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  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Friday 20 September 2024


 This will be short and sweet. Sometimes I do get things wrong, and as hard as it is to swallow crow, I try and admit my mistakes.

In my previous blog I made mention of an End of life meeting we had for today from Chuck's family Dr.  I stated she seemed excited etc. and apparently had all sort of goodies to offer for End of life. I have to retract my comments that were actually made in a rather nasty frame of mind I have been dealing with for some time. I was actually terrified of this meeting, as I think most of you will understand. My emotions are pretty raw and there is very little covering them at this time, and I made a mistake of directing my anger, stress, and frustration unfairly.

The meeting was rather pleasant. Our youngest came with us, more in support of myself than wanting to be a part of this, and it was appreciated. The Dr. actually did have something to offer us, if NEEDED, because of the way the wheels work in cases such as we find ourselves in, it is best defence to starts things in motion before, or if , they will be needed. There is palliative care offered, just a nurse who specializes in these cases, that will pop out (after notifying us of a visit) and check in to see if we are in need of anything medically. This nurse will have direct communication with the Dr. so if pain meds are necessary they will inform her, etc etc. This is great, because where we live, often an appointment will be a month, if not months after a request, so huge bonus! 

Talking about such a possibility is incredibly difficult, but we have been touched too many times by Cancer not to know it is necessary. We do speak, not alot, but we have covered what we feel are the main things, in fact it has offered me the ability to make my wishes known, as well. Now we are done! Sadly legal stuff is a part of this, and we still have a few things to get in order, but we have been procrastinating for decades in this regard, probably like many others. It is time to get off our butts and do what has to be done, so we can simply focus on extending life which is the road we have decided to take.

Today I realized that writing all of this down for everyone and their dog to read, is a hundred times easier than speaking about it. So I guess I am grateful I made this decision, as this part of Cancer is a reality and a big part of the journey. I am actually somewhat relieved making my wishes known, as I have aged, the fear of spending my last days in some long term care home alone is now not a worry. Funny, although not faced with a dreadful disease,I think many of us (oldies) do give thoughts to this, we just don't speak it out loud. We've just sort of been backed into a corner so we can't really ignore it. One more thing that we have ticked off the to-do list. 

So again, to this Dr. who today showed concern, and compassion, I apologize. It was actually a pleasure to speak with someone professional who cared, something very lacking in this journey!

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