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Wednesday 11 September 2024

Cancer disillusion

 Today was emotionally draining, as have been most days lately.  It started on a high, my Kordyban lodge buddy had an appointment at the CClinic this afternoon so we arranged a quick coffee visit.

Chuck's Radiation treatment was for 1030, things must have been swinging in there this morning, as he was in and done before 1030. Then we have a nurse appointment. This is basically a visit with a nurse who checks his symptoms, "any nausea", "any seizures", "any headaches", etc etc. The poor woman, she was very new, and of course I started with 20 questions,because...she is the only medical person we have had a meeting with since last Friday. I wanted to know what was next after his last treatment on Friday. Here it is folks, we were suppose to get a call from a medical Oncologist Oct 2, actually we were suppose to go to Smithers to the Clinic there and have a zoom meeting in one of their rooms! By now, you will know, Zoom meetings are NOT acceptable to us. Cancer is NOT impetigo, it is something that deserves a face to face appointment, one in which perhaps a physical check is needed? I just do not understand why they think this is acceptable, it was basically put in place to help  folks who need to travel, so instead of our government providing patients the ability to actually meet the person in charge of their lives, they can simply sit in front of a computer getting less than those who live close to medical facilities . The lovely lady did not know how to go about putting the meeting in gear but she is going to find out how. We will get a call from the radiation Oncologist about the week after the medical Oncologist. See, you do not have to travel this road very far to see, communication is a massive issue! In places that do a great deal of Cancer care, they speak of Cancer Teams, because this disease requires a group of different medical specialties working together to fight this nightmare. It does not work well when no one seems to know what the other is saying or doing.In between treatments there are large spaces where things are missed, and because no one sits down with a full file on a patient, they are unaware of many things. This has become clear on far too many occasions, and it is extremely disturbing. I feel very bad asking people like this nurse questions that she has no real answers to. She simply has a computer screen with some stuff that she can access, such as the ability to click about to see when we can expect calls from Oncologists, but there is very little she can speak about. One question I had was,"what do we do in regards to the scheduled IV cycle on the 19th of this month, in Smithers?" Ahh there is an "answer" On August 27th there is a note from the Smithers Cancer Dr, stating he is to continue his regular cycle,, well that was 2 days before the head CT was done, and 2 days before we were informed he had brain cancer!! It appears we will head off to Smithers on the 19th to do something that clearly is not working anymore, since there is nothing else on the list. Again, absolutely NO communication..just a bunch of different folks with no clue what to do in regard to what is happening now. 

He has 2 more treatments, we have tomorrow's listed with no extra note such as a meeting with a radiology oncologist, so guess that is it for us. Head home after Fridays treatment , drive to Smithers on the 19th for IV,and likely have to listen to someone there tell us their take on things (more doom and gloom), the same people who told us the total opposite of what 2 specialists told us should have happened when he got the brain cancer diagnosis the floor below the Cancer care place . So trust me, questioning everything becomes impossible to stop, no trust in anyone anymore! 

Now we go into the next mental twister! Yesterday he got a call from our local hospital informing him his family Dr. wanted a phone call today with him. It was suppose to be 10 to 12, so Nurse appointment over at 11:30 and he decided to stay at the Cancer center and wait for the call instead of getting our cab back to the hotel. We waited 20 minutes, nothing, so I called the cab, yep, you know it, the call comes as the cab pulls up. He could not put it on speaker (thank heavens) so he did the call in the cab and I could not hear. It was all about what the Cancer business seems to relish..END OF LIFE!! this seems to be what the whole lot of them just do up big time. He needs to get things in order, we need to plan home care, plan if he is to die at home or in the hospital, they must arrange someone to come to the house to ensure he takes his medication, etc etc. Now my Lodge buddy is going through exactly the same thing, seems to be so much in place for end of life, but so little in place for extending life. His Dr. has not seen him in months, she has no clue what he appears like physically, as he said, he is not sitting on the edge of the bed drooling he is ready to start on his next treatment in hopes it extends his life m but you get all this shit that one wonders is to have you simply give up and crawl into a corner, or maybe..take that lovely MAID offering, and let them put you to sleep.

It was after this call, my lodge buddy and her family showed up for the visit. I went down to meet her without Chuck, he was just getting up from his lunch. She was my lifeline, The hug was what I needed, we have shared so much over these last months, I think we have kept each other semi sane, neither of us have come through this cluster F*ck without major damage. We have both become totally disillusioned with this useless system, and the lack of any consideration at all. She was here to see the pain management team, she had still not heard from her Dr, after reading her test results herself on Health Gate last week. She said what we think, she believes this was all decided way back in December for both of them. The word Palliative in Chuck's case seems to have limited him to certain procedures that likely would have caught the spread of cancer to his brain (like a simple CTscan that went beyond his chest area), maybe an MRI, or a PETscan, his specific cancer has a 50% chance of moving to the brain, but some research papers I have read state they don't check for this because they feel it has no bearing on morbidity. I have also read that HERS2 brain cancer responds to specific chemo treatments better than other cancers, so ????

He is NOT ready to hand in the towel, his headaches have all but disappeared with the steroids, his speech has corrected itself since radiation treatment #1, he feels his balance is better, his appetite is unchanged, he is more tired than normal, however that is to be expected with radiation, we just have to hope that the medical system has not simply put a line through his name. So we know radiation did amazing things to his esophageal tumour, far more than expected by everyone, he has beat cancer in his liver in his lung, so lets give him a chance to do the same, or at least keep the tumours at bay, before we send home care to our door!

I feel so very sorry for those who have stepped onto this road. It is nothing one expects, do not be frightened to open your mouth, you HAVE to speak up, otherwise you are forgotten. Yell if you need to,I have! Just the most emotionally draining system one could imagine.

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