Maybe they think people will be so overwhelmed with grief they will accept the disgraceful Health Care system in British Columbia? I am focused at this point in time with the man I love, however, I also know, no matter what the future will bring, I have another fight ahead, that will become my life, and that will be ensuring no one else has to worry about the mistakes, and cracks while battling Cancer. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes Debbie. Gary had all the same upsets and fears and he felt the coldness and disinterest in him as a person. He was scared and felt unheard. He passed on and the doctors and all get wealthier knowing that they, at the least, could have been kind.
    I'm sorry and my heart is breaking.
